Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - IV

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1082

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and welcome to our mutual fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

Android PhoneI wonder how many of you comprehend the grave nature of the global condition, and how, soon and suddenly wherever you may be you will meet an unprecedented earth-shaking experience. Precautions must taken now—not laying aside water and food, but laying aside the world and the love of the world and engaging a two-way communion with Jesus Christ. This is possible for you whom He personally called and chose by His foreknowledge from the foundation of the world when He saw YOU living "the present Truth" . . . what He is doing through you this very minute. New birth and the rapture are in one sense the same thing; they are the revelation Paul explained in Ephesians chapter one—faith—a clear understanding of the Word for this hour.

In his 1980 book, Cosmos, Carl Sagan wrote: "Every nation seems to have its set of forbidden possibilities, which its citizenry and adherents must not be permitted to think about . . . in the United States, socialism, atheism, and the surrender of national sovereignty." Being a Jew and not a Christian Sagan could not know that the United States lost on all three counts in 1956 as Brother Branham explained. Today we will continue our Bible exposition of the conspiracy of "Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent" which is taking the last steps toward an international police state, serfdom and depopulation by policy ruled by the United States under Rome.

Our Brother John wrote, "We are right at the door, the DOOR, Who is now here in His children as we watch Satan's Eden manifest, here, now, as we walk in His Light (Colossians 1:27). Yes, how many have yet understood that as Albert Einstein discovered, everything is made of energy? Energy is nothing more than frequencies vibrating at varying speeds which we see as manifestations of Spoken Words. Everything is made of nothing (Heb.) 'bara,' which is why God through His Word forbad hybridization, and our prophet so stressed that point. If it was not in the original creation it will not be on the other side, and we now are living in an artificial, totally hybrid world "as it was in the days of Noah." Time to go Home, Brother.

Follow the hyperlinks and view the videos in the article on MH17 which we have followed over several years. It describes the reality, showing "the earth is corrupt before God, and filled with violence . . . as it was in the days of Noah." Whether in business or politics, education or religion, our leaders are deceived like Eve, serving Cain's upcoming world government presuming they will merit influence and power in the regime. They will be shot because they know too much just as the German administration was shot because they knew the truth about atrocities committed by the Allies.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

The Dragon lays out Its Road Map, denies seeking Hegemony

July 29, 2019 — The key merit of China's National Defense in the New Era . . . is to clear any remaining doubts about where the Middle Kingdom is coming from, and where it's going to by 2049 . . . The Beijing leadership openly asserts that as "the US has adjusted its national security and defense strategies, and adopted unilateral policies" that essentially "undermined global strategic stability." Vast sectors of the Global South would concur. The counterpart is the evolution of "the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era," now playing "a significant role in maintaining global strategic stability."

In parallel, Beijing is very careful to praise the "military relationship with the US in accordance with the principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation." The "military-to-military relationship" should work as "a stabilizer for the relations between the two countries and hence contribute to the China-US relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability." Another key counterpart to the US—and NATO—is the increasingly crucial role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which is "forging a constructive partnership of non-alliance and non-confrontation that targets no third party, expanding security and defense cooperation and creating a new model for regional security cooperation."

The white paper stresses that "the SCO has now grown into a new type of comprehensive regional cooperation organization covering the largest area and population in the world" . . . latest SCO summit in Bishkek did wonders in featuring some of the group's much-vaunted qualities, especially "mutual trust," "consultation," "respect for diverse civilizations" and "pursuit of common development" . . . Full story:

The MH17 Tragedy, Suppression and Tampering of Evidence

July 27, 2019 — A new documentary from Yana Yerlashova and Max van der Werff, the leading independent investigator of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 disaster, has revealed breakthrough evidence of tampering and forging of prosecution materials; suppression of Ukrainian Air Force radar tapes; and lying by the Dutch, Ukrainian, US and Australian governments. An attempt by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to take possession of the black boxes of the downed aircraft is also revealed by a Malaysian National Security Council official for the first time.

The sources of the breakthrough are Malaysian—Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohamad Mahathir; Colonel Mohamad Sakri, the officer in charge of the MH17 investigation for the Prime Minister's Department and Malaysia's National Security Council following the crash on July 17, 2014; and a forensic analysis by Malaysia's OG IT Forensic Services of Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) telephone tapes which Dutch prosecutors have announced as genuine . . . a secret Malaysian military operation took custody of the MH17 black boxes on July 22, preventing the US and Ukraine from seizing them . . . US, Dutch, Australian and NATO officials initiated a plan for 9,000 troops to enter eastern Ukraine, ostensibly to secure the crash scene, the aircraft and passenger remains, and in response to the alleged Russian role in the destruction . . . Full story:

Comment: As a Christian you MUST read the full story, watch the videos and follow the links which witness to the apostasy of the (once) Christian West and the perfidy of Presidents, Prime ministers, NATO and other foolish men with power. The Prophet said, "Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can't reign because power apart from character is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 117:1). The average man does not think for himself, our self-important leaders, including the President who won the Nobel Peace Prize are determined to lead the world to war against Russia in order to preserve the corrupt fiat monetary system and preserve the wealth of International Usurers. President, Mr. Putin stands head and shoulders over all of these stuffed shirts, as does Prime Minister Mohamad Mahithir. Once again Jesus' prophecy that the United States is the image unto the beast of Imperial Rome is confirmed (Revelation 13:15-18). As it stands, Washington's 'enemy list' continues to be composed and imposed by its own irrational leaders, pro-Israel maniacs and Russophobes in the Democratic Party—with no acknowledgement of current realities.

Role of Jewish Democrats in Bill that could imprison Israel Boycotters 20 Years

Occult Zionist flag
July 22, 2019 — The Israel Anti-Boycott Act would punish those boycotting Israel with a minimum civil penalty of $250,000 and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison. The legislation is being sponsored by both conservatives and liberals . . .
Full story:

Comment: Eight days ago eleven Palestinian buildings containing seventy family apartments located in the illegally Israeli occupied East Jerusalem village of Wadi al-Hummus were demolished in a military-led operation by more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers, policemen and municipal workers using bulldozers, backhoes and explosives. Residents who resisted were beaten by the soldiers, kicked down flights of stairs and even shot at close range with rubber bullets. The soldiers were recorded laughing and celebrating as they did their dirty work. Occupants who did not resist and who held their hands up in surrender were also not spared the rod, as were also foreign observers who were present to add their voices to those who were protesting the outrage. The injuries sustained by some of the victims have been photographed and are available online . . .

BHP – Climate Change

May 17, 2019 — The 'Big Australian' is now the world's largest miner: "BHP accepts the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment of climate change science, which has found that warming of the climate is unequivocal, human influence is clear and physical impacts are unavoidable. Read our full climate change position statement".

Science refutes anthropological global warming and the IPCC has no standing. Climate change is a bigger HOAX than the holocaust of six million Jews claimed against Germany in World War I, a bigger HOAX than the extermination of six million Jews claimed against Jew-ruled USSR but which was a real genocide of sixty-million mainly Christians, and a bigger HOAX than the holocaust of six million Jews claimed against Germany in World War II yet Jewish population increased by over 436,000 between 1933 and 1948 (World Almanac). Outside Jewish statistics which prove there were not six million Jews in all of Europe at the time, science knows no technology able to secretly gas and 'disappear' the mortal remains of six million without trace.

BHP, your Federal representative and the Big end of town must know Climate Change evolved from the disappearing Ozone Layer, (a natural cycle found by the C.S.I.R.O. before the expiry of DuPont's patent on chlorofluorocarbon and hydrochlorofluorocarbon refrigerants introduced this unscientific scam), to Global Cooling, to Global Warming (a profitable HOAX to cover deindustrialization, depopulation, and the return to serfdom under world government and a means of extracting money from individuals and governments to fund voluntary collectivization into a prison planet and cull "useless eaters"). As BHP admits: "Climate change is a global challenge that requires a collaborative market and policy response. Playing our part in responding to climate change is a priority governance and strategic issue for BHP. Our Board is actively engaged in the governance of climate change issues, supported by the Sustainability Committee. Management has primary responsibility for the design and implementation of our climate change strategy."

In truth, the crisis of environmentalism has been developed as a means to bring about a one-world government: "Through a skilful wedding of socialism, New Age Pantheism and a manufactured climate of despair over a 'dying planet,' these powerful individuals (now deceased, David Rockefeller and Edmund de Rothschild) were creating a climate of fear which will see mankind not only accept, but demand, a one-world government to deliver us from environmental apocalypse. This one-world government will, of course, be the capstone of their planned New World Order. "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill," declared members of the Club of Rome in a sweeping 1991 report on global governance. "All these dangers are caused by human intervention . . . The real enemy, then, is humanity itself" . . . On May 4, 1992, Gorbachev . . . (Read the last few pages of The Aquarian Conspiracy and educate yourself).

Towards the close of the Carter' Presidency in 1980, "Global 2000 Report to the President," a two-volume study hailed as the most comprehensive effort to project global economic trends for the next 20 years, painted a picture of a world endangered by over-population, resource shortages, food shortages and environmental hazards. Among its forecasts: 170 million deaths through disease and famine in the developing countries. Then "Global Future: A Time to Act," presented policy recommendations on the problems defined by "Global 2000." It lauded 'population control' as the cornerstone of a policy to counter those problems.

Both "Global 2000" and "Global Future" are correctly understood as political statements of intent on the part of such policy-centres as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result, not only in the death of 170 millions cited in the reports . . . So you see the International Financiers can reduce world population by the implementation of 'policy'. Investment will not be forthcoming with the advanced countries in enforced retreat, and bankers demanding their 'pound of flesh.' The result will be depopulation by increased poverty, disease and starvation, and transfer of assets to the bankers (God Works in the Individual, not through Organization).

The 1967 'hoax' of "The Report from Iron Mountain" suggested that in a search for new crises, the government might introduce massive environmental pollution. These things have all come to pass. History is not happenstance, history is planned! Illuminus FDR said, "If something happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way".

BHP went on to say: "Our climate change strategy focuses on reducing our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, investing in low emissions technologies, promoting product stewardship, managing climate-related risk and opportunity, and working with others to enhance the global policy and market response."

Greenhouse gasses have NOTHING whatsoever to do with climate change. This is a cheap magician trick to divert your attention over there whilst the man introduces a police state over here! Human activity cannot overrule the sun: atmospheric CO2 comes primarily from the ocean, not industry; more atmospheric CO2 would be beneficial to all, the present warming is a natural function of the sun's Milankovitch Cycle.

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent – IV

When Adam was lonely and wanted a mate God gave him a hundred pounds of rib chops, and that's where the trouble began. Because, you see, these rib chops were not original creation, not a spoken Word of God but a by-product of Adam who was original creation. Not being manifested Word this woman and all of the lovely creatures born in her likeness are made so they can deceive and be deceived.

Adam told Eve the rules—God's unchanging Word—and shared with her all the things he had been shown. However Eve was not God's Word manifest but "that which was in part," and like the denominational church Eve's impetuous desire for hidden knowledge caused her to substitute reason for faith and usurp her husband's authority.

