Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Sixth Commandment

Bible Believers' Newsletter 720

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."

ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your fellowship.

Pastor Nadarkhani remains imprisoned in Iran and our contact who is a friend of President Ahmadinejad and has raised the matter is not sufficiently familiar with Christian doctrine or in a position to press his case. Our most recent news is from Present Truth Ministries advising that the government has in effect requested our Brother to help them to "save face" and dismiss the matter by concede that Mohammed was a prophet sent by of God. Please continue to uphold our Brother, his companions in the faith and tribulation, and his family by your prayers.

We should all take great care whereupon we think we stand lest we build our foundation upon the sand of men's opinions rather than the unmovable rock of faith which is the mind of Christ (Hebrews 12:25-28). Many fall into error by standing on the "letter" of the King James Bible, or William Branham's Message, when the "letter" without the "Spirit" is death.

God is not known by the "letter," but by the Spirit which discerns error and rightly divides the Word of Truth. In this issue we feature the scholarship of Pastor V.S. Herrell (Christian Separatist Church), who, observing many errors in the "letter" of the King James Version, wrote the Anointed Standard Translation of the Bible and constructed "a list of very real reasons why the King James Version of the Bible, or the Authorized Version as it is called, does in no way, shape, or form represent the original writings of Jesus and His ambassadors".

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Geneology Surprise-ordained Bible Code!

An awesome prophecy emerges when the meanings of all 72 names in the genealogy from Adam to Jesus are read sequentially!

The meaning of a name was very important in Bible days. Sometimes the Bible itself informs the reader what a name means. Famous biblical persons such as Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his 12 sons, all have the meaning of their name explicitly given in the Bible. Their names tell the story of why or how they were born.

Some have wondered whether these names (with their meanings) were intended by God to be strung together in succession to tell some larger story. Already there have been attempts to string together the first 10 names in the Bible from Adam to Noah. In general, this is what the first 10 names of the Bible read when the meaning of each name is rendered in the order given in the Bible.
Full story:

Dear Jewish Times: Please rethink Call to Assassinate Obama

January 20, 2012 — As the editor of a mainstream Jewish publication, you have an awful lot of chutzpah to call for the assassination of the President of the United States by the Mossad. . . Now, after watching one Zionist outrage after another—the most important being the neocon-Zionist coup d'état on 9/11/2001 and the ensuing war on Islam for Israel—I am committed to putting an end to Zionism.

And I'm far from the only one. I am told by people in a position to know that disgust with Israel is at an all-time high at the upper levels of the US military command . . . Maybe the best way to redefine the problem would be to forget about plans for mass-murdering Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians, forget about plans for assassinating the President of the United States, forget about plans for more big false-flag attacks, and go back to square one. Admit Israel's responsibility for the dead-end situation it is in. Admit who is really the aggressor, and who is the victim . . .

Imagine if Netanyahu gave a Yom Kippur speech along these lines: "We're sorry. You Palestinians are right. We are the aggressors, and we have perpetrated a grave injustice—not just in 1967, but in 1948 and before that. Your demands for right of return plus compensation, along with a return to the 1967 borders are almost pathetically minimal and reasonable". Full story: Orders from Tel Aviv: Murder Obama

Comment: Andrew Adler is a real "self-hating Jew" wanting MOSSAD to assassinate Jewish president Obama, Dunham, Soetoro, or whoever he is. "I'm proud that even in these difficult times we've fought for and secured the most funding for Israel in history," Obama said during the 71st General Assembly of the Union for Reform Judaism at National Harbor, in Maryland last December. Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League said, "The ideas expressed in Mr. Adler's column reflect some of the extremist rhetoric that unfortunately exists—even in some segments of our community—that maliciously labels President Obama as an enemy of the Jewish people".

Human Rights Investigations on Crimes of Obama and His NATO in Libya

November 1, 2011 — HRI have published numerous objective and thorough human rights investigations on the crimes committed in Libya by the Islamist rebels against POWs, African workers, and Libyan civilians. Horrific atrocities executed with direct military and political support and directions from Obama and his NATO mercenaries which included: Sarkozy; Cameron; and Al-Thani (of Qatar). These persons and states must be brought to national and international justice and pay for their horrendous crimes. Full story:

Comment: Candid film and reportage on the unspeakably cruel cowardice of blooded bestial men of the reviving Holy [sic] Roman Empire's NATO militaries in support of the CIA's murderous al Qaeda, MI5's Muslim Brotherhood and other Western-financed blackguards that destroyed Libya.

US Aircraft drop Spy Devices in Syrian Town

December 22, 2011 — Citizens have found spy devices in the hills that surround the town of Afrin, in Syria, dropped last week by US aircrafts which entered Syrian airspace through the Turkish border. . . The sources explained that the aircrafts that dropped the devices were American, not Turkish. They added that the aircrafts took off from Incirlik air base, southeast of Adana, which is 130 km away from the city of Afrin, mainly to belong to the Kurdish nationalists. . . "This action aims at eavesdropping on communications between the Syrian troops, locating their spots accurately and collecting any information about them in order to provide it to US and Turkish authorities, and perhaps to the Syrian Free Army as well as monitoring any military movement by the PKK in the region" . . . Full story:

Free Syrian Army commanded by Al Qaeda Military Governor of Tripoli

December 24, 2011 — The UN Security Council members are at loggerheads over the interpretation of the events that are rocking Syria. On one hand, France, the United Kingdom and the United States claim that a revolution has swept the country in the aftermath of the "Arab Spring," and suffering a bloody crackdown. On the other hand, Russia and China's take is that Syria is having to cope with armed gangs from abroad, which it is fighting awkwardly thereby causing collateral victims among the civilian population it seeks to protect.

The on-the-spot investigation undertaken by Voltaire Network validated the latter interpretation. We have collected eyewitness testimonies from those who survived an armed attack by foreign gangs. They describe them as being Iraqis, Jordanians or Libyans, recognizable by their accent, as well as Pashtus.
In recent months, a certain number of Arab newspapers, favorable to the Al-Assad administration, discussed the infiltration into Syria of 600 to 1,500 fighters from the Islamic Fighting Group in Libya (IFGL), rebranded Al Qaeda in Libya since November 2007. In late November 2011, the Libyan press reported the attempt by the Zintan militia to detain Abdel Hakim Belhaj, companion of Osama Bin Laden and historic leader of Al Qaeda in Libya, who became military governor of Tripoli by the grace of NATO. The scene took place at Tripoli airport, as he was leaving for Turkey. Finally, Turkish newspapers mentioned Mr. Belhaj's presence at the Turkish-Syrian.

Such reports have been met with disbelief on the part of all those who regard Al Qaeda and NATO are irreconcilable enemies between whom no cooperation is possible. Instead, they reinforce the thesis which I have defended since the attacks of September 11, 2001, that Al Qaeda fighters are mercenaries in service to the CIA. Full story:

US to send Old Warship to Persian Gulf

January 22, 2012 — On board of the oldest US aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, Panetta told the crowd of 1,700 sailors that the 50-year-old ship is heading to the Persian Gulf region in a direct message to Tehran. . . The USS Enterprise is the oldest active duty ship in the American naval fleet and its mission dates back to the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 and the Vietnam War. . .
Full story:

Comment: Old nuclear rust bucket, ten escorting warships and thousands of sailors are US bait in the tradition of Pearl Harbour to provoke another war with peaceful Iran.

The Sixth Commandment

by Pastor VS Herrell

The True Meaning of the word 'adultery' from the original Hebrew and Greek:

In Exodus 20:13 (LXX), we find the Sixth Commandment, a commandment repeated in the New Testament in Romans 13:9 and elsewhere (cf. Matthew 5:27, Luke 18:20, Mark 10:19, James 2:11, et al). [This is the Sixth Commandment in the Greek Septuagint, but in the antichrist Jew-corrupted, Hebrew, Masoretic Text it is the Seventh Commandment. For more information on the Masoretic Text, please see the last section of this book, The Errancy of the Masoretic Text and the KJV, as well as The History of the Bible by V.S. Herrell and The Septuagint vs. the Masoretic Text by David C. Tate]. So we immediately notice that this Commandment is explicitly stated in both the Old and New Testaments. The reason is that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). "With God, there is no variance or shadow of turning" (James 1:17). Obviously, this Sixth Commandment is very important. In most translations of the Bible, Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are translated: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." In the literal translation of the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament and in the true translation of the Ten Commandments in The Truth Unveiled, these passages are translated as: "You will not mongrelize".

In many people's minds, there is a very great difference between these two translations, though, as we shall see later, this is due primarily to the purposeful degeneration of the etymology of the word adultery. At issue in the Greek Septuagint and in the Greek New Testament are two Greek words: ou moicheuseis.

In the Latin Vulgate, Exodus 20:13 was translated as non moechaberis and Romans 13:9 as non adulterabis. The Latin word moechaberis is an inflected form of moechari, a transliteration of the Greek moicheuo, and is of little etymological importance since what it means is merely dependent upon what the Greek word means, which we will explore. However, what is important is adulterabis, an inflected form of the word adultero, since this is the Latin word most often used in the Vulgate and elsewhere to translate the Greek word moicheuo.

The Greek word ou and the Latin word non are simply negative particles, translated not. Thus, the words that we need to define in order to determine the correct translation of Exodus 20:13 and Romans 13:9 are the Greek word moicheuo and the Latin word adultero.

