Saturday, March 25, 2017

Revelation Chapter 7 Part I

Bible Believers' Newsletter 968

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are very happy to have you with us as we study God's unchanging Word.

Android PhoneSkull & BonesHave we witnessed yet another false flag black op in London? Has the City of London's Gladio, CIA or Mossad struck on the anniversary of the Brussels attack on March 22—the satanic holiday of the pagan goddess ISIS, Yale's Skull and Bones alumni, and the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? If this is not chutzpah it certainly is cabbala! Whenever violent incidents occur in England, Europe or America they coincide with a terror drill, unless the venue is a Marriot Hotel or Westfield Shopping Mall somewhere. They are automatically labeled 'terrorism' prior to investigation, the terrorist is always dead so no tale is told, and the advancing global police state always tightens the screws.

This appears to have been another 'inside job' by another mind-controlled patsy. Makes one appreciate living in a Christian land—even if the Christians are decadent, apostate and know it not, and one's nation is ruled over by aliens.

Our main article commences a new study on the Revelation chapter 7. The first eight verses concern Israel under the latter part of the Fifth Trumpet and First Woe in World War I, the Sixth Trumpet and Second Woe in World War II, and under the Third Woe in the 'hot stage' of World War III, the Seventh Trumpet and Sixth Seal. The false flags in Brussels, Sydney, London, Paris, the United States and else ware are but a foretaste of unprecedented natural convulsions to strike at the close of the Christian dispensation of grace.

We are living under the Sixth Trumpet, Fourth, Fifth and Seventh Seals waiting for the last elect to be baptized into Christ. Then the Sixth Seal, Seventh Trumpet and Seventh Vial will manifest, the first resurrection will commence, and after we manifest that we are the Sons of God, we will go to the Wedding Supper! Please read the "Full story" in our news items and our commentaries.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Now can we admit the War on Terror has Failed?

March 22, 2017 — In the wake of the terror attacks in England, France, Germany and elsewhere, can we finally admit that the war on terror is an utter and complete failure?

10 Ways to Reduce Terrorism

I. Stop Overthrowing the Moderates and Arming Crazies

We're directly arming and supporting folks who are committing summary execution, torture, kidnapping, and imposing Sharia law at the point of the gun . . . we're overthrowing the moderate Arabs who stabilized the region and denied jihadis a foothold. US allies are directly responsible for creating and supplying ISIS. If we want to stop terrorism, we need to stop supporting the terrorists.

II. Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists

[Jewish-ruled] Saudi Arabia is the world's largest sponsor of radical Islamic terrorists. The Saudis have backed ISIS and many other brutal terrorist groups. And the most pro-ISIS tweets allegedly come from Saudi Arabia . . . Top American politicians admit that the Iraq war was about oil, not stopping terrorism (documents from Britain show the same thing). Much of the war on terror is really a fight for natural gas. Or to force the last few hold-outs into dollars and private central banking. For example, see this email to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton . . .

X. Stop Doing It Ourselves

The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan—Lt. General William Odom said: "By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In '78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism—in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation" . . . The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by WikiLeaks . . . Indeed, the US has created death squads in Latin America, Iraq and Syria . . . Full story:

Comment: We live in the closing days of Israel's Sixth Trumpet (1918 to the Seventh Trumpet that will end the Gentile dispensation). Revelation 9:18-21, "[By this demonic activity] the third part of men, [Israelites, Semites], were killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. For their authority is in their mouth [command and propaganda], and in their tails [lying prophets]: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads [religious and political superiors like Churchill, F.D. Roosevelt and Stalin, Eisenhower, Kissinger, Presidents Bush I and II, Clinton, and Obama, Israeli Prime Ministers, etc], and with them they do hurt" [Isaiah 9:15].

"And the rest of the men that were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts".

A prophetic descriptor of earth's post-World War II generation. And as Judah's Edomite King sought to discover and kill his rival of the House of David by murdering all boys two years and under, his Edomite and Khazar kinsmen and spiritual Serpent's seed majority among us Gentiles are engaged in the attempted genocide of the true heirs to the Land and promise to Abraham, using apostate Christians of the colonies of the City of London—USA, Canada, Australia, and occupied nations such as Germany, Japan and Israel. The Israelites live predominantly in the Muslim lands of the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian Empires—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, etc, (Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11; 27:13; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:8; 31:8; Ezekiel 39:27; Micah 5:3; Matthew 24:31).

US seeks to destroy Syrian Civilization & replace it with Terrorism & Ignorance

March 22, 2017 — NATO/GCC/Israeli proxy terrorists in Syria have committed all manner of atrocities with a view to destroying Syria's culture, history, economy, pluralism, its very essence. They want to create a blank slate. They want to destroy the country's secular institutions so that Syria devolves into a sectarian terrorist cesspool of death and ignorance. All of this is well documented. Dr. Joseph Saadeh, a dentist and city councilor in the liberated Christian town of Maaloula, Syria, expressed similar sentiments in this video.

The well-orchestrated, genocidal terrorism includes assaults on Syria's previously exemplary education system . . . Investigative reporter and Syrian resident Tom Duggan reported in a text message that the terrorists turned these beacons of education (schools) into platforms of terror and launching the Takfiri extremist ideology which will invade the whole world if not stopped. The result is that Syria believed in producing a well-educated civilized human being . . . . . . Full story:

Comment: Washington . . . wants regional control along with Israel, weakening or eliminating Russian and Chinese influence in the Middle East. Imperialism is dirty business . . . Millions of casualties attest to US viciousness . . . Netanyahu denied reports about Russia demanding Israel halt airstrikes in Syria, vowing they'll continue . . . (

'Fake Scholarship' and the Future of America's University

March 21, 2017 — Harvard University has established a modern version of the Catholic Church's Index Librorum Prohibitorum . . . The Harvard Index . . . establishes a "new normal," a guideline to colleges and universities across the land, regarding what we can or cannot read, what we can or cannot write . . . Harvard's Index broadly undermines the foundation of University education. It instates academic mediocrity . . . "alternative media" sites are thereby casually tagged as promoting "fake news" and "conspiracy theories" . . . Harvard established their list without reading or even consulting the contents of the alleged fake online publications . . .

What is the endgame? The filtering out and the eventual closing down of the alternative online media? The systematic smearing of critical thought? The transformation of the university into a de facto instrument of indoctrination, where science and knowledge are used to justify police state surveillance and America's hegemonic wars? . . .
Full story:

Comment: Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary to the US Treasury for Economic Policy wrote: Few any longer believe the "mainstream media," that is, the presstitutes. This has put the presstitutes into a panic as they lose their value to the ruling elite if they cannot control the explanations in order to justify the self-serving agendas of the ruling elite . . . I suspect that the list is a creation of the CIA or the Department of State. It is a desperate act by those who have lost credibility to keep control over explanations.

The world of lies that comprises life in the Western world and hides reality from the people has destroyed all justification for the West's long hegemony over humanity. Today the West, corrupt, violent, greedy beyond all measure, evil beyond Satan, is a collection of populations comfortable with the mass murder of millions of Muslims in many countries. When evil can go without challenge, what hope does humanity have? . . . (

Unable to provide an ounce of evidence that a Trump/Putin conspiracy stole the presidential election from Hillary Clinton, the corrupt US "intelligence" agencies are shifting their focus to social media and to Internet sites such as Alex Jones and Breibart (

The Planet is not Warming Up, but Drying Out!

March 21, 2017 — Why are the glaciers of the world melting down, if it is neither due to a rise in the overall temperature nor to CO2 emissions? Recent satellite data show that there has been no warming up of the planet in general since the late 1990s. This contradicts the normal information given to the public by the IPCC . . .

A growing temperature anywhere on earth is unlikely to be the result of growing CO2 emissions, as contended by the IPCC and others. In fact, if there is a warming up at all, it is not occurring low on earth where the CO2 sinks down, but higher up in the atmosphere. This is partly due to the ionizing of the Ionosphere through the EM-emissions of "Ionospheric heaters" like HAARP in Alaska and estimated two dozen more installations on the planet.

Additionally something else is coming down from above–the heavy metals sprayed via "solar radiation management"–SRM–activities or "stratospheric geoengineering", as we call it, be it through civil or more likely military geoengineering. They mainly consist of aluminium, barium and other metals and materials. Something is coming down from above that works as or like a "warming" and effects especially the glaciers in the mountains, and makes them disappear.

Whatever the reasons are, it is clear that we can already foresee a future without sufficient fresh water, as 70% of the freshwater are packed within the glaciers and the ice of the poles. The melting of the glaciers, therefore, happens without a general warming, and it happens independently from producing CO2 or not. If we want to stop it, and we will have to stop it, if we want to survive on this planet, we have to know the real reasons why it is happening that the glaciers are melting down–and a very high speed! . . . Full story:

Comment: The problem is Rothschilds, and the Geoengineering Empire, Newsletter 774, 809. Their British Aerospace (BAE) owns HAARP, a secret weapon which is designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT) and used for weather modification, prospecting, tectonic manipulation, and mind control. Segments of human emotions have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals as 'emotion signature clusters.' Silent Sound carrier frequencies can transmit nonaural sound producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listener/s, yet is perceived and decoded by the ear for use by the subconscious mind (

Revelation Chapter 7 Part I

The Church Ages ended in apostasy in 1963 along with Christ's Mediation: redemption was over and He claimed and opened the sealed Book of Redemption (Romans 11:32; II Timothy 3:1 - 4:4; Revelation 3:17-20; Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4). By the ministry of His Prophet William Branham (1909-1965) He has restored the apostolic faith (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11; Jude 3), "finished the mystery of God" (Revelation 10:7) and is calling the sleeping virgins OUT from Rome and her (once) Protestant daughter churches into "the unity of the faith" (Matthew 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 18:4; Ephesians 4:13) for "the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation" (Romans 8:19; I Corinthians 15:50-56).

Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born-again . . . Unless a man is born-again he cannot understand the Kingdom of God" (John 3:1-8). "For the Kingdom of God is within your soul" by faith which is a clear understanding of the revealed Word: "the mind of Christ in you (I Corinthians 2:16). The only way one could be born-again at any time is by a clear revelation of the Word for their day, manifest in their life so it is read and know of all men (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7).

Church Age Body of ChristThis diagram represents the Body of Christ, the true Church that has been building since the Day of Pentecost, AD30. The double base line represents Pentecost which continued for about twenty-three years; the saints held the pure Word undefiled by manmade reasoning. Seven Church Ages followed in which the predestinated saints were baptized into the Body by a life manifesting the Message for their dispensation delivered by the angel or messenger to that Age. Through the Church Ages the Bible was sealed so that the saints received only PART-Word: Christ recognized the Word for their day and "winked" at their ignorance and they were born-again. Christ's mediation as Son of God was fulfilled when the last saint was born-again in Laodicea; then He opened the Book resumed the prophetic Office Son of man and revealed its mysteries through His Prophet William Branham.

He stood in the breach between the Church Ages and the Seals declaring the fullness of the Word. The only way into the Body is through the THUS SAITH THE LORD of his Message, Christ the fullness of the Word. Now the spirit of Laodicea is leading those without faith or obedience to faith and who have or will receive "the mark of the beast" to follow the pale horse rider Lucifer to perdition (Revelation 6:8; Daniel 9:27; Malachi 4:1, 6c; Matthew 3:12).

Revelation 6:12 - 19:21 will take place in Daniel's Seventieth Week under the tribulation of the Sixth Seal when God, having finished with us Gentiles, turns to gather an election of 144,000 Israelites back to the Land of their Covenant to fulfill the sixfold purpose of Gabriel's visit of Daniel 9:24. Aside from the paraphrase of chapter 10 Christ is not seen since He broke the Seven Seals in Revelation 5 until "heaven opens" in a vision of the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS returning with His Bride of all Ages to slay His enemies with the sword of His Word then restore the Kingdom to Israel in the millennium (Acts 1:6; Revelation 19:11-16).