The upshot of this was the Fall wherein Lucifer incarnate a man-like creature called the Serpent, and seduced Eve. Although more worldly-wise, Eve was now a fallen woman and still deceived as she returned to her husband to teach him knowledge he did not have. And that, dear sisters, is why women are forbidden to teach, preach or usurp authority over men and why you serve God as you obey your own husband (Genesis 3:16; I Timothy 2:11-15).

Because Adam had the revelation that as a manifested Son of God he was part of the Logos and eternal with the Word, he knew for sure that he could never be separated from God. Therefore he was prepared to step over the time-line and the Life-line and join Eve in death, certain that in so-doing he would redeem the woman he loved for God had joined them together in holy wedlock and the two were one. So when God restored Adam as He must at some time, he knew that his wife would be with him.

Adam forgave Eve and took her to himself knowing that in her womb was the seed of the Serpent who would be Cain, and his own seed who would be Abel. Throughout the Bible we find twins because any impersonation is always so close to the genuine article, it would almost deceive the very elected if it were possible (Matthew 24:24). Rivalry between contestants for the same prize genders enmity—one just, the other unjust, one elected, the other reprobate, because only one is predestinated to Life, the other is bound for perdition. Let's read our text:

Genesis 3:15 "I will put enmity between the Serpent and the woman, and between his seed and her seed; her seed shall bruise his head, and the Serpent's seed shall bruise his heel".

Now let me ask you three questions while you have your Bibles open at this Scripture. Does the Serpent still go about on his belly? Does a woman still bear her children in pain and suffering? Does the earth still bear thorns and thistles abundantly, requiring man to labour in order to grow cultivated seed?

I think the universal answer to these three questions is "yes." If this is so, then the "enmity" that God placed between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman is still present. Do you know what that word "enmity" means? It means hatred, hostility, and to treat as an enemy. Do you remember Who placed this enmity between us as Adam's (and therefore God's children), and the offspring of the Serpent? It was God. Has God removed that enmity? If the answer is "no." Then the enmity is still here.

Paul said in Romans 8:6, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." So when it came time for Cain and Abel to offer sacrifices to God, Cain the Serpent's son was carnal, offering fruit and vegetables. Maybe he believed that eating an apple caused the fall of man. Cain worked his guts out toiling against the curse, thinking, when I harvest these crops the life will go out of them and I'll offer them to God.

God rejected Cain and his offering because it was not vegetable life that caused the Fall, it was animal life. So animal life had to be offered, and the evidence that the life had been sacrificed was not maple syrup! It was blood!

After Cain humbled himself before Abel and learned the revelation he saw that he was never Adam's son and therefore he would never be a Son of God. He saw that he would never have an inheritance on this earth, and as he was not one of God's creatures or creations, not even God could redeem him because to "redeem" means to "buy back." Cain realized he was never God's possession but a Satanic perversion of God's creation.

In the Great Commission recorded in Mark 16:15, Jesus commands His disciples, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" or creation. Jesus is the KINSMAN Redeemer for Adam and his race, not for horses and dogs, fishes or birds which are all God's creatures but they are not kin to Adam. And Jesus is not kin to Cain and his descendants, who are neither creatures of God's creation, nor are they of Adam's race or kind.

How Cain hated righteous Abel. It was enmity, the longest hatred (Genesis 3:15). Here is a famous saying from George Orwell's "1984" that may have originated with Cain. It says, "He who controls the past, controls the future." Suddenly Cain saw that if he killed Abel he would destroy the past and might control the future: should his race interbreed with that of Adam, he would obtain the birthright he now knew was never his, and "as it was in the days of Noah" so is it today in the Coming of the Son on man (Genesis 6:1-4; Matthew 24:37).

Turn your Bibles to Genesis 4:11-15. When God confronted Cain He said, "And now you are cursed from the earth . . . a vagabond and a wanderer shall you be in the earth." In other words, a citizen of the world, an international person, with no country to call your inheritance.

"And Cain said unto the Lord, My perversity and depravity is more than I can cope with. You've driven me out this day from the face of the earth; [he is not kin to Adam's race, and not on the Book of Life]; and from Your Presence shall I be hid; [because without faith he is not in the genealogy of God]; and I shall be a wanderer and a vagabond in the earth [as he has no inheritance or country]; and it shall come to pass, that everyone that recognizes me shall slay me" [because he is a trespasser and a hostile enemy].

And the Lord said, Whosoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any recognizing him should kill him."

According to Moses, Cain's people would have no homeland, but move around living in other people's countries. When they do settle for a time they're overthrown by God's people, as Israel cast them out from Canaan. Moses said, that God gave them a certain quality so that we would not feel at liberty to kill, but be wary of them.

Cain's depravity was this awesome mark. And it is the mark of the beast. The distinguishing mark of Cain is a ruthless intellectual ability wherein the "ends" justify the "means" and which is wholly selfish, knowing neither restraint of human decency, nor respect for God.

Cain's people have lived by their wits without scruple up to the present day. There was a time when they were known and marked. And their unbridled evil is such that they have been expelled from country after country by people who knew the Word of God. Today we are taught the unscriptural proverb, "all men are created equal" when most are not in God's creation. Today no nation knows or respects the Word of God. Cain's people have intermixed with our society, perverting education, Bible revelation, laws, social mores and our attitudes until the once Christian world is depraved. Because we have rejected the Absolute of God's unchanging Word our nations are defenceless and they control us since "they are the head and we are now the tail".

Because Adam's race is largely apostate today and wholly ignorant of their identity and the faith of God's Word, Cain's people have been enabled to hide and control the past. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Hollywood, the CIA, the worldwide media monopoly and Rockefeller's global franchise on education disclosed by The Special Committee to investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations appointed by House Resolution 217, 83rd Congress, 1st Session (adopted July 27, 1953), to study and determine whether tax-exempt educational and philanthropic foundations and comparable organizations were using "un-American and subversive activities for political purposes; propaganda or attempts to influence legislation." The investigation was abrogated. By controlling education, information, religion and culture (sic) Cain's race has manipulated the minds of generations and now master the future of all who are without Christ in the sense of a genuine new birth.

Cain adopted Lucifer's Genesis 3 plan to intermarry and breed Adam's race off the Book of Life. By the time of the Flood, the two races had hybridized to such an extent God grieved that He had made man in flesh (Genesis 6:1-6). Cain's people had thoroughly depraved the Sons of God, Adam's race, influencing them to immorality and continual evil, only Noah found grace in His sight, so God destroyed the world with a Flood.

Jesus said these conditions would repeat during the time of His parousia. "Parousia" is the Greek word which describes Christ's unseen second Coming. Not the physical return of the glorified Jesus; that will not occur until after Armageddon and the destruction of all life on earth. Christ's parousia is His return in W_O_R_D form to incarnate His end-time Bride for the manifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. The revelation of the Seven Seals "finished the mystery of God" and brought Christ the fullness of the Word back to earth in W_O_R_D Form in 1963. He is present now.

Let's see if we can identify the conditions of "the days of Noah" today.

1) Is there a huge increase in population today "as it was in the days of Noah" (Genesis 6:1)?

The answer is Yes! Cain's United Nations and various "think tanks" [of intellectual Cains! or spiritual Serpent's seed] such as the Club of Rome, Chatham House, the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, etc., have devised various means to de-populate and cull the goyim, or "human cattle," which is us.

The policies of these Canaanites, their United Nations and 'Think' tanks are directly opposed to God's policy entrusted to Adam and recorded by Moses: to "populate and fill the earth, and subdue it." In union with the omniscient God Adam's born-again people belong to His Know it ALL 'Faith' tank. Well, He does and we're identified in Him. Amen!

The nations of the world are engaged in eugenics or de-population defined by more diplomatic terms. Cunning like their father, they call it Biodiversity, Land Care, Sustainable Development, Greenpeace, World Heritage, World Wildlife Fund, World Commission on Environment and Development, Agenda 30, Commission on Global Governance, Carbon Tax, Protection of the Ozone Layer, Global Commons, Earth Council, Greenhouse Effect, Earth Summit, Transparency International, Global Climate Change, Prince of Wales Business Leaders' Forum, Global Environment Facility, etc.,

We must remember that we live in the world of 'insider' George Orwell's "1984" where bureaucracy communicates by "newspeak" and "doublethink." And a conference on population is actually a conference on depopulation, genocide or eugenics. Genocidal population reduction measures were again given respectability by forces grouped around the UN and the agenda for the 1994 Cairo Population (depopulation) Conference was modelled on the eugenics conference held in Berlin in the '30's. Now three gigantic corporate groups worldwide control the genetically-modified part of the human food chain.

Only a small percentage are being killed by armies with guns—proven to be an ineffective form of reducing population. They found the most effective instrument of death is policy. National policies—trade sanctions, UN, World Bank and International Monetary Fund policies, determine investment and development which creates or restricts employment. Infrastructure, the provision of utilities like water, electricity, communications, transport, also education, health care, hospitals and housing in turn determine whether populations increase or diminish.

These so-called NGO's, Non Government Organizations accomplish the opposite objective to what one might understand from their names. Independent of and antithetical to sovereign national governments, they represent different elements working towards totalitarian one world government. They're introducing central control, dependence, and the transfer of production, wealth and power. In short, their function is to produce poverty, serfdom, famine and depopulation. Organizations like GATT, NAFTA, EU, Maastricht and APEC have accomplished this objective, impoverishing both developed and underdeveloped nations and bringing them under the banksters yoke.

Policies such as Global 2000 and Global Future endorsed by Jimmy Carter set the measure for government policies in America and Australia that will depopulate our nations by destroying industry, weakening economies, encouraging the asset-stripping of public utilities and private corporations, halting wealth creation by environmental restrictions, poor profitability, regulations like non-discriminatory employment, and legislation prohibiting dismissal of employees even where criminal activity is proven. Thus we find national and private infrastructure being cannibalized by vultures after short-term gain with the assurance this wealth will not exist for future wealth creation, and the world will enter a new Dark Age.

"Economic Rationalism" (so-called), milks companies for short-term profits to shareholders and options to greedy company directors by downsizing, stalling R&D, shifting manufacturing to Third World countries, and breaking-up subsidiaries for asset-stripping. This loses skills, ultimately impoverishing the corporations and the nation.

There are ways of killing people without using guns. And one may receive accolades from a community distracted by short-term gain. What that community does not see is that it is being killed. The social costs are destroying the Western world. We're living beyond our means and not on the profits of production, but on borrowings from offshore banks controlled by international people with no country, like Cain (Deuteronomy 32:8). Like gamblers trying to bet against the house, we're betting against the fractional reserve banking system that issues money as a debit, backed by thin air. And it is killing people. These policies produce unemployment which kills people, destroys families, reduces marriage prospects, reduces the size of families and life-expectancy. That's in the Developed World. In the Developing Nations the effects are more deadly.

Oh there are other means. The World Health Organization introduced AIDS which is killing millions. 36.9 million people world-wide now have the virus. AIDS is the leading cause of death among young people (aged 10-24) in Africa, and second leading cause globally. Every week, 7,500 young women across the world acquire HIV. The introduction of deadly carcinogenic unleaded petrol is another killer. Then there are revolutions and wars generated by the United Nations, and the famines they create by their policies.

How about the birth rate? Hardly any country except India is even replacing deaths. Most nations have falling populations. China's one child policy, abortion on demand, homosexuality, unemployment, refugees and poor homeless, all represent planned depopulation.