First, in order to define the word moicheuo, let us turn to a commonly used and commonly available dictionary, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by Gerhard Kittel and translated into English by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Now let us note that Kittel was a well-renowned German Greek scholar and is held in high-esteem by the scholarly community.

Under the entry word moicheuo, the following definition is given: "of the intermingling of animals and men or of different races." [In the German original, Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament, we find the original words of Kittel: "auch von Vermischung von Tier und Mensch oder von Mischung verschiedener Rassen"]. This, of course, is the classical definition of mongrelization. So the Greek of the New Testament and the Greek Septuagint confirm that the translation "You will not mongrelize" is correct.

Now that we have defined the Greek, what about the Latin Vulgate? Now we must define the Latin word adultero, and we shall do so using the finest Latin dictionary currently available and the standard among Latin scholars, the Oxford Latin Dictionary: "To mix (a substance or kind) with another, adulterate: to impair the purity or strength of, to give a variety of appearances to, change . . . to corrupt, debase." Once again, when this is applied to people, we have mongrelization. So we find age-old agreement between the Latin and the Greek.

Therefore, using two of the most respected reference works available regarding Biblical Greek and the Latin language, and simply looking the words up, we find that these verses in the Bible are in fact an explicit prohibition against race-mixing.

To any intellectually honest person, the above definitions should be more than enough to convince him that the Bible explicitly prohibits race-mixing. This is exactly why the coalition of evil is so against a true and literal translation of the Word of God. In fact, it may be stated that their theology is little more than a justification system for the breaking of this divine law of God. If the translation You will not mongrelize is wrong, then the two reference works cited above, certainly two of the most prestigious works of their type available, are also wrong. Any legitimate Greek or Latin scholars would agree with these definitions; anyone who would disagree with these definitions have in fact turned their backs on legitimate scholarship and should stop being hypocritical and admit that they do not believe the Bible instead of trying to change what it and what legitimate scholars say.

Now, many people will simply go and find a dictionary that defines the above words as adultery, and then ignorantly presume that adultery is defined as marital infidelity and simply forget about the two definitions cited above.

To show the stupidity and intellectual dishonesty of these people, I have previously written a work entitled Hidden Truth, now published under the title The Truth Unveiled, which gave many more proofs of the definitions of the Greek and Latin family of words commonly translated adultery, and examined in detail every Biblical passage, both Old and New Testaments, where these words occurred. That is not the purpose of this present work. The reader is encouraged to also read the chapter regarding this family of words in The Truth Unveiled for a complete Biblical analysis of this family of words. The objective herein is to examine in detail the etymology of both the Greek and Latin words commonly translated adultery, the ways these words were used in other Greek and Latin literature and in key passages in the Bible, and to explore how the web of deception regarding these words has been woven through the degeneration of language. The information presented hereafter is indisputable and not a subject of debate: one will either be intellectually honest and believe it or one will suffer the fate of all liars and those who help make a lie.

Etymological Introduction

When using lexicons or dictionaries to define words or research etymologies of Greek or Latin, it is very important to have an understanding of the development of the modern lexicon or dictionary and other tools used in translating Greek or Latin into English. For translating Biblical passages or researching Biblical words, it is also very important to understand how the Catholic Church, through the Latin language, has controlled how both Latin and Greek words are defined. These facts are certainly no truer than in the case of the word adultery.

The history of modern Greek and Latin lexicography, especially wherein Greek-English and Latin-English dictionaries are concerned, starts in about the 15th-16th centuries, a time when also the first English translations of the Bible were being made (from the Latin Vulgate). [This of course excludes the Wyclif Bible, which was made in 1384, being totally complete in 1397, thus missing the designation "15th century" by three years. But, its scope and importance certainly lies in the 15th century and it was the beginning of many of the problems that would come to be associated with all subsequent English translations, since most were, in some way or another, based upon those translations which came before. I highly recommend that the reader consult my book The History of the Bible for more information]. At this time, the universal language of scholars was Latin and the source of Latin knowledge was primarily the corrupt Catholic Church. The purpose of the first English translations was to bring the Bible to the common man who could not speak Latin. But Latin was and remained for a very long time the common language of all scholars and scholarly books.

Thus, the first Latin dictionaries did not have English definitions as a Latin dictionary today might have, but rather Latin definitions. Known as Thesaurae, these Latin-Latin dictionaries were much like current day English dictionaries which have English definitions; they were intended for those already fluent and skilled in Latin to better understand Latin words with which they might not be familiar. The greatest of these was the Dictionarium seu linguae latinae thesaurus, printed first in 1531 by Robert Estienne. Not surprisingly then, the first Greek dictionaries were Greek words with Latin definitions meant once again to help scholars already fluent in Latin understand Greek also. The greatest of these was the Thesaurus graecae linguae, a 5 volume work first printed in 1572 by Henri Estienne, the son of Robert.

We will examine the definitions of some of these types of lexicons later in this present work. What needs to be understood at this point, however, is that when Catholics like Wyclif first translated the Bible (again, from the Latin Vulgate), the only Latin dictionaries they had were Latin-Latin thesauri, and in later years when Reformation era translators began consulting the original Greek texts, the only Greek dictionaries that they had were ones with Latin definitions, prepared, of course, by Catholic scholars.

By the time the first Greek-English, Greek-German, or Latin-English, Latin-German dictionaries were prepared, many translations of the Bible in English or German had already been made, as well as of other classical writings. In fact, after the invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century, many non-Biblical Greek and Latin texts were translated into English for public consumption, and nearly all of these documents were being translated either by Roman Catholic priests or Catholic trained scholars or by Jews who controlled many of the printing houses. The effect of this was that the translations were heavily influenced on the one hand by Roman Catholics, who would not dare to contradict any of the then current Roman Catholic teachings in any of their translations, such as universal salvation, and on the other hand, by Zionistic Jews who had their own agenda and motivations to hide truth.

By the time the first Greek-English and Latin-English lexicons were made, the English definitions given were simply whatever English words were being used by translators in the current translations, especially wherein the Bible was concerned. This is much like the Greek Dictionary found in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance which gives as definitions either the same word used in the King James Version or a definition of the English word used in the King James Version. Thus, the first Greek-English and Latin-English dictionaries contained in them all of the theological prejudices of the Catholic Church and the calculated corruption of antichrist Jewish printers, in the same way that Strong's Concordance contains the calculated prejudices of the Protestant English churches. Subsequent Greek-English and Latin-English dictionaries were often mere revisions and expansions of previous dictionaries, with maybe a few more textual references and a slight rewording of the same definition.

An example of this may be found in the current reference standard for the Greek language: Liddell-Scott Jones Greek-English Lexicon. This edition, finished in 1940 (with a subsequent emendations volume being published) was a revision of the eighth edition of the original A Greek-English Lexicon by Henry Liddell and Robert Scott, edited by Henry Jones and Roderick McKenzie. The original Liddell and Scott lexicon, published in 1843, was itself based upon the Wörterbuch der griechischen Sprache by Franz Passow, printed in 1828, which was a revision of the Handwörterbuch der griechischen Sprache by Johann Gottlob Schneider. Schneider himself based his lexicon on previous works in one fashion or another, making great use of the Thesaurus graecae linguae first printed by Henri Estienne II in 1572 and subsequently updated.

Thus, it is rare, if ever, that a Greek or Latin word has been given fresh consideration, and even then it is often that errors still remain. To demonstrate this, we will examine such an error regarding the Greek word akeraios, which I have already dealt with in my previous book The Truth Unveiled. This word has been translated pure-blooded and nonmongrelized in the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament where it occurs in Philippians 2:14-15, which reads:

"Do all things separate from murmurers and disputers, in order that you may be perfect in our kind: pure blooded and nonmongrelized, faultless children of God, amidst a race perverse and having been corrupted, among whom we appear like luminaries in the orderly arrangement."

This Greek word is translated harmless in the King James Version, which is a far-cry from pure-blooded and nonmongrelized. But reconciling this difference is a perfect application of what we have learned about the history of lexicons. Let us first look akeraios up in a pre-1830's Greek Lexicon, the Novus Thesaurus Philologico-Criticus by John Schleusner, published in 1829. This was a Greek-Latin lexicon printed in London. The first part of the definition of akeraios reads: "[A keraizen], . . . innocentem. . ." The first thing that we are told in this definition is that akeraios is the opposite of keraizen, then it is defined (in Latin) as harmless. Now it should be understood that when an alpha was placed at the beginning of a Greek word, it often served to negate the word. So what Schleusner and most lexicographers before him assumed was that akeraios was the opposite of keraizen.

When we look keraizen up in Liddell-Scott Jones, we find that it means: "to ravage, plunder." Or in other words to harm, so the opposite must be harmless or inviolate, unravaged, untouched, etc. This was what was assumed at the time of the translating of the King James Version and other early translations, in the 16th-17th centuries, and this explains why the term harmless was incorrectly used in the KJV. Now, however, let us take careful note of the definition of akeraios in A New Greek and English Lexicon by James Donnegan, published in 1839 (first printed in 1832). He gives the following definition: "unmixed, pure . . . unharmed, uninjured . . . Some derive from [keraizo], but it seems merely another form of [akeratos] and of [akerasios]. Th. a priv., [keranummi], [kerao]."

We notice three important things here. First, that Donnegan gives the definition of unmixed and pure as the primary definition. Secondly, we notice that Donnegan corrects the false origin of the word akeraios assumed by Schleusner and others. The word is, in fact, the opposite of keranummi and kerao, which are the same Greek word, and this word is defined by LSJ as: "to mix, mingle . . . mixed half and half . . . mix, blend . . . compound." Thus, the opposite of that word would mean unmixed, unmingled, etc.