Laodicea means "people's rights," egalitarianism or Judaeo-Communism which is an ungodly religious spirit that has divided and conquered every nation and will provoke "the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known after the hot stage of World War III." History is pre-planned as Illuminus Franklin D. Roosevelt stated: "If something happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way. We quote Albert Pike's own written words taken from his letter dated August 15, 1871 and (once) catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then every where, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass; anxious for an ideal but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer" (Khazar Jew, Harold Rosenthal, aide to fellow Khazar Senator Jacob Javits, 1976).

"You (Jews) are of your father the Devil; and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him" (Jesus Christ, John 8:44).

"Some call it Marxism—I call it Judaism" (Chief Rabbi of the United States, Russian Jew Stephen S. Wise, the American Bulletin, May 15, 1935).

"Judaism is Marxism; communism" . . . "Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race. The races and the nations will cheerfully submit to the spiritual power of Judaism, and all will become Jews" . . ."The communist soul is the soul of Judaism" (Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews (1939), p. 64, 100, 143).

Revelation 7 is a parenthesis between the Sixth and Seventh Seals as they appear in your Bible explaining what will take place under the tribulation of the Sixth Seal as discussed above. The Seventh Seal is the unwritten mystery of the seven thunders of Revelation 10 which are the revelations contained in the Seven Seals. It is these divinely revealed mystery truths that literally restore the hearts of the children to the faith of the apostolic saints.

Throughout the Book of Revelation John represents Christ's end-time Bride in this present holy convocation. We know this is so because the mysteries of the Book were sealed from the foundation of the world until they were revealed to William Branham (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 1:1; 10:4-7). In His earthly sojourn our Lord Jesus Christ did not know these things (Matthew 24:36) "but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound his Message, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to His servants the prophets".

Revelation 7:1, "After these things [the end of the Gentile dispensation, Christ's end-time Bride enters a new vision]: four angels [signifying four stages of Satan's ride through the apocalypse leading the Gentile world empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Imperial and Papal Rome] standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind may not blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor upon any tree".

Brother Branham said, "He saw all four corners of the earth. There's a Angel standing on the four corners of the earth. Now, you say, "I thought it was round." That don't keep it from having four corners. You see? All right" (COD, p. 93:207).

This language accommodates the prevailing mode of speaking of the earth among the Hebrews. It was a common method among them to describe it as a vast plain, having four corners, those corners being the prominent points—north, south, east, and west. So now we speak of the four winds, the four quarters of the world, etc. The Hebrews spoke of the earth as we do of the rising and setting of the sun and of the motions of the heavenly bodies, according to appearances, and without aiming at philosophical exactness. With this view they spoke of the earth as an extended plain, and as having boundaries or corners, as a plain or field naturally has. Perhaps, also, they used this language with some allusion to an edifice, as having four corners; for they speak also of the earth as having foundations. The language which the Hebrews used was in accordance with the prevailing ideas and language of the ancients on the subject.

Consider Isaiah 40:22; 44:13 (Heb.) 'khoog/chuwg' means "a sphere"; Job 26:7, 10; Proverbs 8:27 "Compassed" means "spherical." The Greek Septuagint provides the same descriptor. Luke 17:34-36 states that in one night two men will be in bed, two women will be grinding, and [on the other side of the earth (as Brother Branham also explained)] two men will be in the field [in broad daylight]".

The four winds represent war and strife, "the earth" represents the united States which will become "the image unto the beast" of Revelation 13 when church and state unite as prophesied in Revelation 13:11-18, "the sea" signifies the beast of Papal Rome comprised of the attributes of the previous beasts (Daniel 7:19-23; Revelation 13:1-3), while "trees" represent people. Armageddon cannot take place until God has sealed the elect Israelites.

Meeting at Assisi October 27, 1986Spirits do not die; Satan takes his man but not his spirit which he places on another sinner, so the world cannot become a better place. Just as the promises to the overcomers in each Church Age are cumulative so are His condemnations. In Revelation 16:12-16 Jesus explained how the Sixth Vial which is pouring out now will separate His true Church from the Great Whore and her (once) Protestant daughter churches. Satan will unite his deceived followers through Vatican II, ecumenism, interfaith, charismatic movements, parliament of the world religions, etc, against the wise and foolish virgins who have come out of that apostasy into the S_O_N-Light (II Corinthians 6:14-18; Revelation 18:1-8). This "universal religious assembly" pictured at Assisi is uniting an "image unto the beast" against Christ the Word (Amos 3:3).

Before his untimely death in 1999, Jewish Jesuit Malachi Martin, who was with Vatican intelligence assessing things in Israel and an adviser to three popes told Uri Dowbenko, "I think that from the very start John Paul II for whatever reasons has sought after one thing and one thing only. The formation of what now appears to be in his mind, a universal assemblage of Catholics at the core; grouped with them the Protestant denominations, sects and churches; grouped around them believing Jews, believing Muslims, believing Hindus, believing Buddhists. And that would be a universal religious assembly that could have a powerful dynamic kick in civilization and in solving the problems of men and women today. That is the only thing you can really say this man has sought heart and soul and body with all his traveling. . ." (Uri Dowbenko, Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy, p. 213). World religions are uniting against Christ the Word.

With such a religious power base already established, the Illuminati will incorporate the political, financial and commercial elements prophesied in Daniel 2:40-45, 9:27 and Revelation 17:11-18 to form the global government Lucifer offered Jesus (Matthew 4:8-9). The end of the Gentile dispensation will be marked by earthquakes that sink Los Angeles beneath the Pacific, split the Mount of Olives and demolish the Dome of the Rock on Mount Moriah igniting the brief 'hot stage' of World War III. Israel will be utterly defeated, the united States will be invaded and briefly occupied and the global economy and monetary and financial system will collapse.

A federation of world religions under Rome will see peace restored, the US dollar refinanced with Roman gold as per the abovementioned covenants, and one world government inaugurated under Lucifer, cast down to earth and incarnate in the Pope of the Judaeo-Roman universal church.

Revelation 16:12, "And the sixth angel poured out his Vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings from the east [Mongol Khazar Communists] might be prepared".

Euphrates was the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire. It flowed through Babylon, Satan's earthly headquarters prior to their relocation to Pergamum, then Rome, as the River of Life flows through New Jerusalem, God's earthly headquarters. Rome's waning authority, apostasy among her daughters, the close of the Church Ages and the dastardly aggression of the United States and NATO as agents of the 'City of London' against Iraq and Syria toward the conquest of Russia and China, has metaphorically dried up the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Now instead of a buffer zone and border between Christendom and heathendom it is "the way" [whereby] the kings from the East will invade Israel under the Seventh Trumpet, enabling Russia to wrest Israel's energy resources (Revelation 11:15; Isaiah 13:6-16; Zechariah 14:1-2).

For almost 2,000 years the "four angels," horses or diabolical powers or Rome were bound at the River Euphrates which was the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire. Genuine Israelites, heirs in the Old Covenant of promise, now dwell safely in the Muslim lands of the ancient Babylonian and Assyrian empires outside Rome's sphere of influence. "For fear of the Jews" they will not return to the Land of the Covenant until the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week when Israel is thoroughly defeated and forever ended as a military force. These powers are commissioned to destroy the earth and the sea—by extension the United States and Rome—but forbidden to do so until the 144,000 elect Israelites have been sealed by the Holy Ghost (Revelation 7:2-3). It is centuries since Rome commanded armies; she now commands by psychology and religious superstition—the authority of her pope, Christ's supposed earthly agent "who exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped." Jesus said, "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." His representative is His Holy Spirit present in the saints by the revelation of His own unchanging Word (John 14:18, 26; 16:13-15).

Under the Sixth Trumpet the revival of the Holy Roman Empire begun at Yalta by Jewish dictators Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin continues, with the CIA's EU, Jewry's UN, NAFTA, APEC, WCC and similar unions integrating nations toward one world government as prophesied in Daniel 2. Under the Sixth Seal and Seventh Trumpet Israel will be invaded, sending so-called Jews fleeing to their homelands worldwide so that Israelites can return to the land of their Covenant. The Holy Spirit which had been bound by denominationalism for two thousand years was loosed by the evening Light of the Prophet's Message (Zechariah 14:7; Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; 24:27-28; 25:6; I Thessalonians 4:14-16; Revelation 10:7). When the ecclesiastical persecution strikes Christ's end-time Bride we will manifest that we are the Sons of God and the 'third pull' will generate faith for rapturing grace (Feast of Trumpets, p. 22:170, 182, 231-243).

Rome will rule the world but by the power of gold and the brute force of US and NATO militaries in the clash of civilizations between "the kings from the East [atheistic Judaeo-Communism] and the kings of the earth [the Judaeo-Roman Universal church's earthbound global Empire]." Under the Sixth Trumpet the four angels were released from the psychology of Papal myth and tradition to the spirit of Laodicea which means rights of the people, or communism that pervades governments, churches and institutions of once Christian nations. This narcissistic spirit laid the ground for independent nationhood granted to colonies, individuals and groups since World War II (Luke 21:29-31), and under our alien-controlled two-party political Hegelian sham democracies that serve minority interests against the majority, thus the 'Hidden Hand' rules.

The beast from the earth is the United States of America. In the seventh of seven consecutive visions shown to Brother Branham in 1933 he saw the whole nation a-smolder from a Russian nuclear attack. The beast from the sea is the Roman Catholic church. After the 144,000 elect Israelites are sealed into the Kingdom a Russian nuclear attack will blast Vatican City State from the land of Italy (Revelation 17:1-18:20).

Revelation 16:13-14, "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon [Imperial Rome, Revelation 12:3-4], and out of the mouth of the beast [at Nicaea where the Judaeo-Roman church organized, Revelation 13:1-2], and out of the mouth of the false prophet [singular, the first pope]. For they are the spirits of demons [hidden until the revelation of the Seven Seals "finished the mystery of God" and exposed their pagan godhead and false baptism]. They look back to the First Nicaea Council (AD325) where the Babylonian trinity entered Christendom], working miracles which go forth to the kings of the earth and of the whole world [to unite them under Roman headship in a federation of world religions], to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

Brother Branham said, "the three unclean spirits is the three isms . . . I believe it's a spirit, the sleeping virgin, confederation of church, Judaism on the rejecting of Christ, the Jews that rejected it, and Catholicism. Because you see where it come out of the—it come out of the false prophet (See?), out of the mouth of the false prophet which was popery, from out of the beast. See? And all that where it come out of, you can see the backgrounds where it is. And that's the three unclean spirits that sets the whole world to Armageddon. See? And that's them three unclean spirits. Then you get that right in with the three woes" (Thy House, par. 73-74).

"Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I said, "Now, there's going to be three great isms. Which is now in existence. One of them is in Rome, which is Fascism, and one of them is in Germany which is Nazism. And the other one is in Russia, which is communism." I said, "Those three great isms is the unclean spirits that went out of the mouth of the false prophet, and the dragons, and so forth that will unite themselves together, speaking things that they should not, and they'll all beat at one another, until they'll finally wind up in one ism. And I predict that that will be communism. And communism will burn the Vatican City" (Faith Once Delivered to the Saints, par. 17; Revelation 17:16; 18:8-20).

Do you now understand modern history prophesied in your Bible two thousand years ago being fulfilled in this our day as we live under the Sixth Vial just before the Seventh Vial is poured out at the close of the Gentile dispensation?

Revelation 16:15-16, "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Christ has "come as a thief" in the darkness of apostasy. He came through the mouth of His Prophet; this was His second or (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming, not His physical return which will be His third or (Gk.) 'erchomai' Coming. The revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form. The churches "say they are rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; [Jesus said:] you don't know it but spiritually you are wretched, and miserable, and bankrupt, blind to the faith, and naked of the Blood." Yet they are not even looking for the mandatory Sign in the sky and the promised prophet.

"The three unclean spirits are gathering them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon." The denominations can't see it in the Bible, recent historical facts borne out by probably three hundred deaths, many recorded in real time on radio, television and in print. The 'Hidden Hand' is gathering the sinners like thorns and briars into two camps ready to be burned. The secular or eastern camp is gathering under the banner of Judaeo-Communism while the western camp of all religions is gathering under the banner of Judaeo-Catholicism. Both camps are gathering together to make war with the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS and the real Salvation Army in heaven is following Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean which is the righteousnesses of saints". nl968.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Silence in Heaven the Space of Half an Hour

Bible Believers' Newsletter 967

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
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Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our Brothers and Sisters growing in vitamin F for faith by receiving the word with all readiness of mind then searching the Scripture daily whether those things were so. Jesus and Paul foretold the Christian dispensation will end in apostasy like the Hebrew dispensation. Brother Branham, the lying media propaganda and government treachery daily confirm Romans 11:32, II Thessalonians 2:1-12, II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4 and Revelation 3:15-20 are indeed true.