All around the world, countries are seeing falling birth rates and rising life expectancy. Ageing populations are leading to greater spending on healthcare and pensions, but the number of people working and paying taxes is decreasing. As a result, these countries are at risk of becoming "demographic time bombs," signifying a crisis of too few working people. Demographers say countries need fertility rates of 2.2 children per woman to maintain a stable population, but many nations' birth rates, such as those of South Korea and the United States, have fallen below 2. An increase in immigrant workers can help alleviate these trends, but immigration alone can't reverse a demographic time bomb if a significant number of citizens leave for employment in other countries.

2) Is there massive miscegenation today between the children of Adam and the descendants of Cain "as there was in the days of Noah"  (Genesis 6:2; Matthew 24:37)?

Deuteronomy 32:7-8 is a prophecy spanning almost four thousand years. "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask your father, and he'll show you; ask your elders, and they will tell you. When the most High divided to the Gentiles their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam [from one another and from the sons of Cain], He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel".

US Dollar noteGod was saying, "Consider the years of many generations and know that I will cause you to inherit the days of Messiah and the world to come, and you will see that I loved you before the days of Abraham." And Moses hearkens to Genesis 10:25 and 11:1-9 when God in His providence separated the various families and tongues, gradually to settle in their allotted localities. He so guided the hearts of the people, that Canaan's posterity—Cain's accursed race—should be resident in the Land He had intended for Israel, foreseeing that by the time Israel had multiplied sufficiently, the Canaanites should fill up the measure of iniquities and merit extirpation. Thus Israel received their portion (out of due time) in a high state of cultivation, replete with cities, towns and villages centuries after Eber's son Peleg was born 101 years after the Flood. Peleg means "division as by a small channel of water"—like the Jordan. Peleg was born in 2197BC, the year the Lord God caused "the confusion of tongues" to divide the nations and halt construction of the Tower of Babel.

es SakhraPeleg is the root of the word earthquake—like that which will divide the Mount of Olives, demolish es Sakhra, the Dome of the Rock, and incite the invasion and utter defeat of the modern State of faux Israel as prophesied in Isaiah 6:9-13; 13:1-16; Joel 2:1-3:2; Zechariah 14:1-2, 4-9; Revelation 11:15; 16:19 and UN Resolution 181. The non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Israeli Jews are not Israelites, they have no history in the Middle East, and will abandon that mendicant state whose industrial development and modern infrastructure was unwillingly funded by German and US tax and wage slaves. This will permit the twelve Tribes descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to return safely to the Land of their Covenant for their redemption without "fear of the Jews" (John 7:13; 19:38). Within seven years Israel—all 144,000 of them—will be reborn as a nation in one day, thereafter they will be martyred (Isaiah 66:7-8; Matthew 27:25).

Before the Flood and up until the dispersion "the whole earth had been of one language [or stock of words expressed in the same syntax, word order and grammar], and of one speech [or expression with the same inflections without diversity of dialects]" (Genesis 11:1-5). Until the confusion of tongues all spoke with one lip, but it was 'impure' for it was in rebellion against God. This outward confusion at Babel was to hinder the oneness in evil from a worse confusion by separating the two races to preserve the seed of Adam.

Pentecost restored God's elect to the unity of heart and soul by One Spirit whose gift is the one faith and the one hope of our calling in the One Lord in whom we are one, grafted into one body by our invisible marriage union (Ephesians 4:3-6). "In the dispensation of the fullness of times" or Church Ages of PART-Word, the Message delivered by God's Prophet, William Branham has separated Christ's end-time Bride from Mystery Babylon the Great and her apostate (once) Protestant daughter churches—restored us to the apostolic faith and finished the mystery of God. Christ is the mystery of God disclosed in the revelation of the Seven Seals. His purpose is that we might "all speak the same thing" by the 'pure' language of rapturing Faith in preparation for the 'third pull' that will "gather together in one all things in Christ, both [the Church Age saints] which are in heaven, and we who are alive and remain, even in Him . . . that God might work His mighty power in us as when He raised and glorified our Lord Jesus" (I Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 1:10-23).

Assisi meetingGod is going to "smite the earth with a curse . . . and He has shortened the days lest there should be no flesh saved for the rapture: but for the elects' sake those days are being shortened [by Christ's secret, sudden unseen (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming]. Today if anyone tells you Christ is here, or there; believe it not" because we are not looking for the Man (Matthew 24:22-23). Brother Branham introduced the second Coming of the Son of man in W_O_R_D form when he delivered the revelation of the Seven Seals from March 18-24, 1963 (Matthew 25:6; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:1-4). His Message was Christ's second Coming, calling His end-time Bride out from the world church system, separating us from the destructive unity Satan has been gathering in Vatican II and the scandalous interreligious prayer meetings of Assisi I, II, and III in readiness for the great and dreadful Day of the Lord.

Crescent, Magen David & Cross, an ancient partnershipIn that Day the United States will be devastated by tectonic activity and tsunamis unprecedented since man was on earth. The failure of the US dollar will collapse the global economy and unbeknownst to the world the sleeping saints will begin the first resurrection glorified, while "we who are alive and remain shall manifest that we are the Sons of God, change in the atoms and be translated" (I Thessalonians 4:14-17; I Corinthians 15:49-56). As we meet the Lord in the Air, Satan will be cast down to earth and incarnate Rome's pope who will confirm the covenant Jesuit Jewish President Shimon Peres made with the modern Israel state as informed by our correspondent, the late Barry Chamish in previous issues of this Newsletter (Daniel 9:27; UN Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947). Born in Poland Szymon Perski—Peres or Perez is a Spanish name meaning "son of Pero or Pedro (Peter)" and a Jewish surname popular among people of Sephardic (i.e. Moorish Berber, Bedouin, Canaanite) Jewish descent. The Hebrew spelling is Pharez which means "breach." True to his name Shimon Peres' duplicitous diplomacy has temporarily cemented the breach between Judaeo-Islam, Judaism and Judaeo-Romanism so when mainland USA is invaded and garrisoned by Russia the world will be divided between Judaeo-Communism and a Judaeo-Catholic confederation of all religions. The incarnate pope will refinance the US dollar with gold, confirming the covenant, preserving the wealth of the Jewish banksters, and enabling the world economy to recover. The United Nations in New York City will acclaim him inaugural President of the one world government headquartered in Jerusalem Jesus declined (Acts of the Holy Spirit, p. 12:87; Matthew 4:8-9). This will place the Catholic church in full control of the United States before the bomb comes that explodes her (Hybrid Religion, p. 160:6; Church Ages, p. 322:3). UN Resolution 181 will be enforced granting Palestine Statehood with Jerusalem a "corpus separatum," and the diminution of self-styled Jews genuine Israelites and Semitic Palestinians will live together in peace as they did for thousands of years prior to Rothschild colonisation of Palestine.

Zephaniah covers the times of the Gentiles, re-birth of the Israel nation, its martyrdom, Armageddon, the consummation and millennium. We will examine Zephaniah 3:8-10, "Therefore wait for Me, says the Lord [to the pious meek among the Judeans (Zephaniah 2:3), urging them not to despair, but to be patient under the affliction throughout all these judgments on Judah], until the day when I stand as witness, accuser and judge to the prey [as your enemy, your rejected Messiah (Zephaniah 1:2-17; Acts 1:11; Daniel 12:1; Zechariah 14:3-5), to first destroy, and then to take the spoil: since you, by your sins, continue to be My enemies; by my judgments I will show myself in arms against you as your enemy by invading your country, destroying and plundering you through four Gentile world empires]: for My justice is to gather the nations against Jerusalem (Ezekiel 38:14-23; Joel 3:2; Zechariah 12:2-3; 14:2), then to pour out My indignation upon them there, that I may assemble the kingdoms in crowds to destroy in one last struggle everything opposed to God, in one day (Micah 4:12)], to pour My indignation, all My fierce anger upon [the obstinate, incorrigible, and impious Judeans first (Zephaniah 3:1-7): for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealous zeal [which will not endure your ill-treatment by those who [like Judaeo-Catholicism, Judaeo-Communism] and everything not from God that make themselves His rivals in the government of the world." The meek are not told to wait for the Day of judgment itself, but for the result, which will be the millennium when the Kingdom is restored to Israel].

"At that time I will change the speech of My returning people to a 'pure' speech [or revelation called "the common faith" and also "the present Truth" (Titus 1:4; II Peter 1:12; Isaiah 19:18)], so that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord, and serve Him shoulder to shoulder." This takes us to Daniel's Seventieth Week "after the fullness of the Gentiles has come" (Romans 11:25-32) when "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My petitioners, even the daughter of My dispersed, shall bring My offering" (Zephaniah 3:10).

Israel's King and Queen: Christ & His BrideOn the Day of Pentecost Christ began building His fifteen hundred mile high eternal Temple, New Jerusalem, signified by the reunion of an election of "lively stones" from every nation, tongue, colour and culture of Adam's race. "And they were filled with the Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance . . . and Judeans, devout men, out of every nation under heaven . . . were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language." Ten days prior Jesus "went away to prepare a place" for the Church Age Saints by inteceding for their ignorance of the fullness of the Word through two thousand years while the Book was sealed. When the last saint predestinated to the PART-Word Body was born-again Christ's mediation in the Office Son of God was fulfilled. He resumed the prophetic Office Son of man, claimed the Book, loosed its Seals, descended to earth with the little Book open in His left hand, and after ten days He began delivering the Revelation of the Seven Seals through His Prophet (John 14:1-3; Acts 2:1-6; 17:26; Revelation 4; 5; 6:1-17; 10:1-7).

When in Isaiah 10:13 the King of Assyria boasts he has removed the boundaries of Deuteronomy 32:8, adding them to his own dominions, he boasts that he has undone the work of God Himself by the strength of his own hand, vision and understanding. Psalm 74:17 puts the establishment of the boundaries of the land in the context of creation and their assignment to the nations as possessions parallel to the establishment of the boundaries of the peoples. The races are to remain separate.

But in this day we find East and West are mixing. Different races are intermarrying which is absolutely forbidden by God's Word, particularly as people are ignorant of the original sin and the Serpent's seed are hybridizing with the sons of Adam "as it was in the days of Noah".

Whereas God separated the nations by natural borders—mountains, rivers, deserts and oceans, the ungodly thugs who planned, and now control the UN, an absolutely unscriptural organization according to Amos 3:3, with their intellectual mark of Cain, persuaded our Fabian Communist politicians and Marxist bureaucracies in America, Australia, Britain and the other nations to sign some form of treaty that forbids discrimination on immigration by race, colour, religion, etc.,

Cain's race knows that "God has driven them out from the face of the earth and from His Presence" and fear that were their true identity exposed, "every one that finds them will kill them." One race has stooped to such depths of hatred for God, His Word and His people by promoting genocide by abominable treaties (Genesis 3:11-14).