The third important thing we notice about Donnegan's definition is that although he had the courage and intelligence to realize that his predecessors were wrong about the origin of this Greek word, still he failed to omit their definitions. He still defines akeraios as unharmed and uninjured even though there is absolutely no basis whatsoever etymologically for these definitions. This is an example of how each lexicon is built upon previous lexicons and that even when a mistake is found; it is not deleted but rather added to. So now Donnegan has left the user of his lexicon with a choice of definitions to use, even though he himself admits that one of the definitions is wrong.

Let us now look up akeraios in the LSJ: "pure, unmixed . . . unalloyed . . . of persons, pure in blood . . . II. unharmed, unravaged." Once again, although Liddell and Scott were honest enough to admit that when the word is being used of persons it means pure in blood, still they have preserved the erroneous definition. In non-Biblical works, translators have no problem translating akeraios correctly. For example, let us read Edward P. Coleridge's translation of Euripides' Phoenician Women, p. 942-943:

"Now thou are our only survivor of the seed of that sown race, whose lineage is pure alike on mother's and on father's side, thou and these thy sons."

Here Coleridge translates akeraios as lineage is pure. But translators and lexicographers cease to be honest when it comes to the Bible and other early Christian literature. For example, let us look at an accurate translation of Barnabas 3:6:

"So then, brothers, the long-suffering One foresaw that the people whom He prepared in His Beloved should be persuaded in racial purity. . ."

According to LSJ and Coleridge, this is an accurate translation, rendering akeraiosune as racial purity. However, other translators, such as Kirsopp Lake, use the word guilelessness, a totally absurd translation unsupported by any true scholarship, but used only because the translators capitulate to political and religious correctness. If these translators throw away their integrity on the subject of race-mixing, then it is no large step for them also to endorse homosexuality or other things at the expense of God's Word.

Adultery and the Lexicons

With this understanding of the tactics of deception employed in our lexicons, we are now prepared to examine the lexical evidence of the Greek and Latin words associated with the common English translation adultery. We will look first at the Greek evidence.

Any Greek word which contains the prefix moich- belongs to the family of words usually translated adultery. When we look these words up in most any Greek lexicon, all we usually find are definitions which contain the English word adultery. What follows are a few important exceptions with comments.

LSJ (1940), for the verb moichao: "falsify." This definition is supplied by LSJ to help ease the translation of the innumerable Greek passages which cannot in any way be talking about marital infidelity, some of which we will look at later. To falsify something carries the connotation of adulteration or debasement or change.

A Patristic Greek Lexicon by G.W. H. Lampe (1961), for the verb moichaomai: "adulterate." Here Lampe, whose lexicon is entirely concerned with early Christian literature written in Greek, also has to admit that this Greek family of words carried the connotation of adulteration and debasement. When we look up moichao in Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, a Greek-German Lexicon by Hjalmar Frisk (1973), he defines the word with the German "verfälschen," which means to adulterate. Adulteration is the process of adding something to something else and debasing it or mingling things together. When we are talking about people being adulterated in the physical sense, we can only be talking about race-mixing or at the very least mingling family lines together and causing confusion in the family regarding issues of paternity. In fact, in my book The Truth Unveiled, the overall definition which is assigned this family of words is, first, to mongrelize or to mix or mingle races, and secondly, to mix or mingle and therefore corrupt seedlines. As we shall see later, however, the idea of mixing or mingling is paramount to truly understanding the definitions and etymology of this moich- family of words. In this definition by Lampe, we see very clearly that early patristic writers understood that this family of words was used for adulteration or mingling.

A Patristic Greek Lexicon by G.W. H. Lampe (1961), for the adjective moichozeuktikos: "of or relating to an adulterous marriage." Again, we see that some of the early Patristic writers spoke of adulterous marriages. The obvious question is, If adultery involves extra-marital sex, then how can a marriage itself be adulterous? Obviously, the emphasis is upon seedline corruption and mingling, and all throughout Greek literature, we find that very often being married is not an issue when the moich- family of words is used.

A Comprehensive Lexicon by John Pickering (1847), for the noun moichidios: "bastard, spurious." This Greek word should correctly be translated as mongrel, and a true understanding of the English language reveals that when Pickering, in 1847, used the word bastard, he too meant a mongrel. This was a common understanding of the word in the mid-19th century and before, as we shall prove later. Pickering was not the only one, however, to understand that the word moichidios meant mongrel. In Lexicon Manuale by Cornelius Schrevel (1796), the word moichidios is defined with the Latin word "adulterinus." According to the Oxford Latin Dictionary, or OLD, adulterinus means: "adulterated, impure." Lewis and Short add: "not full-blooded." Leverett's Lexicon of the Latin Language: "begotten basely, not thorough-bred, not full-blooded, adulterated." Most importantly, however, A Large Dictionary by Thomas Holyoke (1672) states that adulterinus is equivalent (in the ancient translations and commentaries) to the Hebrew mamzir, which according to Strong's Hebrew Dictionary means "a mongrel." This dictionary also states in the same definition that the Greek moichikos is equivalent to mamzir and also is equivalent to the Greek kibdelos which is defined by LSJ as: "adulterated, base." We will discuss Holyoke's definitions and the word kibdelos in more detail later, but what is important to notice here is that all of these lexical authorities agree that the Latin word adulterinus means "mongrel," and therefore the Greek word moichidios, universally defined by this Latin word, also means mongrel. Pickering's definition of bastard must be understood to have its mid-19th century meaning of mongrel.

In Lexicon: Anglo-Græco-Latinum Novi Testamenti by Andrew Symson (1658), under the entry "adulterer" for the Greek word moichos: "it maketh a confusion in families, through an illegitimate brood." This is very similar to the definition expressed in Latin in Critica Sacra by Edward Leigh (1662), who said of the Greek word moichos: "nam familias confundit illegitima sobole," which translated says, "for it mingles families with an illegal race." Both of these men understood that the Latin words with the root adulter-, which were used to define the moich- family of words in Greek-Latin lexicons meant to mix, mingle, etc. They are therefore here trying to explain how the idea of mixing or mingling relates to the idea of marital infidelity, and they have both defined the word very closely to the true concept behind this family of words—that of seedline corruption, both interracial and intraracial, and as we have said before, the idea of marriage is very often not an issue in ancient Greek literature where these words are used.

In A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament by John Parkhurst (1769), under the definition for moichalis, we find this comment regarding Matthew 16:4: "Dr. Doddridge interprets [genea moichalis] 'a spurious race degenerated. . .'" In the Anointed Standard Translation of the New Testament, these two Greek words are translated "mongrel race," which is equivalent to Dr. Doddridge's translation, again understanding the archaic language of over 300 years ago. One reason that only a few lexicons actually use the English word mongrel for defining any Greek or Latin word is that the word mongrel was not commonly used 300-400 years ago. Since the lexicons are based upon one another, they preserve many of the archaic terms used in previous lexicons. So instead of saying mongrel, many lexicons use terms like bastard or spurious. The definitions of both of these words have subsequently changed, but that does not erase what men meant by these words when they were originally used several hundred years ago.

In any event, there is no doubt as to what Dr. Doddridge meant by the words a spurious race degenerated, and it is also clear that Dr. Doddridge, an honest scholar, understood the true definition of the moich- family of words.

Finally, we have the definition of Kittel already given for moicheuo: "of the intermingling of animals and men or of different races."


The original sin took place when Satan deceived Eve by his sophistry and hybrid God's unchanging Word (Genesis 3:1-7; II Corinthians 11:1-3; I Timothy 2:15; Revelation 22:18-19). Eve was seduced by the Serpent and her firstborn was the hybrid, Cain, whose father was not Adam's son (Genesis 3:15; I John 2:13-14; 3:12). As a consequence Cain and his offspring are not in the Book of Life, which is the genealogy of Adam, and Jesus Messiah is not their KINSMAN Redeemer.

Genesis 6:4, "There were giants in the earth in the days of Noah; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men [as Ham committed incest with his father's wife, the Serpent's seed Naamah], and they bear children to them [like Canaan], the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".

Thus the physical Serpent's seed is extant, and the fruit of intermarriage is genocide to Adam's race since the offspring of such unions is hybrid and not in the genealogy of the first Adam whom the last Adam died to redeem. The offspring of incest or adultery—intramarriage—within Adam's race may be "saved," but is excluded from the election (Deuteronomy 23:2, 3).

Naturalists appreciate nature's diversity and go to great lengths to preserve it. They separate animals in zoos so as to avoid hybrids that would not occur in nature, and rejoice at the rediscovery of any species that was thought to be extinct. They show no such concern about humans, however, and condemn parents as bigots—especially when they are white—if they want their children to marry within their race, showing their inspiration is of the same spirit that incarnate the Serpent to deceive Eve.