In the last news item of Newsletter 966 we added a long comment concerning the Laodicean Church Age and the present holy convocation that is now taking us to the end of the Gentile dispensation of grace and the first resurrection. Jesus said "no man knows the day or the hour" to which His Prophet William Branham added, "Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His Coming was to be completed." If you revisit the Newsletter on-line you will discover our former comments have been reinforced with further quotations and Scripture references.

Our main article this week compliments Newsletter 965, explaining the protocols in Israel's Temple with respect to priestly intercession in the days of Jesus. While our news items emphasise the characteristics of murder and lying identified by Israel's Messiah in the generation of leaders who rule the (once) Christian developed world (John 8:44) and observe that war is murder based upon the lies of Lucifer's vicarious offspring (I John 3:10-12).

A Russian travelled to the capital to see the Zoological Museum. Returning home he narrated how he had seen all that was there—even the insects.

"How does the elephant look?" asked a child.

"I did not notice the elephant," answered the peasant.

Our historians have written about all the periods of history, and even the "insects," but they have never "noticed" the chief instigator of all wars and revolutions, the 'Hidden Hand' of Cain's race whom God set at enmity with those born naturally of the first Adam and reborn spiritually of the last Adam (Genesis 3:15; John 3:3).

Once-Christian nations have surrendered government to the enemy of God and man through controlled Hegelian two party political systems so it matters not which party is elected. Democracy can only function until self-seeking politicians exhaust the national treasure and promise entitlements funded by loans from International banksters.

The 'Hidden Hand' sits in our parliaments, congresses and judiciaries ruling as dictators borrowing billions from bankster kin to divide and conquer nations from within by introducing unwanted inassimilable aliens of every race, colour, creed and passion as innocent unpaid foot soldiers whose utility also increases cash flow to buoy the Babylonian fractional reserve fiat money banking fraud. This WMD called multiculturalism is a euphemism for miscegenation that is accursed of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 1:22, 25). It resulted from the 'original sin' and was the cause of the Great Flood (Genesis 3, 6:1-4; Matthew 24:37; I John 2:13-14; 3:12); national leaders such as David Cameron, Barak Obama, the Clintons, Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarkosy, Angela Merkel, and John Keys have fostered this biological genocide.

"How does the elephant look?" asked a child.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

North Korea threatens America. They're coming, they're going to blow Us Up

March 13, 2017 — What was indelible about . . . [the Korean War of 1950-53] was the extraordinary destructiveness of the United States' air campaigns against North Korea, from the widespread and continuous use of firebombing, to threats to use nuclear and chemical weapons, and the destruction of huge North Korean dams in the final stages of the war . . . (Bruce Cumings) . . . [Like Dresden, another real holocaust by the Jew-controlled 'Allies' (so-called), now bombing North Africa and the Middle East where the real Israelites live in what were once the ancient Empires of Babylon and Assyria].

Gen. Curtis LeMay who coordinated bombing raids against North Korea during the Korean War (1950-53) acknowledged that: "We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea too . . . Over a period of three years or so, we killed off—what—twenty percent of the population of Korea as direct casualties of war, or from starvation and exposure? (Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals (1988) . . .)"

According to award winning author and Vietnam war veteran Brian Willson: It is now believed that the population north of the imposed thirty-eighth Parallel lost nearly a third of its population of eight to nine million people during the thirty-seven-month-long "hot" war, 1950-53, perhaps an unprecedented percentage of mortality suffered by one nation due to the belligerence of another" . . . The World is at a dangerous crossroads. The architects of US foreign policy are insane . . . Full story:

Comment: "At one of our first dinners in Pyongyang our host, Ri Myong Kuk, a lawyer, stated, on behalf of government, and in passionate terms, that the DPRK's Nuclear Deterrent Force was necessary in light of US world actions and threats against the DPRK. He stated, and this was repeated to me in a high level meeting with DPRK government officials later on in the trip, that if the Americans would sign a peace treaty and non-aggression agreement with the DPRK, it would de-legitimize the American occupation and lead to reunification. Consequently there would be no need for nuclear weapons.

He stated sincerely: "It's important that lawyers are gathering to talk about this as lawyers regulate the social interactions within society and within the world," and added just as sincerely that, "the path to peace requires an open heart."

It appeared to us then and it is apparent now, in absolute contradiction to the claims of the western media, that the people of the DPRK want peace more than anything else so they can get on with their lives and endeavours without the constant threat of nuclear annihilation by the United States. But annihilation is what they in fact face and whose fault is that? Not theirs.

We were shown American documents captured in the Korean War that are compelling evidence that the US planned an attack on North Korea in 1950. The attack was carried out using American and South Korean forces with the assistance of Japanese Army officers who had invaded and occupied Korea decades before. The North Korean defence and counter-attack was then claimed by the US to be "aggression" which the United States manipulated in the media to get the UN to support a "police operation," the euphemism they chose to use to carry on what was in fact their war of aggression against North Korea. Three years of war and 3.5 million Korean deaths followed and the US has threatened them with imminent war and annihilation ever since.

The UN vote in favour of a "police action" in 1950 was itself illegal since Russia was absent for the vote in the Security Council. The quorum required for the Security Council under its Rules of Procedure, is all member delegations so that all members must be present or a session cannot proceed. The Americans used a Russian boycott of the Security Council as their opportunity. The Russian boycott took place in defence of the position of the Peoples Republic of China that it should have the China seat at the Security Council table, not the defeated Kuomintang government. The Americans refused to do the right thing, so the Russians refused to sit at the table until the legitimate Chinese government could.

The Americans used this opportunity to carry out a type of coup in the UN, to take over its machinery for its own interests by arranging with the British, French and Kuomintang Chinese to back their actions in Korea by a vote in the absence of the Russians. The allies did as the Americans asked and voted for war with Korea, but the vote was invalid, and the "police action" was not a peace-keeping operation nor justified under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, since article 51 states that all nations have the right of self defence against an armed attack, which is what the North Koreans faced and had reacted to. But the Americans have never cared much about legalities and they did not then for the American plan in its entirety was to conquer and occupy North Korea as a step towards the invasions of Manchuria and Siberia and the law was not going to get in their way.

Many in the west have little idea of the destruction carried out in Korea by the Americans and their allies; that Pyongyang was carpet bombed into oblivion, that civilians fleeing the carnage were strafed by American planes. The New York Times stated at the time that 17,000,000 pounds of napalm were used in Korea just in the first 20 months of the war. More bomb tonnage was dropped on Korea by the US than the US dropped on Japan in World War Two.

American forces hunted down and murdered not only communist party members but also their families. At Sinchon we saw the evidence that American soldiers forced 500 civilians into a ditch, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. We stood in an air raid shelter with walls still blackened with the burnt flesh of 900 civilians, including women and children who had sought safety during an American attack. American soldiers were seen pouring gasoline down the air vents of the shelter and burning them all to death. This is the reality of the American occupation for Koreans. This is the reality they fear still and never want to repeat. Can we blame them? . . .

The question is not whether the DPRK has nuclear weapons which it is legally entitled to have, but whether the United States, which has nuclear arms capability on the Korean peninsula, and is now installing its THADD missile defence system there, a system that threatens the security of Russia and China, is willing to work with the North toward a peace treaty . . . the Russians and Chinese have nuclear weapons and built them to act as a deterrent to an attack by the United States just as North Korea is doing . . . they have seen what has happened to Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and countless other countries and they have no intention of having that happen to them . . . they think we were all born yesterday and that we haven't learned a thing or two about the character of the American leadership and the nature of their propaganda. Is it any wonder that the North Koreans fear that any day these ongoing war "games" can be switched to the real thing, that these "games" are just a cover for an attack, and in the meantime to create an atmosphere of terror for the Korean people? . . . (

America's leadership is Jewish, and has been dividing to conquer since the Civil War. The united States is a colony of Jewry's City of London that Rules Britain, Australia and most of the world in pursuit of their g_d Lucifer's Talmudic one world government. Can anyone be so blind to true history as not to see that when the united States unites with apostate (once) Protestant churches it will become "the image unto the [Judaeo-Roman Catholic] beast" of Revelation 13:11-18?

The Pentagon leads over 300,000 troops in a rehearsal for an invasion one week after the White House announces it's considering military action against North Korea [obviously planned years beforehand as Woodrow Wilson was preparing to declare war even as he stood for election on the slogan "because he kept America out of war" (Stephen Gowans). William Branham prophesied: "Judgment is hanging in the skies right now. It's written on the face of every American . . . (A True Sign that's Overlooked, p. 43:252).

Our Age of Folly

March 9, 2017 — The United States has been growing progressively insane for a long time . . . America's participation in the Vietnam War lasted for a decade or thereabouts. The extraordinary carnage and war crimes served no interest other than the power and profit of the military/security complex and the paranoia of the arbiters of US foreign policy.

No lesson learned, we have spent the entirety of the 21st century to date repeating the mistake. This time it is stateless Muslim terrorists who somehow were merged in official US propaganda into the governments of seven countries in the Middle East and North Africa. After 17 years of murdering women, children and village elders, destroying the infrastructure of countries, and bombing weddings, funerals, children's soccer games, schools and hospitals, Washington has surpassed its criminal record in Vietnam . . .

Few remember that the Iraq War, ongoing since 2003, was supposed to be a "cakewalk" that would last three weeks. The war would not be the multi-trillion dollar event it turned out to be. We were assured the war would cost only $70 billion and be paid for with Iraqi oil revenues . . . Full story: (former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in Reagan Administration).

GCHQ sent Obama transcripts of Trump Tower wiretappings

March 15, 2017 — Judge Andrew Napolitano has declared on Fox News that it was not the NSA nor the CIA nor the US FBI that spied on Donald Trump when he was a presidential candidate and then President elect; rather it was the British GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters).

The links between the United Kingdom and the Obama Administration are all the more strong given that London funded the beginning of Barack Obama's presidential electoral campaign. A number of members of the first Obama administration had been chosen within the Pilgrim's Society, an organization that shies away from the spotlight and which is chaired by Queen Elizabeth II. Full story:

Clexit: Trump must Dump Paris & defund UN Climate Industry

March 14, 2017 — The International Clexit Coalition today joined the growing chorus urging President Trump to keep his election promises and dump every climate treaty "agreed" in Kyoto, Paris and the UN/IPCC. Clexit could call on over 190 well-qualified climate realists from 26 countries to provide scientific, business, legal and political support and advice . . . it was obvious from the Brexit vote in Britain, the election of President Trump in USA, the rise of Marine la Pen in France and Geert Wilders in Holland and the election of Senator Malcolm Roberts in Australia that the general population no longer trusts the globalists controlling the UN, the EU, and the UN/IPCC.

"The whole war on carbon is merely a grab for power using a world tax on energy to fund global government. Voters of the world are waking up and unless the politicians trim their sails to the new sceptical gale they will be swept from office . . . The Paris Agreement will destroy industries and jobs and make electricity more expensive and unreliable. One bad winter blackout will be enough to cure the EU heartland of climate alarmism and green energy. Soon the only Paris supporters will be third world and Pacific Island mendicants hoping for climate handouts (but getting energy handcuffs)."

"This stupidity will surely end, but energy costs will rise for every day's delay." Full story:

Comment: According to the testament of Montefiore, Zion is not sparing either of money or of any other means to achieve its ends. In our day, all the governments of the entire world are consciously or unconsciously submissive to the commands of this great Supergovernment of Zion, because all the bonds and securities are in its hands; for all countries are indebted to the Jews for sums which they will never be able to pay. All affairs—industry, commerce, and diplomacy—are in the hands of Zion. By means of its capital loans it has enslaved all nations. By keeping education on purely materialistic lines, the Jews have loaded the Gentiles with heavy chains with which they have harnessed them to their "Supergovernment."