Who else would press the government of Australia to introduce Racial Discrimination Laws? The then Prime Minister Paul Keating claimed the Bill was necessary to, "dissuade those who seek to incite violence and hatred." However in 200 years there is no evidence of anyone in Australia "inciting violence and hatred" outside two tiny neo-Nazi groups such as National Action and National Front founded by David Gleason, a paid journalist of Isi Leibler and his brother Mark Leibler then (president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and co-chairman with Edgar Bronfman's World Jewish Congress), both associated with the organized crime-connected Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. (See The Story of a Covenant, NY, Appleton-Century, 1966; Esther L. Panitz, Simon Wolf—Private Conscience and Public Image, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1987; King of Fifth Avenue—The Fortunes of August Belmont, NY, The Dial Press, 1981; The Anti-Semitism of Black Demagogues and Extremists – ADL Report, 1992; Dope Inc., La Rouche, EIR; Peter C. Newman, The Bronfman Dynasty: The Rothschilds of the New World, McClelland Stewart, Toronto; Not the Word of One Day, an ADL autobiography; Conspiracy Against Freedom; A Documentation of One Campaign of the Anti-Defamation League Against Freedom of Speech and Thought in Americy, Liberty Lobby, Washington, 1986).

Why after 200 years should anyone suddenly find it necessary to impose prison sentences on someone who might "vilify" a person's race, tribe or ethnic group, or for violent acts motivated by race hate? There is one group in the world who cry "wolf" then promote racial hatred. Were it not for such laws, we could identify them. This demonstrates meticulous long-term planning for the "squeeze" by the usual suspects.

God's ancient borders and taboos have been moved by the ungodly sons of Cain. In Australia and the West we have miscegenation on a massive scale. When I was preaching in England and based in a town called Bernley, I saw only two white people in that town over two weeks. In America and in Australia there are places where people don't speak English. The shop signs and street signs are all in a foreign language, or two.

What is euphemistically called "Multiculturalism" is in fact multi-racialism and miscegenation that is accursed of God. If He destroyed the world by Flood for this sin in the days of Noah, His justice demands that He destroy our present generation for the same reason, but by fire as prophesied.

The people behind "multiculturalism" are unleashing racial conflict and social chaos throughout the world. When the coming world depression strikes there will be unprecedented civil unrest. While those who have deliberately created this situation from behind the scenes by mixing oil and water will express their horror and condemn racism as they disguise their pivotal part. They gave us two World Wars, financing both sides; they established and funded Communism, established and financed Nazism, helped found the neo-Nazi British National Front, the National Front and National Action neo-Nazi groups in Australia, the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda and 'Islamic' terrorism; through Albert Pike they established the KKK, and the FBI describes their JDL as the leading terrorist group in America.

Now they're bringing the world to the brink of catastrophe once again. They tell a lie, keep repeating it and people will eventually believe it. Thus those who control the past can control the future.

3) Is there moral depravity today. Do the sons of Adam take any Serpent seed girl they choose "as it was in the days of Noah?" (Genesis 6:2, 11-13; Matthew 24:38).

Certainly they do. There is a big business running these women in prostitution and in the bride trade because the apostate churches don't tell their congregations not to marry outside their own race—particularly not to Serpent seed people. Naturally they are pretty women, nice friendly people, but not Spiritual. Moses said, "They seem alright in the flesh, but if you marry them, they'll turn you away from God because they are NOT on the Book of Life and they will never understand the revealed Word of God" (Deuteronomy 7:1-5).

I've preached to them, testified in Bible schools, but they can't be Christians because they're fruit from the wrong tree. God's law of reproduction states everything must bring forth of its own kind whose seed is in itself. Don't become involved in promiscuity, and be sure you choose your friends and your husband or wife from Adam's race, and within the faith of Jesus Christ, not a denomination.

4) Is this a day of great construction and scientific achievement by men of renown "as it was in the days of Noah"?

You bet! There's never been such technological sophistication this side of the Flood as there is in this day. And that's despite the disinvestment and restriction on research and development over the past fifteen-or-so years. Oh, we're advanced! The Dow Jones Industrial Average as of July 24, 2019 is 27,269.97. It was 13,946 in July 1998. The conditions of the days of Noah have repeated today and Christ's 'parousia' is with us as we can confirm in God's Word (Genesis 6:1-13; Matthew 24:37). If only we can find the prophet Jesus promised God would send in this day, through whose mouth His 'parousia' would come.

Of Noah's three sons Japheth is placed first in the genealogy (Genesis 10:1-2, 21), because he was the eldest, and Shem who was born three years after Japheth, is placed last. Japheth, means "persuaded" or "enlarged." Genesis 9:27 prophesied, "God shall enlarge [persuade or convert] Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem [or come under the covering of God's Word and Covenant]; and Canaan shall be his servant." Japheth's descendants were the most numerous and most widely spread from the birthplace of mankind. The general description of their territory is "the isles of the Gentiles" or "isles of the sea [beyond Judea]" (Genesis 10:5; Deuteronomy 32:8; Isaiah 42:4; Jeremiah 25:22; Acts 17:26). These countries were initially the coastlands bordering the north side of the Mediterranean and its connected waters.

From Japheth God draws most of the leaders of the Gentile Church, which is the Bride of Christ and God manifest. Japheth succeeds Shem as so often in Scripture the first is last, and the elder serves the younger. Shem lost his pre-eminent position when his people killed their Messiah, the true promised Seed of Abraham. As God's servant the 144,000 elect Israelites who will be born-again during the tribulation are typed as "eunuchs" to serve Christ's Bride. Ham's elect descendants will make up the Gentile Bride together with those of Japheth and Shem who are baptized into the Body during the Gentile dispensation. But Canaan's offspring, "driven out" or scattered throughout the world, have no inheritance whatever.

Ham was Noah's younger son (Genesis 9:24), and Shem, who was but one hundred years of age when Arphaxad was born, two years after the Flood, was the youngest (Genesis 11:10). Noah was 600 years old at the time of the Flood (Genesis 7:11); he began to beget children in his 500th year (Genesis 5:32), his firstborn son was Japheth, then Ham, and lastly Shem was born in Noah's 503rd year, 97 years before the Flood.

the trail of the Serpent over the FloodWe've traced the seed of the Serpent to the time of the Flood when it almost smothered the seed of Adam, physically, and the seed of God (faith) spiritually. The Serpent seed came over the Flood in the person of Noah's wife who was not the mother of his three sons. Ham's name means "hot," "infatuated" or "passionate." Ham committed adultery with his father's wife so his first-born son Canaan was Serpent's seed and cursed as Cain was "cursed from the earth." Canaan's name means "brought into subjection" or "humbled." God prophesied Canaan would become a "servant of servants." The rest of Ham's offspring were in the righteous line but because of his folly of uncontrolled passion, his descendants were not numbered among God's Church Age Messengers?

When the sons of Noah are enumerated Shem is always named first because on him the covenant was entailed, as appears in Genesis 9:26, where God is called "the Lord God of Shem." The birthright was given to him and from him both Abraham, Christ the Head and His Body the Church were to descend (Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16-29), therefore he is called Shem, which signifies a name, because in his posterity the Name of God should always remain, till He should come out of his loins whose Name is above every name; so that in putting Shem first, Christ was in effect put first, who in all things must have the pre-eminence (Ephesians 1:21-23; Colossians 1:15-19).

It was from the line of Shem that God drew His election following the Flood and in them He placed His Name. "Israel" is the name of the promised son in the natural, and the name of the overcomer. "Lord Jesus Christ" is the Name of the Promised Son and King of Israel in the Spiritual, God's compound redemptive Name and the Name of Christ's Bride.

Before God formed man on earth, He blessed all of Adam's race and told them "to multiply and have dominion over the earth" (Genesis 1:28). Cain and his race, not being foreknown in creation, are not included in the blessing. They have no promise of dominion, and no inheritance on this earth. Genesis 10:15-19 names Canaan's heirs: Sidon, Heth, the Jebusites, Amorites, Girgasites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites, and foretells their being driven from Canaan Land which the Israelites would succeed, and defines its borders.

Now we meet Isaac and Rebekah whose twins Esau and Jacob fought within her womb and God said, "two nations are in your womb, and two manner of people shall be born; one people will be stronger than the other; and the elder shall serve the younger." The first-born was red and hairy all over, so they called him "Esau," which means "shaggy." As his younger brother was born he reached forth and took hold of Esau by the heel, so they called him Jacob, meaning "Heel grabber" or "supplanter" (Genesis 25:19-26).

Esau married two Hittite women, daughters of Heth the son of Canaan (Genesis 26:34). The Hittites once inhabited central Anatolia (now Turkey), and later north Lebanon. Isaac and Rebekah grieved that Esau had married Serpent seed women because their offspring would be Serpent's seed. He then married an Ishmaelite (Genesis 28:8-9). If her offspring intermarried with the locals, the Adamic line in Esau was extinguished forever.

Genesis 38 records Judah's marriage to a Canaanitess who bore him three sons. He married their eldest to a Hebrew woman named Tamar. When Er died childless Judah commanded his second son to fulfil the law of Levirate marriage and raise up a son for his brother's inheritance. Onan spilled his seed and God slew him. There remained only Shelah, whom Judah was unwilling to entrust to a potentially dangerous union with Tamar lest he should meet with the same fate as his brothers. But God was watching over the Seed of Adam to keep His election pure. For Messiah was to come through Judah's line.

Body of ChristWith no child to receive her late husband's inheritance Tamar resorted to the desperate expedient of entrapping Judah himself into the union he feared for his son. The fruits of this intercourse were the twins, Pharez and Zarah. The sacred line continued through Pharez, to Joseph and Jesus Christ. Pharez means a "breach," contravention or failure to observe law, code of conduct or agreement, gap or fracture. Such was the case in Christ's relation with His espoused wife, the Church, which ended in apostasy and was divorced in Laodicea (Luke 18:8; Romans 11:32; II Thessalonians 2:1-3; II Timothy 4:3-4; Revelation 3:15-20). Christ's mediation for ignorance of the fullness of the Word was fulfilled, but the Body was not complete; there was a breach between the Church Ages and the Seals. Brother Branham's Message delivered in the gap brought Christ back to earth in W_O_R_D form, calling, "Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be after Laodicea" (Revelation 4:1-2; Matthew 25:6). By grace we crossed over the breach to make up the Capstone with rapturing faith (Zechariah 4:6-10).

(Shelah, whose mother was a Canaanite, was associated with the Moabites. His descendants were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar and returned to Jerusalem—I Chronicles 5:21-23; Nehemiah 11:5). It seems the people of Israel paid scant regard to God's requirement that they should not marry into the Canaanites. And when Solomon married Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Zidonian and Hittite women "of the nations the Lord commanded You shall not marry," God said, because of this evil He would destroy the Kingdom and leave only one tribe with Judah (I Kings 11:1-13 see also Ezra 9:1-3; 10).

God identifies the Edomites with the Serpent seed Zidonians and Hittites. So you see how important it was that He preserved Judah's lineage through Tamar to Joseph, Mary's husband, because it could not have proceeded through the children of Judah's three sons (Matthew 1:3-16).

Returning to our narrative about Esau, God told Rebekah that of the two nations in her womb, one would be stronger than the other, and that the elder shall serve the younger. Esau was far stronger than Jacob, although the latter obtained the birthright and blessing.

The Bible tells us Jacob called Esau "Edom," meaning "red," after he exchanged his birthright for a red lentil stew (Genesis 25:30; 36:1). Following the death of his father Isaac, Esau moved to the land of Seir where he'd begun to establish himself during Jacob's absence in Haran, according to Isaac's prophetic blessing, directing his attention away from the fertile soils around Hebron and "living by his sword," along with 400 men under his command (Genesis 27:39-40; 32:6).