The final section of Erectus Walks Amongst Us, a book containing many interesting observations by evolutionist Richard Fuerle is a plea to cherish human variation as much as plant or animal variation. He writes of the unique alleles that have been sorted out among the different races. An allele is one member of a pair (or any of the series) of genes occupying a specific spot on a chromosome (called locus) that controls the same trait. For example, a pair of alleles controlling the same trait, i.e. eye color: one allele codes for blue eyes, another allele for brown eyes. In humans, simple traits such as eye color may be caused by the interaction of only one pair of alleles. But for complex traits, such as height, they are usually caused by the interactions of series of alleles. Some alleles are dominant over other alleles, as in the case of heterozygous pairings (where paired alleles are different, in contrast to homozygous pairings where alleles are the same). In the above example, since the alleles code for different eye colors they are heterozygous. All humans have a gene for hair colour but all don't have the same colour hair. The exact colour of our hair is determined by an allele, or combination of alleles, of the gene for hair colour. Colloquially, the term gene is used when referring to an inherited trait that is usually accompanied by a phenotype as in 'tall genes' or 'bad genes'—but the more proper (scientific) term for this is allele. In cystic fibrosis, alleles of the CFTR gene will determine if a person has, or is a carrier of, the disease:

"[I]t takes only an instant of miscegenation to scramble them up again. The selection of some of those alleles required the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands of people who did not have them, so the creation of racial differences was not without great cost. To destroy this monumental natural creation—us—so thoughtlessly and permanently, is akin to desecrating graves, dynamiting ancient statues, bombing cathedrals, and burning the library at Alexandria. What is the most valuable possession populations have that they can pass on to the next generation? It is not wealth or even knowledge. It is their genome, their ability to reproduce themselves as the unique people that they are. To squander that by miscegenation is the ultimate betrayal of one's heritage."

Today, whites are the only major racial group that faces oblivion through miscegenation and sub-replacement fertility, yet whites are also the only race that welcomes racial aliens into their homelands. This is a new phenomenon in human evolution because, as Mr. Fuerle points out, it has always been the rule that "a homeland is so vital to survival that an ethnic group will go to almost any length to have and hold one." He adds that "if whites do not defend their homelands, they will soon have no homelands, and not long after that, there will be no more whites."

As he explains: "The carrying capacity of the earth will eventually be reached, and it has probably already been reached in some countries. When that happens in white countries, our descendants will be in a life-and-death struggle for survival with the descendants of the non-whites that whites foolishly let into their homelands . . ."

What is more, most of the newcomers have relatively low IQs. Mr. Fuerle writes that their arrival in large numbers will eventually make it impossible to maintain modern civilization and that the West will be hopelessly outstripped by East Asian nations that have carefully limited immigration.

The destruction of Adam's race by multiculturalism, particularly white Christian peoples, is a repetition of the original sin foretold by Jesus Messiah (Matthew 24:37; Genesis 6:1-4) and announced by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952 concerning progress towards their NWO. ". . . We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory . . ." (Pawns in the Game by Captain William Guy Carr, p. 104-106).

Goyim are defenseless against this ongoing iniquity since governments worldwide have enacted racial hatred legislation that would criminalize not just physical acts of racial violence but indict anyone who made public statements that might cause offence to any minority such as homosexuals as a group, or the criminals executing this plan. This Machiavellian legislation in which truth is no defense was crafted by San Francisco lawyer Joseph Ribakoff for a competition sponsored by the ADL of B'nai B'rith. (He was subsequently suspended for misappropriating client funds).

proposed Seal of USAToday, any white who speaks out for the preservation of his people or race is condemned as a "racist," but it is only by putting its interests first that any group survives. Mr. Fuerle marvels at the mentality of whites who think it virtuous to decline in numbers while others take their lands and inherit what their ancestors built: "These white anti-racists don't like what they are. How could creatures evolve who are capable of not liking themselves? Surely, such creatures would have been driven extinct long ago by others of their kind who do like themselves." Oblivious to apostasy he adds: "Why so many whites eagerly embrace white-hating, however, remains to be explained." Mr. Fuerle suspects the problem may be altruism run amok. Whites rose to the top, not only through high intelligence but through cooperation with and even sacrifice for others. When whites sacrificed for other whites it promoted their genetic interests, but today's "promiscuous altruism" means sacrificing for non-whites. However this takes no account of the grace of God and the blessings which follow obedience to His revealed Word and the curse on a people who "draw nigh to Christ with their mouth, and honour Him with their lips; but whose heart is far from Him. For in vain do they worship Jesus, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:8-9).

As it was in the days of Noah, spiritual hybreeding of God's Word by reasoning with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Revelation 22:18-19) precedes physical miscegenation, for the natural types the Spiritual as idolatry types physical fornication and adultery, and woman types the church. However, as we are approaching the consummation of life when "all the proud, yea, and all who do wickedly. shall be stubble; and the day that comes shall burn them up so that it shall leave them neither root nor branch" (Malachi 4:1; Daniel 9:27; Luke 3:17), miscegenation is championed under the deceptive euphemism 'multiculturalism' by impersonators "like Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, and these also resist the Truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith" (II Timothy 3:6).

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob hates hybreeding, in agriculture or animal husbandry: "You shall keep My statutes: you shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind, you will not sow seed of two kinds in the same field, nor wear a garment made of linen and wool woven together" (Leviticus 19:19), nor adulterate your seed. Deuteronomy 32:8-9: "When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance [determined in Genesis 10], when He separated the sons of Adam [from the seed of the Serpent], He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel [so that it should possess a land corresponding to its population (Genesis 9:25-29; Deuteronomy 2)]. Because the Lord's portion is His people, Jacob His allotted heritage." Numbers 23:9: "Israel will dwell alone, and remain distinct from every other nation".

Our God is a God of variety. He made a world of hills, mountains, valleys and plains, divided by oceans, rivers, ice and sandy deserts populated by an infinite variety of life over which he ordained that men and women of a variety of colours, shapes and sizes, cultures and abilities should hold dominion. Contrary to the Judaeo-Catholic and Judaeo-Communist one world government programs, He divided the Earth in the most orderly manner among the sons of Noah according to their nations with every nation ranked by its families, so that every nation was assigned its own territory, and in every nation the tribes, and in every tribe the families, were located separately by themselves. The earth was divided according to divine instruction made probably through Eber, and his son "Peleg" ('division') was named in memory of that event (Genesis 10). When men did not disperse but mingled in Nimrod's Babel, "the Lord confounded the universal language and scattered them abroad upon the face of all the Earth" to develop separately in sovereign nation states without hybreeding or mongrelizing (Genesis 11:9).

Brother Branham said, "I don't believe in mixing marriages. I believe that a white man should not marry a colored girl, or a colored girl marry a white man, or a yellow marry a colored, or a white . . . I believe the brown, black, white, and races of people are like a flower garden of God, and I do not believe they should be crossed up. I believe that's the way God made them, and I believe that's the way they should remain."

"It fools me that I seen some real pretty colored girl, intelligent, nice looking kid, just as pretty as any woman you'd want to see. . . What does she want to marry a white man and have mulatto children? What would an intelligent colored girl want with such a thing as that? Is because that something. . . that communist. . . And how would a fine colored man want to marry a white woman and have mulatto children?"

"I believe you should stay just what we are. We're servants of Christ. If He made me, my color black, I'd be happy to be a black man for God. If He made me yellow, I'd be a happy yellow man for Christ. If He made me white, I've a happy white man for Christ. If He made me brown, or red, an Indian, whatever it is, I'd stay my same color. That would be me. I want to be like my Maker made me" (C.O.D. p. 1179:166-168).

From the very beginning God commanded: "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. . . And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. . . And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. . . And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness . . . and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:11, 21, 24, 26, 28). There is no such thing as the evolution of species; God created every living creature by His spoken Word, and commanded that all life reproduce after its own kind from seed within itself.

The satanic objective of opposing creation by teaching evolution is to usurp God and destroy men's souls by the spiritual Serpent's seed of reasoning against faith, while the satanic objective of multiculturalism is to eliminate Adam's physical race from the Book of Life through miscegenation, as the amalgamation of nation states is intended to transform God's natural order into chaos out of which Lucifer can establish his totalitarian one world government.

Mongrelization is contrary to nature and miscegenation is explicitly forbidden by God's unchanging Word as expounded in Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent. This understanding was lost when English Bible translators replaced four unique Hebrew words: ger, toshab, Nokriy, and zuwr with the English "stranger" disregarding distinctions in meaning such as race because they had no understanding of the original sin, and their scholarship, perhaps intentionally hindered by Hebrew-speaking advisers has hidden this essential revelation from Christendom for centuries.

Leviticus 19:33-34, the "stranger [ger] who dwells with you shall be as one home-born." A temporary inhabitant or newcomer, racially identical with Israel but lacking inherited rights, was called the 'ger,' and conceded rights. The word was used of the Patriarchs in Palestine, the Israelites in Egypt, Levites dwelling among the Israelites (Deuteronomy 18:6; Judges 17:7), and particularly of free aliens residing among them.

The Hebrew word 'toshab' is used to identify one who is different, in an unspecified way to the 'ger,' like an alien or estranged person. Perhaps a less permanent sojourner like a resident guest visiting the house of a priest in Israel who was denied further rights. In contrast to the 'gerim,' His children could be bought as perpetual slaves with absolutely no recourse to redemption—the Law of Jubilee did not apply to them (Leviticus 25:45). While permitted to reside in Israel, they had no legal status except in respect of justice, beyond which he had no rights whatsoever.

The word 'Nokriy' ('ben nekhar'), covers everything of alien or foreign character, regardless of the place of residence, and is defined by the context in which it appears. It embraces the Canaanites, who descended from Ham's incest and the Moabites and Ammonites who descended from Lot's incest with his own daughters. These 'Nokriy' were strictly taboo with no rights or privileges in the Israel community. Their status was that of a bastard—in Hebrew, a "mamzer," meaning one of mixed or spurious origins specifically prevented by divine Decree from entering the congregation of the Lord [election] even to his tenth generation (Deuteronomy 23:2-3). That is, never! Marriage with the 'Nokriy' is positively forbidden (Genesis 24:3). The Serpent's seed are Nokriy.