The end of national liberty is near, therefore, personal freedom is approaching its close; for true liberty cannot exist where Zion uses the lever of its gold to rule the masses and dominate the most respectable and enlightened class of society..."  (Sergius Nilus on the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; easy to listen to audio).

Treason—Hawke, Keating, Rudd, Gillard, Turnbull, and the Jew World Order

Israel over Australia
August 21, 1916 — In November 1999 Australians through a nationwide Referendum decided NOT to create a Republic. This was a confirmation to the Government that Australians wanted to remain Australian with an Australian Constitution—we wanted to stay with what we knew. But what the Australian public didn't know is that our Labor politicians were working really hard behind our backs.

One month earlier, on United Nations Day, the UN introduced a Charter for Global Governance (One World Government under the United Nations). [Do you remember Matthew 4:8-9]? They called it Global Democracy but it really stands for 'International Socialism.' In October 1999 the UN voted us in to its ranks . . . one month BEFORE our Referendum.

Next, the politicians removed the "Oath of Allegiance to the Crown" from our Law Courts. They sold us out to the United Nations expecting Australia to vote "Yes for the Republic" by Referendum.

BACKGROUND: The United Nations Security Council that oversees all the armed forces of the world was formed in 1943 based on the Communist Constitution of Russia. (All the way up to 1988 all Secretary's (Heads) of the UN Security Council were Communists.

Another UN body that looks after education—UNESCO was the same deal. The secretary, Vice President and President were all Communist. In fact 12 Judges of the World Court . . . were all Communists. Why this is important is because of the stated aims when it comes to the global education of our children. The original Commission of UNESCO was written in 1946 by Julian Huxley—and became the organisation's first director-general. He was a Fabian Socialist.

This is Huxley's basic philosophy about education for UNESCO—destroy patriotism of your country and make teachers and the State controllers of your children's education. (You only have to look at '
Safe Schools' to see how State governments had been planning to roll out this program without the parent's consent).

WHITLAM signed up to the 'UN—International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights' within 2 weeks of coming into power. A treaty that essentially gave cultures like Muslims the right to practice Sharia in Australia under the UN's mantra that "Every culture is Equal."

HAWKE [Jew] signed us into 6 different UNESCO Conventions.

KEATING signed us up to Convention Concerning Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer that ended up as Unfair Dismissal—it was a UN initiative!

HOWARD Disarmed Australia in 1996 a key objective of the United Nations committee of Regional disarmament committee formed in 1990 which Australia supported from Day one.

RUDD in keeping with the requirements of the UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples—apologised to the Indigenous people of Australia—another UN initiative.

GILLARD came into power she signed us up to the UN Kyoto Agreement for Green House Gas Emissions.

BISHOP [Jewess] launched our bid to sit on the UN International Commission of Human Rights.

TURNBULL [Jew] signed us up to the UN Climate Change Convention, committing Australia to millions of dollars in Carbon emissions Taxation after Tony Abbott had refused to join and was deposed of weeks before the date of the UN convention.

Four 10 minute videos on the subject: 1234. Full story:

Comment: We are ruled by traitors working toward Lucifer's Talmudic one world government. You will have noted from Newsletters 959 and 961 that the Church made two submissions to the Parliamentary Joint Commission on Human Rights. There were over 11,000 submissions and no action was forthcoming. Praise the Lord for the meeting in the air.

Silence in Heaven the Space of Half an Hour

rich young ruler
Luke 21:1-6, "Jesus looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And He said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow has cast in more than they all: for all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury has cast in all the living she had. And as some spoke of the Temple, how it was adorned with goodly stones [some 40 feet long] and gifts, He said, As for these things which you behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down".

As Jesus was still in the Temple at the time of this discourse, it marks the climax of His public ministry. He criticized the comfortable piety of the rich, contrasting their motive and objective with that of this poor widow. The moral is that it is not how much one gives materially, but how much one gives of oneself. The widow gave all that she had to God, thereby expressing her faith in Him to provide for her needs. The rich gave only from their excess, expressing no commitment at all but she gave all of her livelihood . . . and her heart.

In response to this allusion to its material grandeur which had become a stumbling stone and an idol to false piety, Jesus pronounced judgment on that Temple, He being the anointed and true Temple of God.

The ransom of souls required every male Israelite able to bear arms to be numbered annually and to pay tribute of one half shekel toward the continual sacrifice and other expenses associated with the Temple in Jerusalem. Many people contributed far more than the half shekel. Patriotism and religion swelled their gifts which far exceeded their legal dues. So many were the givers, and so large the gifts, and the richest contributions came from the crowded Jewish settlements in Mesopotamia and Babylon where special treasuries for their transportation to Jerusalem had been built, that they came by armed escort led by the most honorable of their citizens.

In the Temple their monies were emptied into three large chests which were opened with certain formalities at each of the three great feasts.

Great importance was attached to this payment as all Israel should appear represented in the purchase of the daily public sacrifices. So when the three chests were emptied, they took expressly from one "for the land of Israel," from another, "for Israelites resident in neighboring lands," and from a third "for Israelites in distant lands".

The Temple dues were to meet the expenses of animals, meal, oil, wine and incense, plus the wages of a large staff responsible for a multitude of Temple duties, from examining into the Levitical fitness of offerings, to making the curtains. And after all this there was sufficient to pay for repairs to the city walls, roads, public buildings, etc., about Jerusalem and to accumulate tremendous wealth in the sanctuary. The wealth and splendor of the Temple was reflected in its services.

Next to the sacrificial rite was the hymnody of the sanctuary. Thus when the twenty-four elders representing the chiefs of the twenty-four courses of the priesthood, and afterward the 144,000 representing redeemed Israel in its fullness, sing "the new song"—the former in heaven, the latter on Mount Zion—they appear as "harpers, harping with their harps." The harpers and their new song are a key to understanding and placing the "present truth"—what Jesus is doing now.

Revelation 5:8-6:1, "And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of saints. And they sang a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the Book, and to open its Seals: for You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation [speaking of the Gentile Bride]; and have made us kings and priests to our God: and we shall reign on the earth".

"And I saw and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders [the redeemed Bride foreknown of God]: and their number was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing."

"And I heard every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be to Him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever. And the four living creatures said, Amen. And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshipped Him that lives forever and ever. And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the Seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, Come!"

Revelation 5:8 is set at the conclusion of intercession. The Lamb stood by the altar of sacrifice to make intercessions for the redemption of the Church Age saints on account of their ignorance of the faith while God held the sealed Book in His hand. The sacrifice is complete, their offering of PART-Word has been received, and intercession is finished. The elders have their revelation (prayers) in golden vials to present to the Lamb to offer up before God with the revelation of the Seven Sealed Book, which calls and perfects His end-time Bride. For without us, they cannot be glorified. There is no more blood on the Mercy Seat, the Lamb has advanced and claimed the Book. He is worthy. When He took the Book, redemption was over. The elders have reason to rejoice with the harp and "a new song," because Gentile days are numbered and the Wedding Supper of the Lamb is at hand.

The harpers harped and the music began in the Temple service just as the joyous drink offering was poured over the ashes. Wine represents the joy of faith, or revelation; it was "strong wine poured out unto the Lord" (Numbers 28:7). The worshiper had seen the lamb slain as atonement for his own guilt, and the meal offering presented as a type of his total dedication to the Lord. Properly speaking, the drink offering was not a part of any sacrifice; though it was never offered by itself alone but poured out willingly over the ashes of the sacrifice, and the memorial of the meal offering, expressing the worshipers' concurrence in all that he saw done at the altar. Yes, the Church Age saints were at-one by virtue of Christ's intercession and the Bride is in oneness by virtue of her revelation of the Seven Thunders.

groundplan of templeThe Lamb departed from the brazen altar, advanced to the Holy of Holies, took the scroll of Redemption from Jehovah, and sat down on the Judgment Seat to reveal its contents, which indict the world and call His Bride. If we had time we could follow this through the Bible in the unveiling of the Seven Seals in Revelation 6:1-17 and 8:1, the offering up of the Bride of all Ages by the incense of the Seventh Seal—perfecting that which was in part; judgment being cast onto the earth, then the unfolding of Israel's Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8:2, 6 – 9:21 and 11:14-17. Visualize the scriptures, remembering Revelation 7; 8:3-5; 10 – 11:13 and 12 – 18 are in parenthesis as a soliloquy in a play, for they describe events that are revealed after the close of the Church Ages. Now close your eyes and focus your mind on the layout of the Temple as I describe the order of the evening service.

The sacrifice was offered and the meal offering was brought. Oil and salt were added and it was laid on the fire. Next, the High Priest's daily meal offering consisting of twelve cakes broken in halves was presented for Israel—twelve half-cakes in the morning, twelve in the evening. Finally, the appropriate drink-offering was poured out upon the foundation of the altar where we see the Hebrew "souls under the altar" in Revelation 6:9-10. The incense was burned, not, as in the morning, before, but after the pieces of the sacrifice had been laid on the fire of the altar in the form of the lamb, typing the finished mystery of God, or Fullness of the Word by the revelation of the Seven Seals. This knowledge enables us to place the setting of Revelation 5:8-9 and 8:1-5 as the antitype of the evening service.

It was at this point that the Temple music began. It was the duty of the priests who stood on the right and the left of the marble table on which the fat of the sacrifice was laid, at the proper time to blow the blasts on their silver trumpets. On a signal, cymbals were struck. Immediately, the choir of Levites, accompanied by instrumental music, began the Psalm of the day, which was always sung in three sections. At the close of each, priests blew three blasts from their silver trumpets, and the people bowed and silently worshipped.

But "when He had opened the Seventh Seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour" (Revelation 8:1).

In this most solemn period, throughout the vast Temple buildings, deep silence rested on the worshiping multitude, while within the sanctuary itself, the priest was alone. He laid the incense on the golden altar, and the cloud of odors rose up before the Lord, which serves as the image of heavenly things in Revelation 8.

In Luke 1:8-11, Zacharias ministered, "the people praying without at the time of incense." Incense is symbolic of prayer, and prayer is an appeal through revelation. Psalm 141:2, "Let my prayer be set forth before You as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice." So the acceptance given to the burnt offering, representing faith in Jesus Christ, is the basis and measure of the acceptance of our prayers. Jesus said, "If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you" (John 15:7).

When the morning and evening sacrifices were placed on the brazen altar, fresh incense was poured on the censer on the altar of incense at the time of the trimming of the lamps—both morning and evening. And it was at the time of the evening sacrifice, when the Seven Seals are revealed, that the Shout of the Message of the seventh angel aroused the wise and the foolish virgin to trim their lamps, which symbolize their revelation (Matthew 25:6-7). Zechariah foretold "that at evening time it shall be Light." Jesus said His parousia would restore to the West the Light that illumined the apostolic saints in the East (Matthew 24:29). That is, at the sun-setting or evening time.

It was at the time of the evening oblation that Daniel received his revelation from God concerning the future of His people and their holy city (Daniel 9:21). It was at this time that God answered the prayers of Elijah in the Mount Carmel showdown with the priests of Baal (I Kings 18:36-38); and brought judgment upon King Uzziah when he usurped the office of the priests in offering incense before the Lord (II Chronicles 26:17-19).

Paul said, "I am, by the grace of God, the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost" (Romans 15:16). That was in the morning time of the Church. Paul's revelation was restored in the end-time through the ministry of Brother Branham in order that the offering up of the evening time Bride might also be acceptable to God (Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 10:7). What sanctifies the saints is the revelation of Jesus Christ unveiled in the Seven Seals (Hebrews 11:39-40).

Revelation 8:3, "And another Angel came and stood at the Sacrifice Altar, having a Golden Censer; and there was given unto Him much incense, that He should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the Golden Altar which was before the Throne".

altar of incenseThe difference between the Golden Altar in Revelation 8:3 and that in the Temple is the absence of the veil that once separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. Seeing it has been rent in two, we now have boldness to enter the Presence. The Altar of Incense was of acacia wood and gold—so closely joined as to form an inseparable union, typing Deity and humanity united in Jesus Christ, the first God-man, and the invisible union between the Bride and Christ. Acacia was the most common tree of the wilderness, a stunted and shaggy thorn-bush, close grained and not readily attacked by insects, as Jesus Christ lived by every Word and did not succumb to sin's attack. The Altar was foursquare, thus pointing in every direction. Jesus Christ as the Brazen Altar is the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world. And as the true Incense Altar, the High Priest who ever lives to make intercession for all who come to God by Him.