Edom's northern frontier was Moab, below present-day Jordan, at the valley of Zared. East of the river Jordan, the Edomite domain extended to the edge of the Arabian Desert. West of Jordan river, it shared a common border with Judah's south-eastern boundary as far as Kadesh Barnea, then went south to the Red Sea port of Elath on the Gulf of Aqaba.

The destruction of Pharaoh's forces and Israel's miraculous deliverance at the Red Sea had repercussions in Edom and throughout Canaan (Exodus 15:14-15). Israel's first armed opposition came from the Edomite tribe of Amalek (Exodus 17:8-16; Genesis 36:12, 16).

At the conclusion of the 40-years wandering, Moses' respectful request for safe conduct over the King's Highway through Edom was rejected and the Edomite king marshalled a strong force to block any Israelite intrusion (Numbers 20:14-21).

Israel had been commanded "do not detest an Edomite for he is your brother" (Deuteronomy 23:7-8). However, there was enmity on Edom's part as Esau had married the Canaanites. Not only the aggressive Amalekite tribe, but all Edom followed a course of opposition to Israel. Saul successfully waged war against them (I Samuel 14:47-48). Yet the head over his shepherds was the Edomite, Doeg, who informed Saul against David. And when Saul's officers refused to slay the priests of Nob, Saul used Doeg to accomplish a wholesale massacre (I Samuel 21:7, 22:9-18).

David as king won a major victory over the Edomites, killing all the men of military age and stationed garrisons throughout Edom. The remaining population became subject to Israel (I Kings 11:15-16; II Samuel 8:14; I Chronicles 18:13), and the "yoke" of Jacob rested heavily on the neck of Edom (Genesis 27:40; Numbers 24:18).

Solomon developed a shipping enterprise in Eziongeber beside Eloth on the Red sea in Edom (I Kings 9:26). A depleted male population prevented Edom from lifting the Israelite yoke, although Hadad, an escaped prince, led a resistance movement against northern Israel out of Syria (I Kings 11:14-22). Under Jehoram Edom revolted, threw off the Judean yoke and remained in revolt.

The Edomites sealed their doom when Babylon conquered Judah and Jerusalem in 607BC, as they urged on the devastators rejoicing at Judah's tragedy with cries of "raze it, raze it, even to the foundation thereof" (Psalm 137:7). In their enmity and desire for revenge they turned over Judean escapees for slaughter. Others who found refuge in Edom finally fled down to Egypt (Jeremiah 40:11-12; 43:5-7). Edom joined neighbouring peoples in plundering the land, and planned to take over the abandoned country of Israel and Judah, boasting against Jehovah. Jeremiah warned the king of Edom to come under the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 27:1-7).

As early as King Uzziah's rule, Joel and Amos pronounced God's condemnation of Edom for its unrelenting fury against Israel by the unmerciful use of the sword (Amos 1:6, 11-12). By its vicious opposition to Judah, Edom forfeited its title to the land granted to Esau (Joel 3:19; Amos 9:11-12). And God spoke through Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Obadiah that the treatment meted out to Judah would also become Edom's portion (Lamentations 4:21; Ezekiel 25:12-14; 35:1-15; 36:3-5; Obadiah 1-16).

About the middle of the sixth century BC came the time for Edom to drink from the cup of Jehovah's wrath when Nabonidus of Babylon conquered Edom (Jeremiah 25:15-17, 21). Israelite soldiers were in his troops, fulfilling, in part at least Ezekiel 25:14, "I will lay My vengeance upon Edom by the hand of My people Israel." This was also a partial fulfilment of Obadiah 1 and 7 which said that Edom's "allies," "confederates," and "trusted friends" would "deceive," "prevail against" and "set a trap under" them. Here we may see a reference to the Babylonians who, although in the days of Nebuchadnezzar were willing to allow them a share in Judah's loss, under Nabonidus curbed once and for all the commercial and mercantile ambitions of Edom.

By the fourth century BC the Nabateans, (descendants of Ishmael's first-born, Nebaioth) became established in Mount Seir. According to Sir William Smith, they ultimately controlled the whole of the region of the Gulf of Akaba, and from this position of power, they commanded the trade between Arabia and the West. (They established regular caravans between Leuce Come, a port of the Red Sea in the north-west part of Arabia, and the port of Rhinocolura (El Arish) on the Mediterranean on the frontiers of Palestine and Egypt. From Rhinocolura, the Nabataean trade route went to Smyrna and then on to Broussa, a great city of Bithynia on the northern side of Mount Olympus. In Broussa the Nabataeans established a flourishing colony.

The Edomites were never able to return and found themselves pushed out of their own country into in the Negeb south of Judah. Hebron was their chief city and eventually southern Judea became known as Idumea. According to Josephus, John Hyrcanus I subjected them some time between 130-120BC and compelled them to convert to Judaism or die. Thereafter they were gradually absorbed by the Israelites, and over time became known as "Jews".

When in AD70 the Romans under Titus besieged Jerusalem, Josephus tells how 20,000 Edomites who since 125BC had been become circumcised and recognized as Jews, volunteered to support the Judeans against Rome. But once admitted they pillaged the city, raping and killing, and not sparing even the priests. The Roman conqueror slew them, and Edom ceased to exist as a separate people.

Isaiah earlier foretold how the sword-wielding Edomites would come under God's own sword of judgment—all classes, great and small becoming sacrificial animals "cherem" devoted to destruction (Isaiah 34:2-8).

Edom was to become like Sodom and Gomorrah, uninhabited for all time (Jeremiah 49:7-22). Edom's ancestors who were Cain's progeny, would fulfil God's pronouncement that they'd be wanderers without inheritance on the earth (Genesis 3:11-14; Jeremiah 49:10). And as Moses foretold, they have been driven out, scattered and beaten in sunder throughout the world. Almost every European kingdom has at some time in history expelled them from its borders for their evil, or restricted them to particular occupations and quarters.

Edom would be called, "the land of wickedness," and "the people whom the Lord has denounced forever" (Malachi 1:1-5). Edom is emblematic of the hard-set enemies of God and His people: natural Israel; the elect Church, and all of Adam's race (Genesis 3:15).

In the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week, Rome will break her covenant with Edom who will join their Communist creation and destroy the false church, leading to Armageddon. Isaiah portrays Christ, having trod the winepress of God's vengeance alone, returning from Bozrah, Edom's most prominent city, in bloodstained garments after slaughtering His enemies (Isaiah 63:1-6). But I'm getting ahead of our story.

We'll leave our historical review for the present, having traced what is the most influential branch of the Serpent's seed from the Garden of Eden to the days of the Maccabees when John Hyrcanus forcibly converted them to Judaism. Previously we saw that when Jesus was born, Israel's king under Rome was the Idumean Herod who ordered that all boys in Bethlehem from two years and under should be killed. And in the days of His flesh, the Edomite population in Judah was predominant.

Their goal has always been to seize Jacob's birthright as Cain sought to steal Abel's birthright and Lucifer tried to steal Michael's inheritance. They plan to establish themselves as the elite, the master race, and rulers of this earth. They style themselves "God's Chosen People" when they are the people of His never-ending curse.

They killed Israel's Messiah and heir to the Throne of David. They plan an Edomite messiah and king. Although Israel's Messiah and King rose from the dead and is alive forever more they could not receive a son of the House of David (Luke 16:31).

With the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus Edom ceased to exist under its own identity. They had assumed leadership over Israel as Jews. They had usurped the Temple worship with the synagogue and supplanted the Law and prophets by the Talmud. Now they began to conspire how they might divide and destroy the Church of Jesus Christ, seize Jacob's birthright and rule this world. What do you think the United Nations is about? Its purpose is to this end.

UN LogoGod richly bless you Brethren, as you prove these things in Moses, and in the Psalms and the prophets. Confirm their prophecies with the declared aims and objectives of the UN, and search the records of modern history to discover the identity of those who formed the United Nations in London, during the Second World War. In 1939, General Douglas announced he believed one of the "real" objectives of World War II was to establish an International Police State. His foresight was vindicated in the Declaration of the United Nations which was signed by 26 nations on January 1, 1942. Obviously some inner group formulated the Declaration which set out the war aims of the Allied powers, and by hindsight it can be seen that post-war aims, leading towards World Government, were involved. Following the Dumbarton Oaks (Washington) Conference in 1944, a formal organization began to emerge.

G. E. Griffin wrote, "In the two decades since the UN was created, it's expanded into a giant international bureaucracy with tentacles reaching into every sphere of human activity from matrimony to garbage collection . . . we have not seen the real United Nations—its purpose, its philosophy, its ultimate goals" (The Fearful Master, 1974).

Follow the trail of the serpent. You will find this sin-sick world is run by criminals. Sons of Cain.

Brother Branham said, "Satan hates two Books of the Bible more than all others . . . he is always attacking the Book of Genesis and the Book of Revelation. In both of these Books we find Satan's origin, his awful ways and his destruction. That is why he attacks them. He hates to be exposed, ("He who controls the past, controls the future"), and in those Books he is exposed for exactly what he is. Jesus said about Satan, "He has no part in Me and I have no part in him." The Devil would like to prove that different; but he cannot, so he does all he can (to hide the true identity of the Serpent's seed, to steal the birthrights of Jacob/Israel, Jesus Christ and His Church), to destroy confidence in the Word. But when the church disbelieves Satan and believes the Spirit's revelation of the Word, the gates of hell cannot prevail against her" (Seven Church Ages, 14:4). nl1082.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - III

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1081

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we are pleased you could join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

Android PhoneToday as we continue our study on "Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent" we will discover who Esau/Edom is. Jesus called them murderers, liars, and Lucifer's vicarious offspring. As in His day they will be subtle impersonators of those they are not. Centuries of practice have endued them with extreme self-confidence like "the divine right of kings." The overweening pride and unmitigated gall of these braggarts wins the approbation of a conceited establishment ever anxious for an approving pat on the head—so affected themselves they dare not confront politically incorrect truths—"insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." This explains why "No good deed goes unpunished".

It is important to thoroughly read our news items and their hyperlinked articles for their political analysis which will help you to recognize the prophecies of God's unchanging Word are unfolding in real time, right now, and be prepared as a wise Space Cadet whose flight to the Sixth Dimension will not be impeded by the Van Allen Belt. Start by discovering the secret inside your cellphone.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

9/11 was an Israeli Job

Occult Zionist Flag
July 21, 2019 — Do please download the 500mb video file "Corporate Media Propaganda and Israeli Interests behind 9/11 deception for Perpetual War"—feel free to distribute elsewhere.

1. This article presents evidence that the Israeli deep state was a prime mover in the events of 9/11. Israel did it.
2. 9/11 was an Israeli Job.
3. Sussex University professor who claimed Israelis carried out 9/11 must have emeritus status removed, Jewish group says.

Personating Jesus Christ Brother Branham said, "I've sent a persecution here and a persecution there, and I've run the Jews and drove them as hard as I could. And they've drove back in. Many Jews Israelites in the United States (which they won't escape from) has already received the Holy Ghost. But I've got all of the hundred and forty-four thousand [Israelites] standing there that's going to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost" (C.O.D. p. 97:235).