The Hebrew word 'zuwr,' takes its definition, like the other words, from the context. The word appears in connection with enemy aliens or a foreign race (Serpent's seed) with no rights whatsoever in Israel. Even justice is denied the 'zuwr.' In all of Israel's national disasters, the 'zuwr' is reckoned the main contributing factor. And in each of the following three examples this judgment has befallen Israel because like Eve, it broke God's Covenant. Isaiah 1:7: "your country is ruined and desolate, your cities are burned, and while you watch helplessly strangers ('zuwr') destroy and plunder everything in sight . . ." Hosea 5:7: "They have dealt treacherously against the Lord, bearing strange ('zuwr') children." Hosea 7:9: "Strangers ('zuwr') have devoured his strength, and he knows it not."

Romans 7:3 provides an illustration of intraracial adulteration or mongrelization, proving once again that woman is not part of God's original creation but a byproduct of man, made so she can deceive and be deceived and showing that the original sin was adultery, or mongrelization. "If, while her husband lives, a woman marries another man, she shall be called an adulteress [Gk. 'moichalis']: but if her husband is dead she is free from that Law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man." A woman who remarries while her first husband is alive adulterates or hybrids seed contrary to God's Law as in incest or adultery so that the offspring, as an affront to God's Word yet pure Adamite, is excluded from the election.

Brother Branham said, "But now that the Seals are opened, the Spirit of Truth directs us to the Word. That explains why all the mistakes has been down through the ages, because the Seals was not open. This was not revealed. It's true.
Notice, you can't make the shadows fail (as I preached to you last night about the shadow across the floor); it's got to come out right. How can there be a shadow of an elephant coming across the floor and a little, bitty, spindly man come out to be the elephant, or the elephant, to a little, spindly man? Now, if you'll notice it in perfect type. . .

Now, that is a true woman. A true woman, virgin, that marries her husband and lives and she's a blessed thing to the man. If God could've give His Son any better thing than a wife, He would've give that to Him. But she's designed to be a sex act. And no other animal is designed like that; no other creature on the earth is designed like that. That's the reason you see polygamy, because of that. That's what brought it in.

In the final analysis, look, there is one Jesus Christ (is that right?), one Man: God Immanuel. You believe that? But the members of His Wife are many (See?), thousands times thousands of thousands. Is that right? His Wife, the Bride, the church. . . You understand now?

That's why He said to Adam before sex was ever introduced, "Multiply to replenish the earth," when he was yet in the beginning, when he was yet both male and female in himself. There it shows then that the Bride's got to come from the Word, by spiritual multiplication (See?), replenishing the earth.

Now, in the sex act. . . See, the school's got those two things mixed up. Therefore, you can't do it. You've got to bring it back to the truth of it, in the beginning. And at the end there will be one Lord Jesus and His Bride many: singular. You get it? There was one David on one throne, one king after God's own heart, with five hundred wives. Jesus, setting on His throne (Hallelujah!) in the millennium, with a Wife like it was at the beginning, created out of the earth by the hand of Almighty God in the resurrection, of many members. There you are.

Women, struggle to be that. Come into Christ, then you'll not be in that filthy mess out there. But as long as you're just a church member, trying to live morally good yourself, you'll never make it. Neither can a man make it outside of Christ. As Paul went on to say, "But in Christ there is neither male nor female"; they're all one. But to get this marriage and divorce straightened out so that you would know which was right and which was wrong. . .

Now, He plainly shows here in these types there is one Christ and many members of that Wife. Notice, He can put us away for spiritual fornications and false doctrine anytime He wants to, but how dare you try to put Him away and make it. The man can put away his wife and marry another, but not the woman put away her husband and marry another. See all the shadows and types there perfectly balanced out? See? The original creation, not the byproduct nowhere; not the church, the Bride through the Word; not the woman, the man; each time. . . Never says anything against the man doing it; it's always the woman. That's exactly. But she can be the Bride of Christ by being. . . And remember, she being a part of a man, the Bible said she can only. . . "Nevertheless I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp any authority, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the byproduct was deceived. Notwithstanding she shall be saved if she continues in holiness and sobriety and in childbearing and all such. . ." (because then she becomes a part of this man; [Genesis 2:24; Galatians 3:27-29]).

Why didn't God kill Sarah setting right there denying, a-lying right in the face of God, setting there as a mortal man, eating flesh, eating bread, drinking milk. And He said, "Why did Sarah laugh back there in the back, behind Him in the tent (He'd never seen her), saying, 'How can these things be?'"

She said, "I never said it." Oh. Ooh, my. Tell God that He's a liar to His face. But He couldn't take her. Why? She's a part of Abraham. He couldn't hurt her without hurting Abraham. Now you women see where you belong? And the Bible said, you women, be like Sarah was, which adorned herself in modest apparel, live honest and true to her own husband, loving him so much that she called him her lord: ruler, ownership.

And you, some of the women put on these nasty clothes, eat out here to throw yourself before men. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Then who's guilty, the man or you? He's a male, made so he could take this act. See? And you're the female that ought to refuse. And why do you put yourself out like that? It ain't for comfort. You know it can't be, when you're half froze to death with them shorts on. See? Can't be for comfort. Then what is it? It's for filth. You won't admit it, but the Bible said so. It's the truth. It's a filthy spirit that's in you. You don't want to be filthy, but you don't realize spiritually you are filthy, because you're presenting yourself filthy.

Now, a man, his old, dirty, knotty knees, and if he had on hardly any clothes at all, it wouldn't make any difference; his body is not tempting. Why? He was in the original creation: character, should be. But you're the byproduct to tempt by.

God have mercy. Oh, my, this sinful world, I'll be glad when it's over.

Notice, he can put away his wife any time he wants to, but she can't put him away. He can throw me in the dust any time He takes a notion to, but oh, brother, I'd better not try to throw Him there; I'm finished.

Solomon could marry any woman that wasn't married. He could marry any women he wanted to. A priest could marry only a woman that was a virgin. Solomon, like David, he married. . . What was her name? Abigail, which was a man called a fool. He had a nice wife, and he died. And Abigail was married to David. He was a king, not a priest. See? So he married, but a priest could not do that because he'd touched or got a woman to be his wife that was already been some man's wife.

So that shows the virgincy of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bride will have to be unadulterated the Word, not one Word missing nowhere. Certainly. Could you imagine a correct bride, one breast off and the other one something or other wrong, you know? That's not going to be the Bride of Christ; She's perfect. She's everything the Word, not one Word failing anywhere. No.

Notice, He can put her away, but she cannot put Him away. He did it, and proved it in the days when Luther, Wesley, and in Pentecost, when they refused to become the further part of Him by having spiritual sexual affair to become pregnated with further part of the Word. You understand? She refused. . . The Lutheran church refused for Christ to have any more desire with her. Luther refused it. And let me say this (going to call me something anyhow), so is it today with every one of them [Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 18:4]. They fail to take that Word. They refuse Christ. And any woman that refuses a man his child, has no right to be a wife to him. Amen.

You remember in the Bible when the king married Esther because the queen refused. He just got him another one. . . What happened when she refused to come out with the king, to obey him? The same thing it is with a woman that refuses to be wife to her husband.

And so is it with the church that refuses to become pregnated in the age that we now live in to bring forth children of this age. We're not Lutherans; we're not Wesleys; neither are we Pentecostals. We've got to be the children of this age through the pregnancy of the Word of God to bring forth a Child of this age, the Seed Child. Amen. I hope you understand. Couldn't be pregnated, no. So what did He do? Put her away in divorcement. That's right. But she dares put Him away. He put her away.

He went right on revealing His Word to the Body and vindicating His same by Himself. His children begin to kinda look more like Him because it's fully maturing, or they become children of the Word, not children of the church; children of the Word. And the Bride will be a lovely little Lady of the Word, unadulterated, not touched by any man's organization, any manmade theory. She'll be purely unadulterated Bride of the Word. Amen and amen. I hope you get that out on the air. She'll be the pregnated daughter of God.

See what a great honor a woman can be? See what a great thing the church can be? But you see where filth has got her to? Then trying to compare that church out there, with the church here; you can't do it. And try to compare the street harlot with the church of the living God; or the woman, the correct woman, with the harlot.

Why is there such things as that? It's a law of God, the law of contrast. How would we know how to enjoy the daylight if there wasn't a night? How would we know how to enjoy the dry weather if there wasn't rain? How would we know to enjoy and respect a real woman if there wasn't a dirty one?" (Marriage and Divorce, p. 34:233-261). nl720.htm

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>Brother Grigor-Scott is a
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Day of Preparation

Bible Believers' Newsletter 719

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."

ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

The 'hidden hand' is certainly applying the 'squeeze' to the general public and I am informed that US radio presenter Alex Jones has interviewed an employee of the Department of Defense who said that tenders have been invited for personnel to man the FEMA compounds at 72 hours notice. When Los Angeles sinks beneath the Pacific the squeeze will turn upon Christ's end-time Bride.

Further signs of the approaching end to the Gentile dispensation our news items. Our main article is an exhortation to make your calling and election sure.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-Scott

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) & the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA)

Here is the EVIDENCE that the so-called "piracy" SOPA (H.R. 3261) is ostensibly intended to "stop" was ENGINEERED by the Big Three Media Companies! A classic example of the Hegelian dialectic with the 'hidden hand' controlling both sides of a contrived conflict to produce a pre-planned outcome . . . for the best one world government money can buy.