As there was no window or ventilation in the Holy Place, the position of the altar, close to the veil, enabled the incense to find its way into the Place of the Presence in the Most Holy Place, permeating it with its beautiful fragrance. It had to do with both places as Jesus links heaven with earth in His relation between God and Man. "No man has ever ascended to heaven, but there is One who came down from heaven, even the Son of Man whose Home is in heaven" (John 3:13). And "no man comes to the Father but by the Son" (John 14:6).

In Hebrews 9:1-5 there is no mention of the incense altar because this chapter deals chiefly with the Day of Atonement. On that day the high priest carried the coals in the golden censer, not to the altar of incense as usual, but right into the Holy of Holies where the censer took the place of the altar of incense. This is why in this chapter it is counted among the furniture of the Holy of Holies rather than to that of the Holy Place to which at all other times it belonged. Thus we see that the service of Revelation 8:1-5 is not the Day of Atonement.

Revelation 8:2-5, "And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets." Brother Branham taught that these seven trumpeting angels were heavenly beings sent from the Presence of God (Psalms 104:4; Acts 5:19; 8:23; 12: 7; Hebrews 1:7; An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 323:3).

"And another Angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto Him much incense [of the revelation of the Seven Seals], that He should offer it with the prayers of all saints [for we are one Body] upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the Angel's hand." This Angel is William Branham veiling Christ the Angel of the Covenant who "received the revelation God gave Him, to show to His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it in symbols of the earthly Temple by His angel [William Branham] to His servant John [who signifies you and me as members of Christ's end-time Bride to whom Brother Branham's Message is directed]" (Revelation 1:1).

Christ's Body lay on the sacrifice altar in the heavenly temple and His Blood sprinkled the Mercy Seat as a memorial while He interceded for the ignorance of the Church Age or PART-Word saints. When the last name was born-again in Laodicea Christ's mediation was fulfilled and redemption was over. Revelation 4 was fulfilled, and without Blood the Mercy Seat was now a Judgment Seat. The Lamb advanced from the Altar of Sacrifice as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, claimed the Book of Life which is the Title Deed to all He had redeemed, and fulfilled Revelation 5.

The end-time Bride and the 144,000 elect Israelites were fully redeemed in Christ on Calvary being foreknown respectively as receiving the fullness of the Word through the revelation of the Seven Seals delivered by the Prophet William Branham, or the Seven Trumpet mysteries that will be delivered by the two Hebrew Prophets of Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11. Here Christ is offering the whole Church up to God, incensing the prayers or revelation of all saints with the revelation of the fullness of the mysteries of the Seven Thunders.

In the Bible, garments (Psalms 45:9), beds (Proverbs 7:17), the Groom (Songs 3:6), and guests of honor (Luke 7:46) were all perfumed with incense as a sign of honor and dedication. In Israelite worship it usually accompanied sacrifices as a device to take away any suggestion of carnality, and was the prerogative of the priest (Numbers 16:6-7; II Chronicles 26:16-18). A combination of incense with the prayers (or revelation) indicates Divine acceptance.

This "vast quantity of incense" is the "huge portion of Heaven . . . [prophesied by Danny Henry which] . . . in itself is what will give and make come to pass the tremendous victory in the love Divine" (Paradox, p. 41:300-311). This incense of THUS SAITH THE LORD offered with the prayers or revelation indicates all of the saints have "come in the unity of the faith, to the stature of the fullness of Christ".

Revelation 8:5, "And the Angel took the Censer, and filled it with fire of the Altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake." The Censer is used for judgment reminiscent of Genesis 19:24 and Ezekiel 10:2. Gentile days are over. Judgment is cast down to earth, and that earthquake will be the sinking of Los Angeles, the manifestation of the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Trumpet calling the first resurrection (I Corinthians 15:52; I Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 6:12-17; 11:15-19).

Revelation 11:15-19, "The Seventh Trumpet angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdom of this world has become our Lord's and His Christ's; and He shall reign forever and ever. And the twenty-four elders who sit before God fell upon their faces and worshipped God, saying, We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, who is, and was, and is to come; because You have taken Your great power, and have reigned."

"And the nations were angry, and Your wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that You should give reward to Your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Your name, small and great; [in the resurrection and 'Bema' judgment at the Wedding Supper] and should destroy them that destroy the earth. And the Temple of God in heaven was seen to be open because there was no veil and the ark of His testament was seen in His Temple [signifying God's favour toward Israel]: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake [sinking Los Angeles], and great hail [which will be the judgment of Rome]".

The Roman Beast will slay the elect Israelites but their martyrdom will seal them into the Presence of God, as the laver wherein they are washed by fiery tribulation stands before His throne (Revelation 4:6). Revelation 15:2-4, "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with Fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the Beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God [tuned solely for His praise]. And they sing the Song of Moses the servant of God, and the Song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Your ways, You King of saints. Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before You; for Your judgments are revealed".

The 144,000 acknowledge God's justice in chastising Israel over the past 2,000 years, leading to the revelation that the veil in the Temple is no more. They recognize Christ enthroned and His justice through the years in the punishment of the false church in each Age is about to be revealed, distinguishing the Bride Church. "And the Temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from His power; and no man was able to enter into the Temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled" (Revelation 15:8). When the Tabernacle and Temple were dedicated the Cloud or Shekinah manifested signifying God's Presence in grace (Exodus 40:34-36; I Kings 8:10-11). Here, however, the Temple is filled with the smoke of Judgment in association with the bowls or Vials of God's wrath against the false church (Revelation 15:7; Exodus 19:18; Isaiah 6:1-4).

"And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, unprecedented in magnitude since men were upon the earth" (Revelation 16:18). God's judgment on the false church is such that no man could be resurrected until the last Trump sounds with the sinking of Los Angeles, the Seventh Vial is poured out, grace ended, satisfaction rendered His holy wrath and the smoke abated.

Revelation 15:5-6, "And after that I looked, and, behold, the Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened: and the seven angels came out of the Temple, having the seven plagues. . ." Revelation 11:19, "And the Temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His Temple the ark of His Testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail".

The reference to harpers in Revelation 15:2 is not to the ordinary, but to the sabbath services in the Temple. We must remember that whereas Revelation 5:8 was set in March of 1963, when the Laodicean Church Age ended, and Christ came forward from intercession to claim and open the Sealed Book. Revelation 15:2 is to be fulfilled in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week—more than three and a half years after the translation of the Church as illustrated below. Here, the harpers are "they that had gotten the victory over the beast" and stand victorious on the sea of glass and sing "the song of Moses, the servant of God." They are the 144,000 elect Israelites who have entered their sabbath by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, sealing their testimony with their own lives, and will shortly enter the Millennium.

diagram explaining Daniel's Seventieth Week
After their deliverance out of Egypt and escape through the Red Sea, the people of Israel stood on the shore, and seeing their enemies overwhelmed by the waters, sung the triumphant song of Moses. Here, having passed through the fiery trials of the tribulation and gotten the victory, Israel stands on the crystal clear sea of the brazen laver acknowledging the wonderful greatness of Christ's works and revering His justice and power against His enemies. They are also about to catch the revelation of the Seven Vials through history to that time.

Moses brought Israel a natural deliverance; the Lamb brought them full redemption. The two songs in their unity as one song, speak of the whole redemption as mediated by Moses and Christ in the harmony of the Old and New Testaments—type and antitype (Hebrews 10:1).

On the sabbath, besides the Psalm for the day at the ordinary sacrifice (Psalm 92), they sang at the additional sabbatic sacrifice (Numbers 28:9-10), in the morning, the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32, and in the evening, that in Exodus 15. The 144,000 celebrate their true sabbath of rest by singing "the song of Moses and of the Lamb".

(The order of Psalms in the daily service in the Temple is as follows: Day ONE Psalm 24, "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein, etc.," Day TWO Psalm 48, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. etc.," Day THREE Psalm 82, "God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods. etc.," Day FOUR Psalm 94, "O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs; O God, to whom vengeance belongs, show Yourself. etc.," Day FIVE Psalm 81, "Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. etc.," Day SIX Psalm 93, "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith He has girded Himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved. etc.," And day SEVEN, the sabbath, Psalm 92, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Your Name, O most High: etc.," because the sabbath is emblematic of the Millennium at the end of the 6,000 years dispensation).

Three trumpet blasts sounded seven times on ordinary days—a short sound, an alarm, and again a sharp short sound. Symbolizing the proclamation of the kingdom of God, Divine Providence, and the Final Judgment. (We might say, Passover and Unleavened Bread for Jesus was anointed to "proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord" and Calvary made the entrance to the Kingdom. By Divine Providence His elect receive the Atonement and Grace in a new birth under the antitype of the Pentecostal Feast, and at the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets comes "the day of vengeance of our God" and a final disposition of judgment).

Three trumpet blasts sounded seven times on ordinary days:

The first: Three at the opening of the gate of Nicanor. (Proclamation of the kingdom of God).

The second, third and fourth—nine blasts at the daily Whole Offering: when the drink offering was poured out, the Levites sung the Psalm of the day in three sections. After each section there was a pause, when the priests blew three blasts, and the people worshipped. (Divine Providence).

The fifth, sixth and seventh—nine more: The practice of the morning sacrifice was repeated for the evening sacrifice. (Final Judgment).

On the eve of sabbath six more blasts. Three to cause the people to cease from work and three to mark the break between sacred and profane.

On Sabbaths, when besides the ordinary, an additional sacrifice was brought, and the 'song of Moses' sung, (not in its entirety, but divided in six parts, one for every sabbath)—the priests sounded their trumpets three additional times in the pauses of the sabbath Psalm (i.e. 10 x 3 blasts in all).

The Seven Seals reveal hidden mysteries to the true Bride of Christ, the Seven Trumpets announce Messiah to Israel, and the Seven Bowls or Vials distinguish and separate the foolish virgins from those who are faithless reprobates. Last horseman leads the carnal non-elect to the great tribulation, natural and spiritual death (Revelation 6:8). The first four and the Sixth Trumpet brought chastisement upon the third part of earth, the Israelites. The Fifth Trumpet is to Gentiles who have not received the revelation of the Word for their day as well as to Israelites and their impersonators who are blinded whilst the Seventh Trumpet will pour out the wrath of God's judgment upon all the non-elect. Like the Trumpets, the Seven Bowls have been poured out following each of the Gospel Trumpets. nl967.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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Sunday, March 12, 2017

Trying to do God a Service without His Will

Bible Believers' Newsletter 966

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
We are pleased to gather together in Christian fellowship with you once again in the treasures of God's unchanging Word.

Android PhoneAs you study the Full story behind our items of current news you will appreciate certain matters listed for attention in the next two days hold a powerful bearing on the prophecies of Scripture expounded by William Branham; April, too, will be a seminal month. Scripture is certainly coming to pass in real time: the world hears but does not understand, it sees but cannot perceive, and the churches are without compass (Isaiah 6:9-11; Revelation 3:15-20).

Our main article, "Trying to do God a Service without His Will," is an excursus on Isaiah 6 to which Brother Branham often referred. Isaiah saw the One Person of God enthroned and crowned by Christians of all Ages after claiming the Book of His redeemed and opening its Seals. His vision commences in the present holy convocation of the antitype of the fiftieth day of Israel's Feast of Weeks; it follows the Church Ages which ended in apostasy and continues through the millennium.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

US in Turmoil: from Deep State Insurgency to Deep State Spying

Occult Star of David
March 10, 2017 — Through NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations four years ago, we learned that US citizens as well as foreign countries are the most spied upon in human history. But this week's latest massive WikiLeaks' release, Vault 7, amounts to almost 9,000 pages of CIA documents collected from 2013 through 2016 that disclose highly classified hacking secrets. With this largest dump of confidential CIA files ever published, the world is beginning to realize just how far gone our privacy rights are, becoming virtually nonexistent under traitor Obama's second term in office. On the heels of last week's bombshell revelations that outgoing president Obama illegally wiretapped and surveilled all of President Trump's communications (both domestic and overseas) including his pre-administration officials, now we're learning that the Orwellian nightmare of myopic control over us as a national population is far worse than ever imagined.