Comment: AIPAC's Control of Campus and Government

The World is Dedollarizing

US dollar
July 19, 2019 — What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency . . . traditional currencies or new government controlled crypto-currencies, but a country's own sovereign money. No longer the US-dollar. No longer the . . . Euro. No longer international monetary transactions controlled by US banks and—by the US-dollar controlled international transfer system, SWIFT, the system that allows and facilitates US financial and economic sanctions of all kinds—confiscation of foreign funds, stopping trades between countries, blackmailing 'unwilling' nations into submission . . . to world peace, away from US (financial) hegemony, towards nation states' sovereignty, towards a world geopolitical structure of more equality.

We are not there yet. But graffitis are all over the walls signalling that we are moving quite rapidly in that direction. And Trump knows it and his handlers know it—which is why the onslaught of financial crime—sanctions—trade wars—foreign assets and reserves confiscations, or outright theft—all in the name of "Make America Great Again," is accelerating exponentially and with impunity. What is surprising is that the Anglo-Saxon hegemons do not seem to understand that all the threats, sanctions, trade barriers, are provoking the contrary to what should contribute to American Greatness. Economic sanctions, in whatever form, are effective only as long as the world uses the US dollar for trading and as reserve currency . . .
Full story:

A Bank with 49 Trillion Dollars in Exposure to Derivatives is Melting Down Right in Front of Our Eyes

July 18, 2019 — Deutsche Bank is the most important bank in all of Europe, it has 49 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives, and most of the largest "too big to fail banks" in the United States have very deep financial connections to the bank. In other words, the global financial system simply cannot afford for Deutsche Bank to fail, and right now it is literally melting down right in front of our eyes . . . Deutsche Bank's derivative tentacles extend into most of the major Wall Street banks. According to a 2016 report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Deutsche Bank is heavily interconnected financially to JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America as well as other mega banks in Europe. The IMF concluded that Deutsche Bank posed a greater threat to global financial stability than any other bank as a result of these interconnections . . . Until these mega banks are broken up, until the Fed is replaced by a competent and serious regulator of bank holding companies, and until derivatives are restricted to those that trade on a transparent exchange, the next epic financial crash is just one counterparty blow-up away . . .
Full story:

Crimes of the Deep State

November 11, 2017 — Theiry Meyssan's book is an opportunity to see the real mechanisms that bring modern international relations in motion with all their cynicism, falsity and bloodthirstiness. "This is the result of my work for the last seven years written in cooperation with various governments. I worked with diplomatic documents, consulted officials, diplomats. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a description of the working methods of some governments during this time. Unfortunately, there is no other explanation for the facts . . . I am certain of the veracity of these facts" . . .

"Until 2002, they assumed that energy resources were running out. They had to control all sources of resources, therefore they invaded Iraq. But now they understand that oil and gas will last for the next two or three centuries . . . the policy of the West is changing . . . The US military is confident of the need for looting and plundering all existing major states and dividing the world into two parts. To achieve this, they began the destruction of the entire Middle East. We saw this happening in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia . . . the goal . . . is to destroy all major state institutions so that nothing could compete with the United States" . . . none of the wars, unleashed with the participation of Washington, has been completed, despite the change of administrations and ruling parties . . . this means that the "deep" United States does not really need to overthrow governments, nor to appropriate resources or control the transit of oil and gas in any particular region. Their goal is the complete destruction of these countries themselves . . . "This organization is connected with the governments of Great Britain and Israel. We have documentary evidence . . ."

According to this strategy, the world should be divided into two parts—a stable zone, which the system favours, and a zone of chaos in which people would not think of any resistance and would be engaged in simply staying alive and transnational companies could freely pump out the necessary natural and human resources . . . without being bound by any obligations and not being accountable to anyone . . . according to these documents, the United Kingdom was preparing the Arab Spring as early as 2004. Another document is a secret treaty between France and Turkey, explaining the events in Libya and, in part, in Syria. Also there is a UN document with corrections of the German government—the full plan for Syria's surrender even before the war . . .

Donald TrumpAlmost all of Africa, Central and Latin America, except Brazil and Argentina, fall into the zone of "non-integrable states" doomed to chaos. So naturally does the entire Middle East with Turkey, the Persian Gulf, Iran and Pakistan, all Middle and Southeast Asia and all of The Balkans, except Greece . . . But there is a problem. The network of international non-governmental structures, the George Soros subversive empire, the conglomerate of world television channels, including CNN, BBC, Sky News, France 24 and of course Al Jazeera, which proved to be so effective in the events in the Middle East, are now mobilized to neutralize Trump.

"Trump is the only public person in the US who said that September 11 is a fraud. Although he is not a professional politician, he understands very well how the US works. He knows what to do to set the system back. He is not an imperialist, he is a Republican, who promised to stop imperialist foreign policy. He is for stopping the activities of international terrorists, for stopping fuelling terrorism around the world . . . documents that appeared on the Internet, proving that the Soros Foundation "The Open Society" directly influences the decisions taken by the European Union. 226 members of the European Parliament associated with the billionaire are named. This is more than a third of the whole Euro parliament. But even a few days ago, talk about the fact that the billionaire and philanthropist George Soros has been actively interfering in world politics and has been attempting to control entire countries, would have been considered just a cheap conspiracy theory. Full story:

Comment: The 'hidden hand' always works under another name, and in a different occupation. Do you still not doubt that the United States is the image unto the beast of Imperial Rome as Jesus prophesied in Revelation 13:15-18? Please read the chapter on the ' as members of the National Security Council of the White House from "Fake Wars and BIG LIES".

You must read this chapter, The ' as Assassins where you will learn the true nature of Jewish President Dwight Eisenhower and some of the Jews behind and within the ' as well as the true nature and purpose of the Brotherhood as a tool of Uncle Sam and 'The City'.

The Gospel travelled westward from Jerusalem in the East to the West Coast of the United States. A little flock comprising an election from every nation, tribe and tongue of Adam's race possess a clear revelation of "the present Truth," this news article and linked comment provide incontrovertible proof that our nations and peoples are apostate and know it not.

The Prophet said there are two great powers in the world and they are both against Christ. One is Judaeo-Communism and the other is Judaeo-Catholicism. Every person in the world is going to be under obligation to take sides with one or the other (#47-1221, Experiences; Revelation 13:15-18). As the Jewish Israelite church betrayed Joseph, the (once) Protestant churches will confederate with the Catholic church. The united States will force the (once) Protestants to make an image unto Papal Rome and empower them to kill all who will not serve Rome or receive her trinity dogma (Israel and the Church, Part I, p. 26:167).

"Now, the Bible predicts that in the last days that Christ will trap Catholicism, Romanism, and all those things, and them—communism, and all of them together in the valleys of Megiddo there, until there will be such a slaughter amongst them, until "the blood will flow to a horse's bridle" without the City where our Lord was crucified (#61-0808, Thy House; Genesis 49:11; Hebrews 13:11; Revelation 14:19-20; 16:16).

The ' was an auxiliary force of MI6 and the CIA. President Jimmy Carter and his national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, used the terrorist capacities of the ' against the Soviets. Whatever happened to the Sword of the Spirit and prayer?

India announces New Date for Lunar Lander Mission

July 19, 2019 — Shortly after its new launch [here?], the craft will assume a 170 x 40,400km orbit around Earth before conducting a series of manoeuvers to put the Chandrayaan-2 craft on a Lunar Transfer Trajectory. Once the spacecraft enters the Moon's area of gravitational effect, thrusters will slow it down so it can establish a 100 x 100km orbit around Earth's satellite. Then, on landing day, the lander will separate from the orbiter and perform a series of complex manoeuvers and imaging scans before, all going well, safely touching down and making India the fourth nation to safely conduct a soft landing on the Moon after the US, the former Soviet Union, and China. Full story:

Comment: July 19, 2019 video shows fiery descent of Chinese space station from orbit. The space lab re-entered Earth's atmosphere on Friday around 21:06 Beijing time (13:06 GMT). It almost completely burned up in the atmosphere while the small amount of remaining debris fell to a "safe area" in the South Pacific, according to Chinese officials. The decommissioned station is expected to be replaced by a large modular space lab. Its first module is scheduled to be launched into orbit in 2020 (

All the signs coming out of India nowadays seem to imply Modi is motivated to make his second term in office all about the space race. He provocatively tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile during his re-election campaign and reportedly did the same with a hypersonic one earlier this week too. In addition, the country plans to be the fourth one to land a rover on the moon later this summer and has set the ambitious task of building a space station around 2030. Furthermore, the newly created "Defence Space Agency" (DSA, India's de-facto analogue to Trump's so-called "Space Force") just announced that it'll hold a space war simulation next month, with it being obvious that this is probably being done at the US' behest as part of its "Indo-Pacific" strategy to "contain" China, the only realistic adversary that India would ever have to confront in space at this point. Suffice to say, India's stepping up the pace of the South Asian space race and destabilizing the region in the process . . . (

China's Built a Railroad to Nowhere in Kenya

July 19, 2019 — Gleaming concrete sleepers run across a new railway bridge in Kenya, the latest stretch of a Chinese-built line from the coast all the way to Uganda. Only, it doesn't quite reach the border. Instead, the railroad ends abruptly by a sleepy village about 75 miles west of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, the tracks laid but unused.

Construction of what was intended to be a flagship infrastructure project for Eastern Africa was halted earlier this year after China withheld some $4.9 billion in funding needed to allow the line's completion. Beijing's sudden financial reticence appeared to catch the governments of Kenya and Uganda off guard: Both may now be forced to reinstate a colonial-era line in a bid to patch the link and boost regional trade . . . Kenya and landlocked Uganda had coordinated their plans for the new railway to reduce transport costs and the time it takes to move goods from the coast across each country and further into the eastern and central Africa hinterland . . . Full story:

Earthquake hits Athens, Prompts Panic & Evacuations

July 19, 2019 — The Greek capital of Athens was hit by a series of tremors, with the strongest measuring magnitude 5.1, causing people to flee onto the streets from houses, offices and shopping malls . . . Full story:

July 15, 2019 — An earthquake near Broome may have released '100 times more energy' than Newcastle Tremor. The 6.6 magnitude earthquake that rattled Broome on the weekend was on par with the largest ever recorded in Australia and was felt along several thousand kilometres of coastline from Darwin down to Perth and around to Esperance . . . Geosciences Australia earthquake seismologist Trevor Allen said a quake of that power could have been devastating . . . this earthquake occurred offshore and well away from any main population centres . . . Full story:

July 11, 2019 — Had the 7.1 earthquake in California on July 6 and other ongoing seismic shocks hit less than 200 miles northwest of Ridgecrest/China Lake, ten million people in Los Angeles would now be under an apocalyptic cloud, their lives and those of the state and nation in radioactive ruin . . . two cracked, embrittled, under-maintained, unregulated, uninsured, and un-inspected atomic reactors at Diablo Canyon, near San Luis Obispo, would be a seething radioactive ruin. Their cores would be melting into the ground. Hydrogen explosions would be blasting the site to deadly dust. One or both melted cores would have burned into the earth and hit ground or ocean water, causing massive steam explosions with physical impacts in the range of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . . . Full story:

Comment: However Los Angeles and a 1,500 x 300 – 400 mile segment of earth's crust will be 20,000 leagues under the sea (William Branham, Jesus Christ, Revelation 18:21-24 and Jules Verne).