This bill would establish a system for taking down websites that the Justice Department determines to be dedicated to copyright infringement. The DoJ or the copyright owner would be able to commence a legal action against any site they deem to have "only limited purpose or use other than infringement," and the DoJ would be allowed to demand that search engines, social networking sites and domain name services block access to the targeted site. SOPA combines Senate PIPA bills (S.968 and S.978) into one big House bill. In some cases, action could be taken to block sites without first allowing the alleged infringer to defend themselves in court.

Pornography is not the target, nor is piracy, but ABSOLUTE POWER through fraudulent legislation that will generate online "infringements" whereby government and big business can blacklist, censor and silence websites publishing "inconvenient" scientific, commercial or historical truths inimical to Lucifer's soon-coming one world government. The objective is mind manipulation and control centralizing political and commercial power whereby internet service providers will be forced to block access to sites that publish "inconvenient truths". Full story: youtube  onecandleinthedark.blogspot

Soros putteteerComment: POTUS, most Senators and Congressmen are bought and paid for by the 'hidden hand' that controls global media, entertainment and education. This very real and evil Orwellian "conspiracy" is against "we the people" of all nations or Goiim worldwide. Know your enemy: where there is law there is punishment, "but now the righteousness of God without the Law is manifest, being witnessed by the Law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ to all and upon all who believe" (Romans 3:21-22).

In Russia, China, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Libya they controlled Goiim by a bullet to the back of the neck. The once Christian Goiim are controlled by electronic media, for Satan is "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature children of wrath, even as the others" (Ephesians 2:2-3).

Emails count a little. Phone calls and faxes count more. A short, clear printed letter counts the most. Contact details for Senators and Representatives here. Select your state and enter your zip code. Mention your name and address if phoning or include them in correspondence to identify yourself as a constituent. Mention H.R. 3621 (SOPA) to your representative, or S. 968 (PIPA) to your Senator.

But if you dig the dirt you will discover the 'City of London,' and Rothschild's George Soros with his Sunlight Foundation, Rockefeller, and the rest of "our crowd" (NOT) behind Open Congress and other organizations protesting against the bills. The children of disobedience hold the levers that control both sides of this subterfuge . . . and they know who you are. Not in the US? Petition the State Department ( and George Soros want your email address)!

Change in the Russian Federation? Why Washington wants 'Finito' with Vladimir Putin

January 10, 2012 — Washington and especially Barack Obama's Administration don't give a hoot about whether Russia is democratic or not. Their concern is the obstacle to Washington's plans for Full Spectrum Dominance of the planet that a Putin Presidency will represent. According to the Russian Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation is head of state, supreme commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office in the Russian Federation. He will take direct control of defense and foreign policy.

We must ask what policy? Clearly strong countermeasures against the blatant NATO encirclement with Washington's ballistic missile installations around Russia will be high on Putin's agenda. Hillary Clinton's "reset" will be in the dustbin if it is not already. We can also expect a more aggressive use of Russia's energy card with pipeline diplomacy to deepen economic ties between European NATO members such as Germany, France and Italy, ultimately weakening the EU support for aggressive NATO measures against Russia. We can expect a deepening of Russia's turn towards Eurasia, especially with China, Iran and perhaps India to firm up the shaky spine of resistance to Washington's New World Order plans.

It will take more than a few demonstrations in sub-freezing weather in Moscow and St. Petersburg by a gaggle of corrupt or shady opposition figures such as Nemtsov or Kasparov to derail Russia. What is clear is that Washington is pushing on all fronts—Iran, and Syria where Russia has a vital naval port, on China, now on Russia, and on the Eurozone countries led by Germany. It has the smell of an end-game attempt by a declining superpower.

The United States today is a de facto bankrupt nuclear superpower. The reserve currency role of the dollar is being challenged as never since Bretton Woods in 1944. That role along with maintaining the United States as the world's unchallenged military power have been the basis of the American Century hegemony since 1945.

Weakening the role of the dollar in international trade and ultimately as reserve currency, China is now settling trade with Japan in bilateral currencies, side-stepping the dollar. Russia is implementing similar steps with her major trade partners. The primary reason Washington launched a full-scale currency war against the Euro in late 2009 was to preempt a growing threat that China and others would turn away from the dollar to the Euro as reserve currency. That is no small matter. In effect Washington finances its foreign wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and elsewhere through the fact that China and other trade surplus nations invest their surplus trade dollars in US government Treasury debt. Were that to shift significantly, US interest rates would rise substantially and the financial pressures on Washington would become immense.

Faced with growing erosion of her unchallenged global status as sole superpower, Washington appears now to be turning increasingly to raw military force to hold that. For that to succeed Russia must be neutralized along with China and Iran. This will be the prime agenda of whoever is next US President. . . Full story:

Comment: Don't trust the Western Powers. Ask Iran, who understands this very well. Revelation 13:11-18 is the USA.

Astonishing Israeli Attack on Iran

January 17, 2012 — There is little doubt that much of what is said by Israeli and American sources on Iran is misinformation . . . The Islamic Republic of Iran never attacked any other country. Unlike America, (see American Led Apocalypse) they do not base their wealth on the Business of War. The eighteenth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP) is based on mining, manufacturing, and agriculture, with 45% of the Iranian government's budget coming from oil and natural gas revenues. In order to keep its profitable oil business going, Iran needs peace. Thus, it is unlikely to attack any other country in the future. Yet, American and Israeli journalists keep claiming otherwise in increasingly hysterical tones. Needless to say, these two economies are based almost solely on the Business of War.

These attacks on Iran are done in such a wild fashion, that sometimes I have the feeling Western journalists are running amok randomly along and across a conceptual matrix covering the options being promoted by their political warlords. . . Why would the West care about a proven peaceful society? Is that for the compulsive need by Western, 1984-oriented societies in having an enemy? Is Iran the perfect enemy of the West because it is peaceful and thus can be safely provoked to death? Are the coward Western generals attacking because they know there would be no military attack in response? . . . a leading journalist of Yedihot Ahahronot—said on that Friday that the IDF Head of Staff Beni Gantz, Mossad Director Tamir Pardo, Head of Aman (IDF Military Intelligence Corps) Aviv Cochabi, and the Head of Shin Beth Yoram Cohen—in other words, Israel's leading generals—oppose an attack on Iran. In the past Meir Dagan—Pardo's predecessor as Mossad Director—defined such an attack as a "foolish idea" . . . Full story:

Comment: The postponement of a massive joint US-Israeli military exercise appears to be the culmination of a series of events that has impelled the Barack Obama administration to put more space between the United States and aggressive Israeli policies toward Iran.

Sunday Times: Mossad Agents behind Iran Scientist Assassination

January 16, 2012 — According to the report, the assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan was similar to that seen in "espionage films"—planned over a period of many months, and including extensive surveillance and intelligence gathering. The Sunday Times quoted an unnamed Israeli sources who claimed that the killing was a precursor to a military strike, which would make rebuilding nuclear facilities more difficult for Iran, should they be bombed. . .

According to the Sunday Times, Roshan, 32, was monitored from a makeshift control room in a safe house nearby as he was preparing to leave for work. Israeli agents were also watching the entrance to Iranian intelligence headquarters in the city center, when they noticed a number of cars and people running, followed by police rushing into the nearby streets. Another agent monitoring radio traffic between the Tehran police and security forces confirmed unusual activity, said the paper. . .

The United States ruled out any connection with the assassination. "We were not involved in any way with regards to the assassination that took place there," said Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, although he did hint that he had "some idea" of who was. According to the report, the British Foreign Office also said Britain had "no involvement whatsoever" in the attack. Full story:

Comment: Iran is the last of the top 10 oil producers not controlled by USrael, and Iran holds the second largest reserves of oil in the world. If the US controls oil resource it can force purchase in USD, keep its currency afloat, export inflation, and spend like a drunken sailor.

JB Campbell: Anti-American

December 13, 2010 — The leakers are being called "anti-American."

What decent person, anywhere in the world today, is not anti-American? Is there anyone more dangerous than our typical ignorant, arrogant American "citizen," who very likely couldn't find America on a marked map of the world? Well, yes: the American military man, who is the most dangerous son of a bitch on the planet. And I don't mean that in a good way. . .

An honest American has to admit that he hates this country, not just the government. The government is a reflection of the people who pay for it. This country isn't what you thought it was and it never has been. We've been conditioned to pledge allegiance to the flag and to the nation for which it stands, but what it stands for isn't what Hollywood has had us believing since we were little kids.

All leaks are good, as long as they're the real deal, not redacted or altered to make us support Israel. The only way we can survive is to know the truth about what government and the corporations have been secretly doing to us and others. The truth may be anti-American, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Full story:

Comment: Last year, Tariq Aziz gave his first interview in his then, over seven years incarceration by the Americans. His insight was as astute as ever, as was his love, and despair, for his country. "There is nothing here any more. Nothing. For thirty years Saddam built Iraq, and now it is destroyed. There are more sick than before, more hungry. The people don't have services. People are being killed every day in the tens, if not hundreds. We are all victims of America and Britain. They killed our country". . .