These back-to-back, very much related unfolding events only demonstrate that not only is the legitimately elected American president apparently in the process of an overthrow attempt by treasonous subversive forces for the first time in US history, but through the ruling elite's private army—the CIA, it has extended its technologically invasive beta test control over the most spied upon population ever on its way to imprisoning every human on earth with a one world crime cabal government . . . Full story:

This is part of the 'Squeeze': it is later than you think

March 8, 2017 — Amazon bans World War II revisionist books . . . authored by Dr. Arthur R. Butz of Northwestern University, Carlo Mattogno of Italy, and other eminent dissident scholars who dare to ask scientific and technical questions about the operation of alleged homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz . . . Books advocating Satanism and sodomy, and denying the Allied holocaust against German civilians, and the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians, continue to be sold by Amazon.

The censorship is conducted under the rubric of "fighting hatred" and "combating anti-Semitism." But this is just special pleading. Books evincing hatred for Germans, Arabs, Iranians and white southern "deplorables" are all on offer at Amazon, as are books denying that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. So it all depends on whose ox is being gored. As many of you know, there's one sacred cow that is more equal than others—the Golden Calf. Full story:

Comment: Publications of historical truth may be ordered from and

Trump Invades Syria

President Al Assad
March 8, 2017 — Although the Syrian army, with its ally Russia, has made significant gains against ISIS over the past week or so, the Washington Post is reporting tonight that President Trump has for the first time sent regular US military personnel into that country in combat positions. This is an unprecedented escalation of US involvement . . . without Congressional authorization, without UN authorization, and without the authorization of the government of Syria . . . three ways illegal . . . US Marines have departed their ships in the Mediterranean and have established an outpost on Syrian soil from where they will fire artillery toward the ISIS "headquarters" of Raqqa . . . if this "race to Raqqa" is won by the US military rather than by Syrian government forces, the chance that the US will hand the territory back to the Assad government is virtually nil. In other words, this is an operation far less about wiping ISIS out from eastern Syria and much more about the United States carving out eastern Syria as a permanent outpost from where it can, for example, continue the original neocon/Israeli/Saudi plan for "regime change" in Syria.

The United States is making a military bid for a very large chunk of sovereign Syrian territory . . . How will the Russians react if increased US military activity on the ground in Syria begins to threaten Russian military forces operating in Syria (with the consent of that country's legal government)? Full story:

Comment: Beware the ides of Nisan 14!

200 Canadian troops would remain in the Ukraine for at least two more years . . . on top of two hundred troops in Poland, a naval frigate in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and a half dozen CF-18 fighter jets on their way to locations near Russia's border. Alongside Britain, Germany and the US, Canada will soon lead a NATO battle group supposed to defend Eastern Europe from Moscow. About 450 Canadian troops are headed to Latvia while the three other NATO countries lead missions in Poland, Lithuania and Estonia. From the Russian point of view it must certainly look like NATO is massing troops at its border (

Canada's military buildup in Eastern Europe is a direct outgrowth of the 2014 US coup in Kiev. The Obama Administration with the help of the CIA and main stream media cleverly diluted the fact they violently overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine, and encouraged the illegal, putsch government to attack its own citizens in the east of the country.

Oliver Stone is now urging US President Donald Trump to make public any secret documents he has in his possession on the origins of Obama's conflict in Ukraine. Stone plans to release a new documentary about Vladimir Putin. The "military-industrial security state needs enemies . . . that's where the money is," and Russia and its President have long been presented as one of America's main adversaries. Stone's film will attempt to set the record straight (

Syria: [US] Criminal Empire's Strategy of Divide, Conquer and Destroy

March 2, 2017 — The US-led coalition of war criminals is using elements of Syria's Kurdish population to achieve the US Empire's goal of destroying the non-belligerent, democratic country of Syria, led by its hugely popular, democratically-elected President, Bashar al-Assad.

Empire seeks to create sectarianism and ethnic divides in a country that, prior to the Western-launched criminal dirty war, had neither.

President al-Assad is well aware of the imperial forces behind the mercenaries invading his country. In a speech to the newly elected members of the People's Assembly of Syria (Syria's Parliament) on 7 June 2016, he elaborated upon the modus operandi of the invaders:
  • They seek to attack the constitution by means of a so-called "transition" stage.
  • They seek to destroy the two pillars of the government: the army and the diverse, national, pan-Arab and religious identity of Syrians.
  • They seek to rebrand the savage terrorists as "moderates" and then to eternally provide them with a cover of legitimacy.
  • They seek to create chaos, sectarianism, and ethnic enclaves that turn the people's commitment from the homeland to conflicting groups that seek help from foreigners against their own people.
  • They seek to be branded as "humanitarian" and "protectors" to save the people from (externally engineered) conflict and misery.
By imposing economic and armed terrorism on Syrians, by waging a phony war against their own terrorist proxies (including ISIS and al Qaeda), by creating sectarian and ethnic tensions, and by destroying Syria's infrastructure— including water and electrical infrastructure—the Western, Zionist, and GCC agencies of terrorism seek to be perceived as saviours, humanitarians and protectors, who can then introduce the "free market" of international capital, which will be the coup de grâce to effect the final destruction of the host country. And mainstream fake news provides the criminal warmongers with on-going, 24/7 cover to commit their war crimes . . .

What is clear is that the US and its allies, in particular Turkey in this case, are committing crimes of aggression against the sovereign state of Syria beneath the Big Lie of combatting terrorism. The real plan, which is self-evident in this overview of the Kurdish issue, is to divide, conquer, and destroy Syria through economic and armed terrorism. When a family chooses to leave, terrorists are quick to occupy the house, and to claim ownership. Full story:

Marijuana Mania

March 10, 2017 — America was first to cash in on the marijuana wealth rush . . . Then came Canada . . . Now Australia has fallen into line . . . Marijuana is expected to create $8.4bn of new wealth . . . and that's just this year. By 2020, it could hit an estimated $35 billion . . . Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Many experts believe the global marijuana market could eventually reach $270 billion . . . bigger than all treatments for diabetes, cancer and HIV . . . COMBINED!
Full story:

CIA Pilot presents Evidence No Planes hit WTC on 9/11

The grandson of Learjet founder Bill Lear, John Lear is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot who has flown over 100 different types of plane during 40 years of active flying. He holds more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certified pilot, and has flown secret CIA missions in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Basically, you don't want to argue with John Lear about flying and planes. He is as close as you can come to being American intelligence and aerospace aristocracy. Full story:

Comment: This well-researched study proves conclusively no planes were involved in the 9/11 black flag event.

Deception Technology. Hollywood Oscar for Fake Movie

March 2, 2017 — The 89th Academy Awards held in Los-Angeles on February, 26, was full of curious incidents . . . "The White Helmets" took home the Oscar . . . they work only in the areas controlled by Jabhat al-Nusra's terrorists . . . formed in 2012 . . . initiated by former British intelligence officer James Le Mesurier who participated in various conflicts . . . Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Palestine . . . the principal sponsor of the organization is the [George Soros'] Open Society Foundation . . . in order to discredit the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad . . . the organization annually receives . . . 30 to 50 million dollars from the United States, Great Britain, the Netherlands and the Gulf monarchies . . . it seems that the winner of the best documentary short was decided long before the ceremony, with powerful figures with a finger in a pie of the jury's [or is it Jewry's] final decision. Full story:

Comment: It would appear the Jew's Hollywood was serving the Jew-controlled CIA/US government promoting the same BIG LIES of the Jew-controlled Weimar Republic with malicious purpose, and the BIG LIES claiming three holocausts or exterminations, each of six million Jews in the last century.

VW unveils Driverless 'Lounge on Wheels' with Voice Assistant & Giant Screen

March 7, 2017 — Sedric will be part of a Volkswagen fleet able to be hailed via a smartphone app like Uber. "Sedric will drive the children to school and then take their parents to the office, look independently for a parking space, collect shopping that has been ordered, pick up a visitor from the station and a son from sports training—all at the touch of a button, with voice control or with a Smartphone app—fully automatically, reliably and safely" . . . it could also be owned by individuals . . . Full story:

From Washington to the Middle East, should the World brace for March 15?

March 7, 2017 — Trying to predict the future is one of the easiest ways to end up with egg on one's face. However, enough matters will converge on March 15 that I think prudence commends our at least being aware of them.

• Federal debt ceiling deadline . . .
• Federal Open Market Committee's next meeting . . . raise interest rates . . .
• Anti-Trump activities . . . deluge the White House with mail . . .
• An important anniversary . . . For the Rothschilds, March 15, 2017 will be exactly the 100th anniversary of the day when their most hated enemy, the Tsar of Russia . . . 2017 actually represents many significant anniversaries . . .
• March 15 is also the "Ides of March" . . . Full story:

Comment: Study the Full story, because March will set the stage for the fulfilment of prophecies by Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Jesus and William Branham, and April follows March. God has allowed Judaeo-Communism to rise up as his servant to destroy the Judaeo-Christian false Church which will shortly rule all the kingdoms of this world which Lucifer offered Jesus if He would take "the mark of the beast" (Matthew 4:8-9). Denominational churches have all been apostate since Christ opened the Seven Seals in 1963, and when Satan is cast down to earth he will incarnate the Pope, establish one world government and force "the mark of the beast" on pain of death (Revelation 10:1-7; 12:7-13; 13:15-18).

William Joseph SeymourThe united States rejected her last opportunity for national repentance on the close of the Jubilee of the Laodicean Church Age that dates from William Joseph Seymour's Azusa Street Revival. He arrived in Los Angeles on February 22, 1906, and began preaching at Julia Hutchins' Holiness Church two days later. In less than two weeks she expelled him from the mission and padlocked the church door shut due to outrage over his claims on glossalalia. With no place to go, Seymour began staying at Edward Lee's home, and before long a prayer group began meeting at the house. It quickly grew too large, and it was moved to Richard Asberry's house. On April 9 (Nisan 14, Passover), 1906, Lee spoke in tongues after Seymour laid hands on him, and the Azusa Street Revival began. Brother Seymour received the Gift of speaking in tongues on April 12 (Nisan 17, the second day of the feast of Weeks, one day before Good Friday, April 13), 1906. Fifty years later on April 17 (Nisan 16, the wave offering of the sheaf of Firstfruits and first day of the feast of Weeks), 1957, two days before Good Friday, Brother Branham taught his church, "[The disciples told Jesus] of how goodly the [temple] stones was placed in, how the great mastermind of God had ordained that these stones was cut in many places in the world and come together and in forty years of its erecting, there wasn't even to a buzz of a saw or the sound of a hammer (II Samuel 7:1; I Kings 9:25; II Chronicles, 8:13). It was so masterly put together [Ephesians 4:15-16]. And that how God had come in over the cherubims and it showed forth His Shekinah Glory, and how they had great hope in this great church." He went on to say that in March when he was preaching in Oakland, California eight different earthquakes rocked the city (The Second Coming of the Lord, p. 5:24-35).

The stones that Solomon built into God's Old Testament house were chosen and dressed in the quarries before they were brought, so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool heard in the house while it was building (I Kings 6:7). Christ's Bride of all Ages are "lively stones" called and chosen from every nation and tribe of Adam's race, transformed from rude matter into due form to build God "a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Over almost 2,000 years each "lively stone" was quarried and dressed in different places around the world and "fitly joined together" in its unique predestinated position in the Body under preeminence to the absent Headstone—"not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6; Ephesians 4:16).

Jesus said, "You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you ask of the Father in My Name, He may give it you" (John 15:16). And in I Corinthians 3:16, Paul taught "You are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"

The Capstone of God's House, which is the Body of Christ, has been "forty years in its erection" since 1977 which Brother Branham said ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 322:4). Newsletters 924, 925, and 926) demonstrate how it did so, on which account the world is falling apart.