The Truth about Hitler

February 18, 2013 — They say "the winner's write history," and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, author, artist, political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait history has painted of him; beloved by his people, Hitler wanted nothing but peace. Full story:

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent - III

Obedience to God's Word is better than sacrifice for we preserve innocence in good faith and His Word does not return to Him void but accomplishes His intent. Disobedience to God's Word is sin, separation and death; either our death, or the death of an innocent substitute, the Sacrifice. By obedience we partake His Spirit and preserve life.

When God sent Moses to conquer Canaan Land He inspired him to call obedience to the Words of our first Scripture, Deuteronomy 7:1-4, "When the Lord brings you into the Promised Land, He will cast out the following seven nations; all greater and mightier than you are: the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. And when the Lord God delivers them to you; you shall smite and utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant nor show mercy to them: neither shall you intermarry with them nor let your sons and daughters marry their sons and daughters for they will turn away your sons from following Me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, to destroy you suddenly".

These natural men might question, "How unfair and unreasonable of God to order the destruction of our innocent people." We haven't a chance. What wrong have we done. He forgets that God is a God of His Word: not only is He fair and "just," He is holy and He is sovereign. By their very existence, this race is an affront to God's holiness; they are not His creation but the hybrid offspring of the unrighteous union between Eve and the Serpent.

In Deuteronomy 28:1 Moses said, "If you fully obey the Voice of the Lord your God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you this day, the Lord your God will raise you high above all the nations of the earth." God put "enmity" between these people who have no place on the Book of Life and the sons of Adam (Genesis 3:15). We know from history and the Bible that Israel disobeyed the Lord's command and what happened because Israel spared these Serpent seed people who and are the enemies of God and the whole human race (Malachi 1:4):

Deuteronomy 28:43-44, "The stranger that is within you (temporary inhabitant or "ger" who lacks inherited rights) shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him: he shall be the head, and you shalt be the tail".

Who was this "stranger within Israel?" It was the descendants of his reprobate brother Esau who married Serpent seed women. We're not just studying ancient history: this is the state of the world right now. The "stranger" within what was once Christendom has certainly loaned us credit created from . . . nothing. "The world's debt rose by $3 trillion in the first quarter of 2019—an almost unprecedented borrowing binge that brought total global debt to $246.5 trillion . . . nearly 320% of the world's GDP. Who has "inherited rights" to the Land of Israel? Only the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Right? But who heads the restored State of Israel? Your state, and mine? "Strangers"! Edomites.

Today there's a kind of apartheid in Israel whereby the Ashkenazim self-styled Jews have an advantage over genuine Hebrews. They have pre-eminence in housing, in employment and in education. Ashkenazi author Jack Bernstein was persecuted to the extent of a police officer putting the barrel of his pistol to his face because he'd married a genuine Semitic blood Israelite from Iraq.

Because the Israelites did not destroy God's enemies and remain a separated people since their return from the Captivity, they have been the tail and Edom has been the head in Israel. Likewise the once Christian nations did not remain separated to God and His Word but allowed these people into their lands and into the business and political life of their communities, even their churches and Bible schools.

It wasn't always this way. These people were at some time expelled from Britain and all the kingdoms of Europe because of their evil. There was a time when their identity was known and Christians did not associate with them. They assumed the identity of Israelites (Revelation 2:9) and over time they assumed the identity of English, Polish, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Hungarians, Americans and Australians because we did not separate ourselves from their false church. We have failed to honour the admonition of Acts 17:11 and prove everything the preacher says, and without the Spirit we have been dumbed-down by false preachers who teach us that "Jews are Israelites" and all men are equal.

The church, institutions of learning, courts, and the establishment are infiltrated and influenced by men 'at the top' who have introduced a new paradigm as happened in Israel, when they codified the Talmud, instituting rules and rituals abhorrent to the Torah. It condones pederasty, homosexuality, rape, adultery, blasphemy, murder, lying, deceit and stealing against non-Jews and Gentiles.

Where do you suppose the inspiration comes for filthy music, perverse entertainments and movies that are piped into almost every home? Where does the inspiration come from for today's crime wave? It comes from one lewd book of hatred, the Talmud; it condones these crimes, opposes the Law and the Prophets, and is an affront to human decency. Under Moses it would be banned and burned as it was when England and Europe held to the Christian principles they espouse.

Today all but a tiny minority of Israelites and so-called Jews have forsaken the Law and the prophets: most are atheist and obey the Talmud. And all but a tiny minority who call upon the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ have forsaken the Bible to follow man-made creeds, communistic reasoning against God's Word in favour of licentiousness and the situational ethics of humanism.

As God allowed theologians to blind Israel at the end of the dispensation of Law, He has permitted their impersonators to blind us Gentiles by theological reasoning against the Word, for "God has concluded both Israel and the Gentiles in unbelief" (Romans 11:32).

These things explain the continual conflict and deep-seated hatred of the self-styled Jew against blood Israelites, and Spiritual Israelites—Christians. Our once Christian society was the promise of good things to come foreshadowed by the principles of Hebrew Law, with individual rights of property, and free enterprise (not Capitalism). Our rights and Common Law inherited from Britain are by law meant to be interpreted according to the Bible. But self-styled Jews have historically promoted opposing principles—controlled two party Hegelian sham democracy, socialism and communism—all contrary to sound Biblical principles of liberty and self-government.

Menasseh Ben IsraelEsau's efforts to steal back Jacob's birthright are manifest in Edom's striving over 3,000 years to exterminate Israel. They are following in the footsteps of their father Cain who thought that by killing his half-brother Abel he could usurp the birthright he never possessed. But the Edomites are mamzers: one born of incest or adultery can never enter into the congregation of the Lord, election (Deuteronomy 23:2). Menasseh Ben Israel (1604-1657), the Amsterdam Rabbi behind the conspiracy of traitor Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), pressed the notion that the British are "the Lost Ten Tribes;" this would make "Jews," who had been expelled from England since 1290, their relatives and deserving re-admittance because the millennium cannot come until Israel is born-again (Matthew 24:14; "Life of Menasseh Ben Israel" by Jewish Publication Society of America, 1945; "The Inner Government of England, Vol. 1, p. 275). This heretical twaddle is the basis of the British Israel/Christian Identity cult, and Jewish Cabala invented by John Dee, astrologer to Elizabeth I, naively stealing Israel's birthright.

They say it's not etiquette to call them Israelites, call us Jews! They know they are Edomites, Jacob/Israel's enemy. In all their authoritative works they identify themselves as Esau, or Edom. Esau's prophet father foretold how he would have to make his own way in the world, seeing as he'd given THUS SAITH THE LORD, his irrevocable blessing, to Jacob, and how Esau would carve out his future by violence, and serve Jacob. But that when he became restive, he would throw off Jacob's yoke. Esau hated Jacob because of the lost blessing: and said in his heart, "The days of mourning for my father are at hand; after his death I will slay my brother Jacob" (Genesis 27:39-41).

The first enemies to obstruct the flight of Jacob's descendants from Egypt were the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8). Then the Edomites refused permission for the children of Israel to pass through their land (Numbers 20:17-20). The Edomite, Doeg, almost succeeded in killing David (I Samuel 21-22). David's armies laid Edom waste and slew all men able to bear arms (II Samuel 8:14; I Kings 11:16). But Edom revolted in the days of Jehoram's wicked reign in Judah, and made themselves a king.

Bloody battles were fought between the two nations throughout the succeeding centuries. Edom has not returned under Jacob's yoke to this day because when John Hyrcanus conquered the whole of Edom in 129BC, he gave them the choice between death or forced conversion to Judaism. Thenceforth they became part of the Jewish people in the sight of man, and one hundred years before Christ, Judah was inhabited by Edomites.

The Edomites soon became the head and the Hebrews became the tail. The Pharisees gained the ascendancy over the Sadducees, and there were many Edomites in the population of Judea at the time of Christ.

King Herod the Great was an Edomite and ruled over Judea at the birth of Jesus, and in an effort to destroy Israel's Messiah and future King he had all the male infants of Bethlehem slain. Israel's high priesthood was corrupt and Pharisaism which we now call Judaism, dominated the Sanhedrin. In the days of our Lord both Edomites and Israelites followed the Talmud.

Matthew 23:27-36, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whited sepulchres, which appear beautiful without but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Likewise you appear righteous outwardly, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, and say, If we'd lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have partaken with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore you witness against yourselves that you are the children of them which killed the prophets. And you are following in their footsteps, filling up the measure of their evil. You serpents, you offspring of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?"

"I will send you prophets, and wise men, and inspired writers: some of whom you will kill and crucify; and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city: so that you may become guilty of all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple and the altar".

(According to the order of the Hebrew Old Testament, II Chronicles is the last Book in the Volume. So Abel was the first martyr and Zechariah, would have been the last (II Chronicles 24:21). Who killed Abel? Jesus said it was the forefathers of these Pharisees to whom He was speaking. Abel was slain by the Serpent seed, Cain. It was by no coincidence that Jesus called these men a race of serpents. They were the descendants of Cain, whose father the Serpent, seduced Eve before Adam came to her).

"Verily I say to you, All these things shall come upon this race or genealogy".

Who killed Abel? Who is killing Adam's children today, trying to gain a birthright they never owned?

The mystery of Serpent's seed and the original sin is hidden in plain sight for those with anointed eyes to trace their lineage throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Please turn back to Matthew 23:37-56 and read it again.

When Cain offered his sacrifice of "good works," he laid beautiful pumpkins, cauliflower, string beans, apples, oranges and potatoes on the altar and God rejected his intellectual self-righteousness. But He accepted Abel's bloody lamb because it was offered by faith which is a clear understanding of the mind of God. By faith Abel knew it was not V8 Juice, but animal blood that caused the Fall, and that ultimately the blood of an innocent "near KINSMAN" must be shed to atone, Life for life! For the life is in the blood, so when Cain's mother Eve received the life of the Serpent, she stepped over God's Word and sold the whole world to death. That blood became Cain who had the same fleshly intellectual attributes as his father and is not in the genealogy of the human race. He is not in the genealogy of God either.

God told Cain to ask his younger brother Abel the prophet, whose revelation was vindicated in his sight when his sacrifice was received, to explain the revelation to him. And told Cain that if would offer Abel's revelation, He would receive his sacrifice.

When Abel in fear and trepidation explained his revelation, Cain saw that he was not Adam's son, had never held the primogeniture, could never merit the birthright, and because he was not Adam's kinsman, he would always be a Serpent absent the Book of Life and unredeemable no matter how many lambs he offered. Therefore Cain could never obey the revealed Word of God but would rely on his native intellect by which he immediately understood the revelation and its consequences and sought a 'workaround' whereby he might overcome God.

Cain saw that were he to follow the original plan of his vicarious father Lucifer who inspired the Serpent to seduce Eve, polluting the human race with a hybrid so he could breed Adam's race off the Book of Life and from the face of the earth, thereby becoming heir to this world. So Cain killed the heir, assumed the birthright and began breeding . . . and interbreeding. To modern-day sinners euphemistically call this "multiculturalism".