He summed up the Bush Administration's reason for war against Iraq tersely as: "Oil and Israel". . . With a Prime Minister and others with deep ties to Israel, Iran, and the largest US Embassy on earth representing many still seeking to cover the tracks of illegalities, lies and duplicity, no wonder whilst the West counted down to Christmas, this indomitable, frail, ill, incarcerated seventy four year old, was alone, trying to count how many days he has left on earth. . . Full story: QED

BIG Pharma, Codex Alimentarius and Global Depopulation

November 28, 2011 — Codex Alimentarius—the thinly-veiled propaganda arm of the international pharmaceutical industry that does everything it can to promote industry objectives whilst limiting individual options to maintain health (which would diminish members profits).

Illuminati Codex AlimentariusCodex alimentarius is one of the major bodies behind the effort to limit access to nutritional products and information. Its motivation is not rocket science and neither is the source of its funding—money that somehow expected to return a profit to its members . . . Most of the information available regarding Codex Alimentarius refers to its role in the USA, but it is not a US-specific body. Far from it, Codex has wiggled its dirty little tentacles into just about every national or international body concerned with public health. Posing as a benefactor, it then uses its significant financial and political clout to do its masters bidding. Full story:

Comment: BIG Pharma actually kills more people than the US military. You MUST watch this video which covers instruments of global genocide such as the WHO and WTO, and the drive to establish Lucifer's totalitarian one world government of DEATH. Organic farming is under threat by the abolition of specific food labeling, and Napoleonic law. BIG Pharma is owned by BIG Oil, which is owned by the banksters of the City of London.

Leaked documents exposed by Wikileaks show that the US is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto with military-style trade wars, but that many US diplomats actually work directly for Monsanto.

The Day of Preparation

The Boy Scouts' motto was "Be Prepared," and while we are not Boy Scouts, God sent a scout before us to make straight paths for our feet, so that those who follow, though weak and lame in understanding will not be discouraged and turned out of the way, but healed and made whole. Before thousands of people the Lord commissioned him in an audible Voice: "As John the Baptist foreran My first Coming, your Message will forerun My second Coming." This man William Branham prepared the way of the Lord in these last days, and we must do our utmost to present ourselves approved of God when He examines our work, having studied and correctly understood his Message consistent with Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, turning neither to the right nor to the left from the strict path of righteousness, which is faith.

A military general or professional sportsman will study his opposition in preparation for the contest to learn the strengths against which he must defend and the weaknesses he must turn to his own advantage. As a young man Brother Branham won the Bantam Weight Championship in the Golden Gloves, then went into professional fighting and won fifteen straight professional fights. He came to the Lord and that finished his boxing career. His last fight was a draw, and he went back preaching the Gospel in the same arena. "Now, I'm fighting, not my brother, but the Devil that's been binding my brother".

a human beingEach of us is fighting the greatest battle ever fought—the battle over that hundred-odd pound of clay I call "me." That battle is raging in your mortal spirit, that is, in your mind, and in your corruptible flesh. Your adversary is Satan, the god of this evil age, but you must recognize "me" is not a hundred pounds of clay, or the five senses of your mortal spirit: conscience, memory, imagination, reasoning and affection, but soul. You yourself are a spirit called soul created to be independent and rule over the house of clay in which you now live and the mortal spirit that powers the house, but unless you take dominion over that corruptible flesh and mortal spirit and keep them in submission, your adversary will take the mastery of you . . . and your house. Even if you, soul, are born-again, your mortal spirit and body are unredeemed and of the world and Satan is the god of this evil age.

When questioned about his gift, Brother Branham said, "My gift is to get myself out of the way." If we can receive the revealed Word of God without censorship by our conscience, memory, imagination, reasoning and affection it will produce what it says. When His disciples marveled how quickly the fig tree had withered, and from the roots, Jesus said, "If you have faith, and doubt not, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but if you say to this mountain, Be removed, and cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive" (Matthew 21:21-22).

Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of our profession and this is the manifestation of our 'third pull'!

Paul identified the battleground: it is the ten earthly senses given to interact with the three dimensions of this temporal existence (Romans 7:25). You, soul, are here on the basis of free moral agency to choose between doubt and faith, and your decisions will determine your destiny. You have to make what God says your Absolute, not see, hear, taste, smell and touch, and anchor your trust in that unseen substance called faith in His revealed Word. It is your mind that opens or closes the door to faith; the revealed Word must not be hindered by memory's appeal to affection, conscience deferring to reason, or imagination running to unbelief. Let the revealed Word bypass those obstacles and go direct to soul, then prove those things from Genesis to Revelation where there are no "ifs" or "buts," just THUS SAITH THE LORD. God's Word is the unbending rod of iron whereby He rules.

Before we were formed God commissioned each and every one of Adam's children,
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it" (Genesis 1:28).
But how can we possibly subdue the Earth at large if we can't bring our little patch of clay subject to His Word? The answer is found in Ephesians 6:10-18. We are not sent into battle as naked new born babies but "strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might [within us]. So put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand immoveable on that Word. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod in preparation to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability and readiness produced by the Gospel of peace; above all taking up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of that wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, praying in the Spirit at all times with all prayer and supplication, constantly alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints".

Bring your ten mortal senses under submission, and as the ministering spirit that you are, ministering reconciliation to the revealed Word for this hour, "take the little Book out of the right hand of the Angel [who is the Tree of Life], and eat it up: Its revelation will be sweet as honey in your mouth: and as soon as you have eaten It, your belly will be bitter [because you must not feed your intellect but your soul, then your life will become a written epistle through faith, known and read of all men once you have put down the rebellion of your ten worldly senses]. And the Angel, Christ, told me, You must prophesy this Message again concerning many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings".

Like the United States and the other colonies of the City of London, all nations have been white anted and overcome by the alien enemy within, as Benjamin Franklin and George Washington cautioned. But how and why is Christendom (and the heathen lands) so bound? It is because the churches organized and those multinational corporations, bound by man-made creeds and the traditions of a bygone age have been infiltrated by unbelievers and taken over by the enemy of God and man, encouraged by well-intentioned but carnal men who love a God unknown by them.

God deals with Israel as a nation in the land of the Covenant; He does not deal with church organizations, for the Christian Church is those individuals who have become the temple of the Living God by being born of His Spirit through a clear revelation of the present Truth (I Corinthians 3:16-16; I John 1:7). We must separate from the world—from our natural senses of see, touch, taste, smell, hear, conscience, imagination, memory, reason, and affection, open our heart, sanctify our body and live under preeminence to the Word, and every one, by the faith in our soul.

This is our day of preparation for eternal Life, or eternal separation from God's Presence. Noah spent a hundred and twenty years making preparations to deliver his family and whomsoever would receive his Message of salvation from the consummation. Jesus said that the increase of knowledge in the last generation would surpass the sum of knowledge accumulated in the previous four thousand years—so much so that man would remove the hand of God from creation "as it was in the days of Noah. And as in the days that were before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the Coming of the Son of man be." And so it is: forty-nine years after the fact the world is ignorant of His Presence with us now, and life goes on.

II Peter 3:6-7, "The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: at present, however, the heavens and the Earth are by the same Word stored up for burning, and reserved for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men [who have ignored their day of preparation]".

The world is unprepared; even Brethren in the circle of this Message while learning its "letter" have failed to prepare their heart with its revelation which is the true communion of saints with Christ their God.

This is the day of preparation for the first resurrection, the manifestation of the Sons of God, and the translation. Focus your life on the promise of this hour, not on earthly circumstances, personal shortcomings and frailty of age or youthful inexperience which are no impediment to faith. And do not allow Satan to bring you under condemnation for past sins you have confessed and placed under the Blood. Brother Branham said, "If sin is under the Blood, you will notice [when the Lord is discerning the thoughts and intents of people's heart in my ministry] that it is never mentioned. The Holy Spirit never calls it out. But if there is unconfessed sin in a person's life—a besetting sin, or something that would keep him from getting healed, it will be revealed." In the twinkling of an eye we will each be restored to the prime of life, all aged about 21, in imperishable glorified flesh and that can never grow old. Just hold to God's unchanging Word. He is preparing His children by faith in the present Truth, not guesswork! And has committed to you the ministry of reconciling others by the same revelation (II Corinthians 5:18-21).

The children of Israel made preparation against the Angel of death that would fly over the land of Egypt and slay every firstborn of man and beast that was not under the Blood of the lamb painted on the lintel over the doorway. All who entered the house had to pass under the blood which was the evidence of an innocent substitute slain in their stead and a type of our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Only those under the blood of the lamb began the first exodus.

The second exodus began when Israel crucified our real Passover Lamb and Kinsman Redeemer outside Jerusalem, and the elect Israelites were baptized into Christ and inaugurated the primitive Church that followed God without the camp of Israel into the wilderness (Revelation 12:1-6; Daniel 9:26). The unchanging God established the pattern when Israel broke her covenant at Sinai "and Moses took the tabernacle and pitched it without the camp of Israel, afar off from the camp, and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass, that everyone who sought the Lord went out to the tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp" (Exodus 33:7).

Moses was a type of the church organization which failed God. When he smote the Rock a second time he took glory unto himself before the congregation instead of glorifying God, foreshadowing how the denominational churches would "crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame" (Hebrews 6:6), signifying the insufficiency of the Word, that is, the "third pull." Because of this the Lord withdrew from Moses the honour of leading Israel into the land of Canaan and he died on this side of Jordan as the organized church has died; so the PART-Word saints will enter glory and our promised land of the Millennium via the grave.