The Prophet said: "From the first jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release" [Matthew 18:22].
Oh, we're watching for the coming
Of that glad Millennium day,
When our blessed Lord shall come
And catch His waiting Bride away.
Oh, the world is groaning, crying
For that day of sweet release,
When our Saviour shall come back to earth again.
"Did you get that? God has dealt with us exactly the same amount of time that He dealt with the Jews from the time He give Abraham the promise until the rejecting of the Messiah in AD33, was 1954 years. And now, we have seventeen years left. We had about 1930 something years. We got seventeen years left [seventeen signifies the "perfection of spiritual order"] until '77 will be the seventieth jubilee since the beginning of jubilees. [The Prophet was speaking on August 6, 1961; 1961 + 17 = 1978, the jubilee year of the sixty-ninth jubilee and the first year of the seventieth jubilee]. And what will it be? Oh, brother. Watch close now. Don't miss it. It'll be the Jubilee of the going up of the Gentile Bride and the return of Christ to the Jews, [he means] Israelites [John 8:33], when they go out of bondage. Amen. Don't you see? From all the world they've gather there for that day. Oh, my. See where we're at? We don't know what time it might happen. We're at the end time" (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 115:196-198).

Add forty years of probation by trial pending deliverance to the Wedding Supper before tribulation strikes this earth like the forty years trial of the primitive Church from the crucifixion in AD30 to their deliverance before Titus besieged Jerusalem in AD70 (Matthew 24:3a, 15-21. Also Moses in Egypt (Acts 7:23), and in Midian (Acts 7:30).

Brother Branham said: "It's checking-up time . . . This is the time of the investigation judgment" just before the Seventh Vial is poured out, the Seventh Trumpet sounds and the third woe smites the earth in the 'hot stage' of World War III under the manifestation of the Sixth Seal at the close of the Gentile dispensation (An Exposition of the Seven Seals, p. 400:5-6; Revelation 16:1; 11:13 – 15; 6:12-17). "Just investigating, see who really is believers. See? And He made Hisself manifest" (A Paradox, #64-0418B, par. 211; Luke 17:30).

"It's an investigation judgment. When after while the Church, when it can stand that place and every seed has been brought to its spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them. One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will be going here or down there; and the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch which was the type, God took him, and he was found not. Come down to investigate . . ." (Christ is Revealed in His Own Word, p. 16:69; Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5-6). The fortieth year ends this coming Nisan 16.

Should the sinking of Los Angeles be on Nisan 14, 2018, the first resurrection will commence after three days and our going Home will be "when the Day of Pentecost is full come" Therefore our "Jubilee" year will commence on the day of Pentecost 2017. Think on this while we repeat what the Prophet said.

Chart of JubileesPassover, Nisan 14 this year will be Tuesday April 11, 2017 while the Judaeo-Roman Universal church will celebrate their Good Friday on April 14. I believe as Brother Branham said, "We got seventeen years left until '77 will be the seventieth jubilee since the beginning of jubilees. And what will it be? Oh, brother. Watch close now. Don't miss it. It'll be the Jubilee of the going up of the Gentile Bride and the return of Christ to the Jews, [he means] Israelites [John 8:33], when they go out of bondage. Amen" (The Seventieth Week of Daniel, p. 116:197)! This will initiate the year of the Pentecostal Jubilee of Christ's Bride as Brother Branham explained in his parable of the twenty-first century Armour girl (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 401:1 – 405:6).

"Notice now, it was a little [elect] girl in the west [in the antitype of the holy convocation of the fiftieth day of Israel's feast of Weeks following the close of the Church Ages] after that how she'd fell in love with a Man had fell in love with her. As a buyer of the [Gentiles, Goyim or human] cattle, come out there for the Armour meatpacking company that was founded in Chicago, in 1867 [Ephesians 6:11-17] . . . The boss come one day (the boss's Son from Chicago), and 'course they put them on a regular "western frontier" [or Pentecostal Revival]. The girls there, they dressed up. Each one was going to get this Boy, sure, you know, 'cause that was the main Man's boy [Jesus Christ]. So they dressed in their western frontier. And they do that out west [as the sun sets on the Gentile dispensation] . . . trying to live in something [denominationalism] in the back gone days".

This humble Christian girl did the dishes and chores while her [denominational] cousins tried to charm this Man, but He was looking for a Bride with character and He proposed to her. She accepted, and He said, "Now you just make yourself ready [Revelation 19:7], and a year from today I'll be back, and I'll get you, and I'll take you away from here. She kept track of the time of the year and got her garments ready [the Token of the Life of Christ on display]. The day finally arrived. A certain hour He was to be there [Matthew 24:36]; so she dressed in her garment. And she hadn't even heard from Him, but she knew He would be there. It was a mysterious thing to her denominational cousins [Revelation 10:7]. None of the girls had heard nothing about His [parousia] Coming. But this girl just based it all upon the basis of His Word that He would be back for her.

They said, "Now, I told you it was wrong. See, He ain't coming." She just stood there—not a bit of blushing. She was holding her flowers, her wedding garment all fixed. She was struggling, you know. Said, "I got five more minutes." Said, "He will be here." Oh, they just laughed. And just about the time the old clock ticked up to five minutes, they heard the horses a-galloping, sand rolling under the wheels. The old buckboard stopped. She jumped from between them and out the door, and He jumped out of the carriage, and she fell into His arms; He said, "It's all over now, honey"; left her little old cousins (denominations) setting there looking.

Brother Branham said, "Oh, brother, give me a church full of the Holy Ghost. God will do in one year than what all theology's failed to do in two thousand years. You wait till the anointing of the Church really strikes home to that faithful the little remnant. After the doors of the Gentiles is closed, oh, God will anoint a Church then. "He who's filthy, let him be filthy still. He who's righteous let him be righteous still, and he who's holy let him be holy still." And God will anoint the church with the power of God, and things will be taken place. Not only that then, but He's doing it now" (COD, p. 145:203; Romans 8:19; Revelation 22:11-12; Isaiah 34:8; 61:2b).

"For the day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed is come" (Isaiah 63:4; 35:4-6).

There's going to be a meeting in the Air . . . "The dead in Christ shall die first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air" (I Thessalonians 4:16-17). "Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His Coming was to be completed. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with Divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems [as it has] and usher in the millennium" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 322:4).

Trying to do God a Service without His Will

In John 13 – 16 Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, exhorting them to humility and brotherly kindness. He foretold His betrayal, forewarned Peter of his denial and prepared them for His departure with the assurance "I am the way, the truth and eternal Life"; when you receive it "you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I in you." Bear witness of Me and rest with peace in your heart. Then under the parable of the vine Jesus explained the exercise of the 'third pull' by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit through this unity of faith.

John 16:1-2: "I have discussed these matters to prepare you for what lies ahead lest you be taken unawares, stumble and fall away. You will be excommunicated from the synagogues: indeed the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is doing divine service." Today Christians are excommunicated by the world church system and the hour is near when whoever kills those who refuse to serve the beast or take his mark will be killed: Christ's Bride will be taken Home before that time.

Quoting Zechariah 12:9-14 in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week Brother Branham said, "Now when is the Gospel returning to the Jews Israelites? When the day of the Gentiles is finished. The Gospel is ready to go back to the Jews Israelites. Oh, if I could just tell you something that is about to happen right in this our day—[our latter rain will fall and become Israel's former rain (Joel 2:23)]. This great thing that is about to happen will carry over to Revelation 11 and pick up those two witnesses, those two prophets Moses and Elijah turning the Gospel back to the Jews Israelites. We're ready for it. Everything is in order. As [or in the circumstances in which] the Jews brought the Message to the Gentiles [in their apostasy after "the Day of Pentecost was full come" and their dispensation ended], even so the Gentiles will take it right back to the Jews Israelites [in Gentile apostasy after "the Day of Pentecost has full come" again, and the Rapture will come" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 36:5).

soul in prisonIn Isaiah 6 God told the prophet his ministry would be to Israelite souls imprisoned as He commissioned Christ's end-time Bride: "You must prophesy again concerning many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings," most of whom will not listen as they are souls imprisoned now (Revelation 10:11).

In the year that King Uzziah died Isaiah saw that the real King of Israel was neither Uzziah nor Jotham his successor but the King of hosts, our Lord Jesus Christ the God of creation (John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-19). This is a full proof that our Saviour is the One Person of God (John 1:18). He is expressly called "Yahweh" in Isaiah 6:5, 8 and 11, and according to tradition His assertion that he had seen God was the pretext for his martyrdom—being sawn asunder in Manasseh's reign (Hebrews 11:37).

It is not the usual visible appearance of God as the "Shekinah" in the temple over and above the mercy-seat between the two cherubim obscured from view by the cloud of incense to which he refers, but the form of a Man seated upon a high and elevated throne attended by seraphim. Our eyes are directed toward His train, a magnificent full flowing robe that filled the entirety of the Holy of Holies, representing His Wife. Like Ruth under the protection of Boaz, her betrothed redeemer, we are under the overspreading wings of our loving Bridegroom, Jehovah-Saviour, our near Kinsman Redeemer (Ruth 3:9; Ezekiel 16:8). "You have redeemed us by Your Blood out of every kindred . . . and made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth" (Revelation 5:8-10). One day the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God, revealed to all mankind "and the tabernacle of God will be with men" (Revelation 21:3).

This vision is related to His future kingdom when all seven Church Ages (John 5:25-26) and His mediation in the office Son of God are fulfilled, redemption is over and as Son of Man He is King of Kings and Judge (John 5:22, 27; Revelation 1:13). Isaiah is represented without the sanctuary; the two-leaved doors overlaid with gold separating the Holy of Holies are open and there is no veil as will be revealed to the elect Israelites under their Seventh Trumpet (Revelation 11:19).

Brother Branham said, "Notice, Isaiah knowed that he must find something different. So what did he do? He went to the temple; he raised up his hands, and he cried out to God. And he fell into a vision. And as he fell into the vision, he saw God, not on a throne down here, but lifted up, way up. Oh, my. His train was following Him and lifted up into the heavens. And he saw back and forth through the temple, Seraphims flying. Oh, my. "Seraphims," it means "burners," the word "Seraphim" means. Which it is next to the altar [Genesis 3:24]. Actually, the Seraphims is the one who receives the sacrifice, and cleanses the worshipper, and then presents him to God, the Seraphim does. Now, this Seraphims was angelic beings, and they are the very next ones to God, right at the altar. And they receive the sacrifice. It shows the justice of God, that sin cannot come in His Presence unless it's been atoned for. See? And these Seraphims . . ."

Pillar of Cloud formed by seraphim or seven portions of the Spirit that anointed the angels to the Church[The Seraphim of Isaiah 6 were the four living creatures of Revelation 4:8 (Ezekiel 1:6). Their earthly antitype is the seven angels to the Church, like Brother Branham who is shown in Revelation 8:3-5. He identified them with the theophanies of himself and the previous six angels who made the constellation of angels that formed the Cloud that clothed Christ on February 28 and March 8, 1963. In describing his own representation he said, "Now, the Angel was to my left, would really be the last, or seventh Angel, if we would count them from left to right, because he was on my left, me looking to him towards the west, him coming towards the east would be on the left side, so that would be the last angel's Message: very notable. You remember how I said he had kind of his head back, and his great sharp wings, and how he flew right to me. Now, that is this Seventh Seal. It's still is a notable thing . . ." (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 578:2)].

"You remember in the Seven Church Ages how they guarded them Gospels, one on either side? You remember, we took them back to the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword standing there? They guard the altar."

"And Isaiah, that great prophet, when he fell into the Spirit, he saw first God setting way up into the heavens, above any earthly king. Said, "I saw the King, the Lord setting high and lifted up (then he saw the real King), and His train was following Him" (Influence of Another, p. 21:91-93).

Brother Branham asked, "What's "His train"? There it is, Angels, Beings, His train that followed Him. The train's what comes behind (See?), "His train filled the temple" (Revelation Chapter Four, Part III, p. 694:282). Then in the revelation of the Seven Seals (p. 500:Q23a – 502:6) he explains that the angels under the four living creatures are the theophanies of the saints of all seven Church Ages foreshadowed by the Tribes of Israel under their tribal banners guarding the Presence of Yahweh in the Tabernacle (Revelation 5:8-14; Numbers 2).