You are following this ministry as a participant in the third exodus wherein God is calling Christ's end-time Bride out from the churches that have glorified themselves and consider His Word insufficient (Matthew 15:1-13; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4), making yourself ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb in the sky by clothing yourself in the righteousnesses of the saints, which is the true sayings of God revealed by Brother Branham (Revelation 19:7-9).

Joshua who "observed to do all the Law, which Moses God's servant commanded," types Brother Branham's Elijah ministry which restored the apostolic faith, finished the mystery of God, and will take Christ's end-time Bride across to the other side of Jordan, a symbol of death. Joshua taught only what God had already revealed through Moses, as our prophet restored the Church to the apostolic faith once delivered to the apostolic saints through the prophet Paul, who based his revelation on Moses. Caleb who stayed with Joshua represents the wise virgin, Christ's end-time Bride, who remains true to the revelation of the Message. Brother Branham was the first fruits of Christ's end-time Bride—those who are His at His 'parousia' (I Corinthians 15:23).

We are not living under the anointing of the living creatures with the face of a lion, ox, or man, but under the Fourth Seal that was introduced by the living creature with the face of an eagle. Therefore we reflect certain attributes of an eagle. Rather than scratch around in the manure of denominational chickens for a meal of PART-Word and Roman traditions, we heed the Master's call, "Come up hither, and I will show you things that must be hereafter" (John 16:13; Revelation 4:1). Immediately we are in the spirit soaring in the heavenly atmosphere to see mysteries hidden from the foundation of the world, above where fowl yard birds can fly. Below us we see hawks sitting on power lines waiting to scavenge a fox or a rabbit someone has run over. The hawk is a backslidden eagle, and slothful like the foolish virgin. Paul prophesied, "In the last days men would be heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, and despisers of those that are in the faith, having a form of godliness, but denying the revelation of the Word, from such turn away" (II Timothy 3:1-5). And they are.

Have you made preparations? Soon the Angel of Death will fly over the whole Earth. Revelation 6:8, "Behold a pale horse: and the name of his rider was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given to them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with war, and with famine, and with death, and with untamed bestial men of this Earth." Satan was the rider of all four horses; under the Fourth Seal he is exposed and named Death, the antithesis of Jesus Messiah, "whose Name is called The Word of God [and Life]" (Revelation 19:13; John 6:63). Satan, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and Christ, the Tree of Life, stand before each of us in this evil Age, revealed by the Seven Thunders of Brother Branham's Message. Yes, Satan is riding through the land today, preaching and promoting the "letter" of Brother Branham's Message with deadly zeal, and "like the scribes and Pharisees, he shuts up the kingdom of heaven against men: for his children neither go in to the revelation of the Message themselves, neither do they suffer those who are entering to go in" (Matthew 23:13). In the name of William Branham, Satan is gathering for perdition all that ignores this day of preparation and accepts the
"letter of the Message without the Spirit".

Today we must display the Token not the chemistry of the Blood, which was a substitute until the real Lamb came. The lamb had a mortal spirit but no soul that could come back upon the believer. Our Token is not the Blood but the Life of Christ, for the Life is in the Blood, and the Life of Christ is the Holy Spirit. Here is the test: if we have the Holy Spirit we will receive the revelation of the Message; simply believing God sent a prophet and that his Message is THUS SAITH THE LORD is not sufficient: the understanding God showed Brother Branham is the MIND of God in us. Given that the Spirit will display the Attributes of Christ in us.

Will we then have the fruit of the Spirit? Certainly, but in judging you must look beyond what worldly your senses of see, hear, touch, taste, and smell observe, and what conscience, affection, imagination, memory and reasoning assess, to the Absolute of faith (understanding) in God's unchanging Word. And when you can see yourself as an Attribute in God's thinking when He foresaw Jesus slain from the foundation of the world, that is the tiepost of the soul, and nothing can ever move it (Romans 8:33-39). Brother Branham said, "Not by speaking in tongues, not by dancing in the Spirit, not by joining the church, not by fruit of the Spirit—Christian Science can out smother any of you on that, see, and deny even Jesus Christ was Divine".

God wants you to die to yourself. That old husband, the nature of the world that rules through the ten senses given you to contact this world must be dead to you before your invisible marriage union. You, your soul has to die to that old husband, to the love of the world and the things of the world and come alive to God and the things of His Word which is Christ. Contrary to Talmudic doctrine there is no such thing as two souls or replacement of souls. You are your irreplaceable soul; it is that worldly nature ruling as your husband that must be dead to you before you can marry your new Husband, the Word, and receive His nature, which is the Token. Your soul is the feminine of the Spirit that rules and "the woman who has a husband is bound by the Law to her husband so long as he lives; but if the husband is dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband" (Romans 7:2). Jesus died on Calvary and arose to a new life, and you have to die to self before you can rise in newness of eternal Life—born of His Spirit.

Consider our Brother Yousef Nadarkhani and other Brothers and Sisters imprisoned in Iran. The harsher the conditions and the more the authorities press them to recant the faith and become Muslims, the stronger their faith becomes. Instead of taking the path most trodden they have taken the path of the Lord's despised few. What happened? They died to that old worldly nature, the de facto husband of their soul, and are alive to Christ IN them. In his liberty Pastor Youcef preached Christ and the resurrection with his lips to several house churches; incarcerated, he and all the Brothers and Sisters in chains are living his sermon, and his congregation is worldwide.

God have mercy upon you who are at liberty to choose or refuse to go beyond the holier than thou "Brother Branham was God's Prophet" and "I don't cut my hair or wear bifurcated garments" attitude to personal relationship with Christ whereby He communes with you, whispering His secrets to His Bride. Deuteronomy 29:29, "The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the Words of this Law." If you don't know Christ when Los Angeles goes under the sea, your cries for mercy will be in vain like those outside the ark when God broke up the fountains of the great deep, and the windows of heaven were opened. There will be nothing but judgment and the very Message they scoffed at will translate the saints and smite the Earth with a curse.

God always prepares a way of escape for those who want to escape. You are not responsible for being born a sinner, but you are responsible for remaining a sinner. You were born in sin, conceived in iniquity and came into the world speaking lies. It is your choice whether you are remain in unbelief or to walk in the way that is consecrated to God. God cannot bring judgment without first sending and vindicating a prophet with warning and a way of escape (Amos 3:7). Remember, Christ's mediation ended with the Laodicean Church Age, and the Blood of Christ leaves this earth in the translation of "we who are alive and remain" for we are the Blood of Christ by the baptism with the Holy Spirit, for the Life is in the Blood (John 6:63; 17:21-26; Romans 8:9-11; II Corinthians 4:10-12; Galatians 3:27-29). So long Christ's end-time Bride is present, Earth is a Mercy Seat, but when the last member is baptised into His Body, Mercy is ended, His Blood, His Bride will be translated, and Earth will become His footstool, or judgment seat (Isaiah 66:1).

Meanwhile, every nation is under Satan's dominion as confirmed when he took Jesus upon a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of this world. When we review history and examine every war in the background we see Satan and the children of disobedience, natural and spiritual Serpent's seed whom God set at enmity with the first and the last Adam and their seed (Genesis 3:15). There can be no more peace until Jesus binds Satan for a thousand years by slaying the remnant of his children with the sword of His mouth and feeding them to the fowls of the air (Revelation 19:21 – 20:3).

The last Church Age before this present holy convocation in the antitype of the fiftieth day of Israel's feast of Pentecost was Laodicea (1906-1963). Laodicea is a woman's name, and the church is feminine in designation and ordained to be under the Headship of her husband, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33). The natural types the Spiritual and the churches of Laodicea grew "lukewarm" in their love for Christ and usurped His authority. Isaiah 4:1: "In that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by Your name, to take away our reproach".

The other week I updated our cumulative list of members of the City of London's Council of Foreign Relations that selects United States' presidents and most of her senior Administration, and exercises global control through the United Nations. And do you know, the majority of new members are women. We live in a woman's world. Whereas God said she is to be "a keeper at home," she is on the pill, competing with men in the workplace, in the military, and even in the ministry. She drinks like a man, has taken up smoking since men have quit, and picks up men like a sailor on shore leave.

Satan is preparing his huge earthbound church for hell, while God is preparing His heaven-born "little flock" for glory. We once had a wonderful Brother from a staunch Judaeo-Roman Catholic background. He did run well but he has not been seen for many years. He testified that whatever its doctrine he always knew the Catholic church was FALSE, because Christ's Church is a little flock," and there are over a billion Romans, not one of them a Christian.

Rome and her (once) Protestant daughter churches are nothing more than the world with God's Name on it. And Satan who will shortly incarnate the pope is the god of this world. God is not looking for mixers wanting to popularity with the world, for His Word demands a total separation from unbelief. When you have the Holy Spirit it will separate you from sin and prepare you to meet your heavenly Bridegroom in the flesh.

A woman betrothed to a husband separates and prepares herself. Right now Christ is calling His end-time Bride, and even the foolish virgin, out from every church including the independents, into the unity of the faith once delivered to the apostolic saints by the mysteries of the Seven Thunders which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4), for the manifestation of the Sons of God (Romans 8:19) and the translation (I Corinthians 15:46-57). His promise cannot fail and His wife has made herself read. Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation in the wilderness and in the Laodicean Church Age which rejected the Message and ended in apostasy; and despite forty years of wandering in the wilderness, knows it not. Soon the dispensation of grace will end and after a short and powerful demonstration of the Spirit this little hunted and persecuted group will go to be with Jesus. If you are not ready, won't you now seek God with all your heart? nl719.htm

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>Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors
Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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