In Revelation 1:1 we find that the Revelation which God gave Jesus Christ [after His ascension glorified (Matthew 24:36)] was to show His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it [in old Testament symbols] by His angel [William Branham] to His servant John." Now we know this angel was William Branham, because John was commanded to "Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not . . . But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished . . ." (Revelation 10:4, 7). Therefore we also know that throughout the Book of Revelation John represents Christ's end-time Bride because in the visions the seventh angel, William Branham, only revealed these things to John after the unwritten Seventh Seal was broken by Jesus Christ on March 8, 1963, and revealed to Him as he ministered The Revelation of the Seven Seals from March 17-24, 1963.

Revelation 4:1-5, "After the close of Laodicean Church Age [in chapter three] John [representing you and every member of Christ's end-time Bride] beheld a door standing open in heaven—[despite the absence of a Mediator grace was free]: and the first voice which I heard [in Revelation 1:10] speaking to me like a trumpet said, Come up here and I will show you what must take place hereafter. Immediately I was in the Spirit: and saw a throne standing in heaven, and One seated on the throne. He looked like jasper and sardius: a [horizontal] rainbow like an emerald encircled the throne, and surrounding the throne were twenty-four thrones seating twenty-four elders, clad in white robes with golden crowns on their heads. Lightnings and thunderings and voices issued from the throne and before the throne were seven lamps of fire burning, which are the seven Spirits of God".

This is the vision Isaiah saw; he could not have seen the invisible Spirit: "No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son who is in the bosom [intimate Presence] of the Father has alone declared Him in His life" (John 1:18). In John 12:37-41 we read, "Though Jesus had done so many signs before them the Judeans put no faith in Him, in order that the saying of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, "Lord, who has believed our Message, and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" For this reason they could not believe, for again Isaiah said, "He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes and understand with their heart, repent and turn for Me to heal them. Isaiah said these things when he saw His glory [in Isaiah 6:10] and spoke of Him".

Jesus Christ is the glory/Logos of God (Matthew 16:27; 19:28; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; John 1:1-3, 14). Paul attributes the words of Isaiah to the inspiration of the Holy Ghost (Acts 28:25-27), and in Ephesians 1:20-23 He identifies the risen glorified Jesus Messiah with Isaiah's vision, "seated at God's right hand in heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age, but in the future world. God has placed all things under His feet, and made Him the Head over everything for the Church, which is His Body, [symbolised in Isaiah 6 as His "train"] the completeness of Him Who fills the universe at all points".

Verse 3 is set in the millennium when "everlasting righteousness is brought in" and "the whole earth is full of the glory of our Lord Jesus" because Satan is bound a thousand years (Daniel 9:24d; Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14; Revelation 19:19 – 20:2). "And the Lord shall be King over all the earth; in that day shall there be one Lord, and His Name [the only] one" (Zechariah 14:9). Upon seeing this vision and hearing the seraphim crying "Holy, holy, holy to Yahweh, our glorified Jesus, Lord of hosts" in His Presence—with two of their wings they covered their face in reverence, with two of their wings they covered their feet in humility, and with two wings they flew. In their holiness Isaiah was seized with the sense of his own sinfulness and cried, "Woe is me, for I am cut off; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the [real] King, the Lord of hosts." Brother Branham said, "You'll always remember the power and the Presence of God which brings such a holy fear, until you're paralysed in His Presence".

It was the appearance of the smoke of God's wrath caused Isaiah's confession of sin and mortal fear, having heard the seraphim present to the Lord an offering of praise with clean lips, because as a prophet he was serving with unclean lips. As Brother Branham explained:, "When he confessed his sins and said, "Woe is me," the Angel went over and took the tongs, picked up a coal of fire which represented the Holy Ghost and fire, and come over and laid it on the prophet's lips, and said, "I've cleansed you." Then the wings winnowing their way like that, moved away the curtains of time, and he heard God say, "Who'll go for us?"

"After he found out that there was a way to rid sin, God wanted somebody to go for Him, and he said, "Here am I, send me." He had been in the Presence of God, and had confessed his sins, and been cleansed from his sins, and was ready for service. Amen" (In His Presence, p. 15:63-64; Matthew 3:11).

Brother Branham said, "THE BRIDE SITS WITH HIM IN JUDGMENT. I Corinthians 6:2-3, "Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life?"

Revelation 3:21, "To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne." See, the Bride is with Him in the throne. As she is to judge the world she has to be sitting in the judgment with Him. That is exactly what Daniel saw.

Daniel 7:9-10, "I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened." See, it is the same scene, for the thousand thousands who are ministering to Him are the Bride, for who ministers to the husband but the wife" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 276).

"Now we can see why the redeemed (bought back by original owner) Bride (she was in Him as Eve was in Adam) cannot ever have her 'member-names' taken off the record. She is part of Him. She is in the throne. She can never be judged. Everyone in the Bride is a member of Him and He loses none" (ibid, p. 284:3).

"Now then, there will not be one person who will sit in the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ unless he has been living that Word. Your prayers, your fastings, your repentances—no matter what you present to God—none of that will gain you the privilege of sitting in that throne. It will be granted only to the W_O_R_D Bride. As the throne of the king is shared with the queen because she is united to him, so only they who are of that Word even as He is of that Word will share that throne" (ibid, p. 360:6).

Revelation 15:8 and 16:17 focus the scene at the manifestation of the Seventh Trumpet, Sixth Seal and Seventh Vial when "The [heavenly] temple is filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power; and no man will be able to enter into the temple, until the seven plagues of the seven angels are fulfilled in the outpouring of the Seventh Vial" upon the world church system.

Isaiah is commanded to repeat his warnings again and again in the hearing of the people as Christ's end-time Bride is commanded to "prophesy again." The souls imprisoned now are doomed not to understand because of their perverse will. "If any man will do His will he shall know whether the doctrine is of God or whether I speak of Myself" (John 7:17). Like Jesus and Brother Branham when they spoke in parables (Matthew 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10), Isaiah and you and I have shown them the signs and miracles, and declared sufficient revelation to guide those sincerely seeking to know, in order that they may do, God's will; leaving enough darkness to confound the wilfully blind (Isaiah 6:9-10; 43:8).

The only revival today is in the heart of Christ's Bride. In Isaiah 6:9-10 the Lord says, "Go, and tell this people—not My people—for I disown them as they have rejected me. Hear ye indeed, but understand not." This is our commission, preaching for revival while knowing we are preaching to the total lost. Events that were "signs of the times," calls to repentance or to action, were taken as matters of course . . . "as it was in the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37-41; II Peter 3:3). Yet our duty is to deliver the Message, not to pander to their flesh and mortal spirit by speaking pleasant words.

As in Ezekiel 39:8-29, Daniel 8:13, 12:6, Revelation 6:10; 16:17, and 21:6, Isaiah asked, "Lord, how long?" The answer is, "Blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentile dispensation comes in," and not until the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week (Romans 11:25).

Has the world not seen this prophet fulfilled to the letter? Have Israel and their impersonators not laboured under spiritual blindness and infatuation in hearing but not understanding, in seeing but not perceiving Messiah, after the accomplishment of so many prophecies; after the performance of so many miracles? And, in consequence of their refusal to convert and be healed, have not their cities been wasted without inhabitants, and their houses without man? Have they not been removed far away into the most distant parts of the earth? Has their banishment not lasted 2,500 years yet they continue deaf and blind, obstinate and unbelieving?

Since World War II the Land of the Covenant has been stolen from the Israelites and Semitic Palestinians and occupied by non-Semitic impostors who as their Jebusite and Canaanite kinsmen unknowingly built Jerusalem and rural infrastructure for Joshua and the Israelites to settle they have built infrastructure for their homecoming. Meantime, "for fear of the Jews" the children of Israel live in Muslim lands that were once the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian Empires in the Middle East and North Africa. As Matthew 24:29-31 explains, this is about to change in the very near future:

"Immediately after the tribulation of the Christian dispensation of grace [the Sixth Seal will manifest (Revelation 6:12-17)]; the sun will be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken" (Revelation 12:7-12). "Then the sign of the Son of man shall appear in heaven (Matthew 24:3b): and all the tribes of earth will mourn when they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels [Israel's 'Moses' and 'Elijah' (Zechariah 4:12; Revelation 11:3-12)] with the great sound of [the Seventh] Trumpet (Revelation 11:15), and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds [of World War III (Isaiah 13:6-16; Joel 2:12; Zechariah 14:1-2; Revelation 16:19) from one end of heaven to the other"  (Psalm 17:7; Isaiah 6:10-13; 11:11-16; 13:14; 27:13; 49:17; Jeremiah 3:12, 18; 16:15; 23:8; 31:8; Ezekiel 37:14; 39:27; Micah 5:3; Zechariah 10:9-12; Matthew 24:29-31).

According to the Bible the present inhabitants of the modern Israel state are not Israelites but so-called Jews. Israel will be utterly defeated then abandoned by the mass of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jewish squatters. Zechariah 14:1-2, Isaiah 6:9-13; 13:6-16 and Joel 2:2 foretell "a great forsaking in the midst of the land. And though a tenth shall survive, it will be consumed again, like a terebinth tree or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled, so the holy seed is its stump," the surety of renewed life and a glorious future (Isaiah 6:12-13).

For out of the stump Jesus Messiah, the Root and branch of David has arisen (Isaiah 11:1-5) and one day all 144,000 elect Israelites shall say, "Blessed is He that Comes in the Name of the Lord" (Matthew 23:39; Romans 11:5, 26).

Quite aside from the alien impostors, the Israelites were "a sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters" (Isaiah 1:4). From Mount Sinai to the present day the Lord has imposed a series of successive chastisements sifting the people till the remnant of the chosen ones alone is left (Ezekiel 5:12; Zechariah 13:8-9). As in Leviticus 27:30 the tithe of a "tenth" is taken for an ideally consecrated portion.

"Regardless of what goes or comes, there's going to be people that's going to be ready. And we know that there's a tithing that man gives to God, and there's a tithing amongst the people. Perhaps maybe we'd say a tenth of all the world's harvest, through the Ages will be that elected that's been called" (Images of Christ, p. 22:156).

In our English language Bibles, Isaiah 6:13 says "When they cast their leaves" but the words "their leaves" are not in the original. Oaks native to the Mediterranean region are broadleaf evergreens that do not cast their "leaves," the reference in Hebrew is to the "falling" of the trunk. When the tree falls and decays its life remains in its roots so that it sends up new "shoots." Isaiah 4:2, "In that day the branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel".

Isaiah 6 prophesied our near future and present typed by Israel's apostasy—conditions that have befallen us Gentiles. Like Uzziah the churches (so-called) are not qualified to offer incense, having the profane fire of denominational guesswork only and not the Holy Spirit. Dead in sin and trespasses, separated from the temple or Body of Christ, they have either not heard or not heeded the "midnight cry" of Matthew 25:6, which is the "shout" of I Thessalonians 4:16 calling them out of Babylon and her harlot daughters to meet the Bridegroom and confirmed by the heavenly Voice of Revelation 18:1-4.

Like Isaiah, Christ's end-time Bride is preaching to souls imprisoned now within denominational walled cities behind bars of creed and dogma. We await the earthquake prophesied in Zechariah 14:5-8 before which the people will flee as in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and the Gospel will go forth to both Jew Israelite and Gentile. As latter rain it will manifest the life of the seed planted in every heart while as former rain it will moisten the heart of elect Israelites and draw them to the homeland for redemption (Daniel 12:10; Revelation 22:11-15; What is the Attraction on the Mountain, p. 16:98).

"O man of God . . . follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are called and have professed a good profession before many witnesses . . . keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: which in His times He will show, Who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; Who only has immortality, dwelling in the Light which no man can approach unto; Whom no man has seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen" (I Timothy 6:11-16). Like Isaiah we see Jesus Messiah is the one Person of God manifest in virgin-born flesh to redeem His Wife and brethren. nl966.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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