Esau/Edom is continuing the deception of self and the non-elect by assuming the name, nation and birthright of Jacob/Israel in the natural realm as their Judaeo Roman Catholic church is continuing the deception of her (once) Protestant daughter churches in the Spiritual realm (Revelation 2:9)! When their sons and daughters marry your children, the offspring have to be raised in the Catholic church which is spiritual hybridization by the hiss of the Serpent (Revelation 2:20-23; 22:18-19). The Bible foretold these intellectual tricks of the enemy (Matthew 24:37-41 Daniel 2:40-45).

So what was Jesus saying to the Pharisees in Matthew 23? He was telling them to their face they were Jews and NOT Israelites. They were not descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but Serpent seed of the race whose fathers killed Abel.

Who killed Abel? This discourse between Jesus and the Pharisees is interesting. John 8:31-48, "Jesus said to those Jews which believed on Him, If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed; and you shall understand the hidden mysteries, and their revelation will free you from the dominion of unbelief (Genesis 4:7). They answered, We are Abraham's seed. He was the father of faith. We were never in Spiritual bondage to any man-made religion: how can you say, You shall be set at liberty from the bondage of sin"?

"Jesus answered them, Truly, whosoever wanders from the true path of righteousness is the servant of sin. And the servant abides not in the house for ever: but the Son abides ever".

Let's pause here because this is interesting. We know by the law of reproduction that all Adam's children are sons of God (Genesis 1:11). But if a son did not prove himself worthy, his father could not recognize and place him as his heir, and he would forfeit his natural birthright. We see this in the church where not all of the congregation are placed sons of Adam, born-again into the Family of God: some will be foolish virgin and others will be lost.

Esau was Jacob's son, but he married forbidden women and despised the birthright, selling it to Jacob who obtained the blessing as well. When he begged his prophet father for a secondary blessing, the Lord said, "you shall serve your brother".

Esau was firstborn and heir but he became a servant of sin, and because he took to wife Serpent seed women his heirs would not abide in the House as God's Covenant was to the bloodline through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel.

This happened to Israel when it rejected and murdered Jesus Messiah. While they were sons, henceforth the nation will serve Christ's Bride, the Church, like the bondwoman Hagar (Galatians 4:19-31). In Romans 9:2-6 Paul wrote, "My heart is heavy and in continual sorrow. For I could wish myself accursed from Christ if it would save my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: who are Israelites; to whom pertains the adoption [recognition or placing], and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of God, and the promises; whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who now rules over all things, God blessed forever. Amen.

"But it's not as though the Word of God has taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel".

In John 8 Jesus was confronting such a group in these Pharisees who could trace their lineage to faithful Abraham through Esau, but not through Jacob. Intellectual sophistry without faith would not place them into the House of Israel.

John 8:36, "If the Son therefore shall deliver you from the dominance of sin [unbelief], you shall be completely liberated forever. I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill Me, because My Word has no place in you. I speak that which I have discerned with My Father: and you do what you have understood from your father".

They answered and said, "Abraham is our father."

Jesus replied, "If you were Abraham's children, you'd do the works of Abraham. But instead you're trying to kill Me because I've told you the truth I have heard from God. Abraham wouldn't have done anything like that." [They certainly displayed the bold, godless animal nature of Cain].

"You do the deeds of your father." Jesus did not deny they are Abraham's seed. Doubtless all were Abraham's seed—but through Isaac and Esau, not through Isaac and Jacob who is Israel. Any blood Israelites in the group clearly lacked the faith of Abraham.

In Genesis 17:7-8 God promises the Land of the Covenant to Abraham's seed which the historical record proves to be Isaac—not Ishmael who has never claimed the Land and was absent when God gave the Covenant on Mount Sinai.

God had previously prophesied the future of Ishmael's descendants in Genesis 16:12, "Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell to the East of all his brethren [Israel and the Land of the Covenant]." In Genesis 21:9-18 God told Abraham "cast out the bondwoman and her son" Ishmael, of whom I will "make a great nation."

God calls Ishmael "Abraham's seed," but he is not called Abraham's child, for in Genesis 22:2, 12 and 16 God calls Abraham's son Isaac "thine only son" and says that the Birthright will pass only through the godly line of Isaac. Mohammed disputes God's vindicated prophet Abraham, claiming the birthright will pass through Ishmael's lineage.

Then in Genesis 22:17-18 God says, "In blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying [through Isaac] I will multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in your Seed [singular—Jesus Christ through Isaac—not through Ishmael] shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed My Voice." The true Seed of Promise was neither Ishmael nor was it Isaac, it was Jesus Messiah (Acts 3:25; Galatians 3:16).

Muslims claim that both the Old and New Testaments have been changed, and that the Bible is no longer trustworthy. Manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments dating many centuries before the birth of Mohammed and the rise of Islam are displayed in well-known museums across the world. Anyone can compare the Bible we have today with these manuscripts and see that it has not been corrupted. Mohammad himself believed the Bible that existed in his day was authentic and instructed his followers to "read the Bible" (Surah 3:3; 4:162-163; 5:58-59; 6:154-157; 9:111; 21:7, 48-50; 35:31; 40:69-70; 46:12; 46:29-30). Clearly most Muslims have not studied the Koran and obeyed this instruction just as many in the circle of this Message are not students of our Prophet William Branham, and too few subscribers of this Newsletter bother to follow the links to the Full story and thoroughly prove our main articles.

Turning back to John 8, whilst Ishmael and Esau were the "seed of Abraham," the son of the bondwoman was rejected and God called Isaac Abraham's "only son." And when Esau was yet in the womb, God said, "Esau have I hated" (Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13).

Jesus was telling these Pharisees in the nicest possible way that they were rejected of God. And though they claimed to be of Abraham's natural seed, He was not going to debate genealogies for without faith they were spiritual Serpent seed.

Jesus let their claim to be "Abraham's seed" through to the wicket keeper. Then He told them they had the nature of Cain who killed his brother Abel when he told the same truth; that a tree is known by its fruits, and that their deeds identified them with their father Cain, not their father Abraham.

This was the harvest time for the first-fruits of them that slept. The seeds were maturing, manifesting what had been planted in the Garden of Eden. These Pharisees were familiar with the true story of the original sin that caused the Fall, and they knew that among their number is Esau/Edom who are Serpent's seed and not of Adam's race. The Word was becoming too sharp as Jesus parries and thrusts. So rather than risk division by Bible Truth, they compromise God's unchanging Word to preserve the unity of their organization.

Although Adam was a Son of God and we are "Adam's seed," unless we are born-again by Jesus Christ, we are not recognized as placed Sons of God and joint heirs with Jesus in the Kingdom of God (I John 3:1-12).

Reading on, the Pharisees acknowledged that they too understood the original sin was adultery between Eve and the Serpent. And recognized that Jesus was identifying them as physical Serpent's seed, which they deny and quickly switch the topic to spiritual Serpent's seed which is denominationalism, or mixing human reasoning with God's Word.

John 8:41, "Then said they to him, We are not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God."

Since the Roman Catholic church caused the faith to be lost when they killed the saints who held it in the safe and sacred repository of their hearts, denominational ministers must have pondered Jesus' reply for centuries. Now why are these fellows suddenly discussing fornication?

Jesus leaves the subject of their physical lineage and answers the question of their spiritual ancestry.

"Jesus told them, If God were your Father, you would love Me: for I came from God and was sent by God. You don't comprehend My Words because you are prevented from receiving what I'm saying."

"You are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a man-slayer from the beginning [because he tried to kill Adam's race], and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks naturally: for he is a liar, and the father of lies. And because I tell you the truth, you believe Me not. Who among you can convict Me of sin? Then if I speak truth, why don't you believe Me? He that is of God hears God's Words: you therefore hear them not, proving you are not of God".

Jesus just turned up the heat, because if God were their father they would love their Brother, Jesus, and receive His Words. The only conclusion to draw is that their father is not God, so he has to be the Devil, the vicarious father of Cain who slew his brother. Their desire to kill Jesus displays their father's craving for the forbidden, and their deceitful form of debate identifies them with Lucifer. Well are their elite called "Illuminati".

"Then answered the Jews, Aren't we correct when we say You're a Samaritan, and have a demon?"

These men were Jews, not because they were Israelites or Hebrews, or because they followed the Law, but because they dwelt in Judea, or Idumea as it was known, because most of the population were Idumeans or Edomites.

Not daring to challenge Jesus with the Scripture, these Pharisees determined to denigrate Jesus own natural and Spiritual lineage by calling Him a demon-possessed Samaritan. Read the filthy slander in the Talmud. It might be considered "anti-Semitic" and a "hate-crime".

A Samaritan, strictly speaking, would be an inhabitant of the city of Samaria, but in Jesus' time the term applied to all residents of the Northern kingdom.

After the final captivity of Israel by Shalmaneser in 721BC, the cities of Samaria were wholly depopulated. They remained in this state until, in the Words of II Kings 17:24, "the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon, Cuthah and Ava (in Assyria), Hamath, and Sepharvaim (in Syria), and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof." These new Samaritans were Assyrians by birth or subjugation and were idolaters.

This kindled God's displeasure, and they were annoyed by beasts of prey which had multiplied while the land was uninhabited. The king of Assyria dispatched one of the captive priests to teach them "how they should fear the Lord." Henceforth, they feared the Lord but also worshipped their idols.

When Judah returned from the Captivity, the Samaritans desired to help rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. On their being refused, they became enemies, and frustrated the operations of the Jews through the reign of two Persian kings, until silenced by Darius Hystaspes in 519BC.

The feud grew more intense each year until 409BC, when Manasseh, a man of priestly lineage, being expelled from Jerusalem by Nehemiah for an unlawful marriage, obtained permission from the Persian king of his day, Darius Nothus, to build a temple on Mount Gerizim for the Samaritans with whom he'd found refuge. The animosity of the Samaritans became more intense than ever, and they did all in their power to annoy the Judeans.

They considered their own temple on Mount Gerizim superior to that at Jerusalem. They sacrificed a Passover, and wherever they were, they directed their worship toward the mountain, even long after its temple had fallen (John 4:20-21).

So the Samaritans in Jesus' day were a people distinct from the Judeans. Though living in their midst, they preserved their national identity, worshipped from their impoverished settlements in Shechem toward their sacred hill, retained their peculiar religion, and would not coalesce with the Judeans.

The Judeans reciprocated in their contempt for the Samaritans. Other Judean renegades from time to time took refuge with the Samaritans who by degrees claimed Hebrew blood. A claim not admitted by the Judahites.

This brief historical background explains what the Jews were implying in their insult. If the religious impersonators insulted our Lord to His face before they would expose the sins of their fellows and separate from those who were not of God, won't their children despise His disciples in this day? As far as possible live in peace with all men, but be separated to God and His Word. Don't seek to befriend those whom God has set at enmity against you.

One Scripture in closing. Revelation 18:24, "In her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all who were slain upon the earth." This is Rome and her (once) Protestant harlot daughters who will rule this world until the consummation (Revelation 17:6). They want you to unite with them against the Word as the Hebrews united with the Edomites against the Word. They say we can all be called 'Christians' whatever you believe, like the Ashkenazim, Edomites and Hebrews are all called 'Jews' today.

Isaiah 4:1 prophesied, "In that day seven women shall take hold of one Man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by your Name, to take away our reproach."

Now I ask you, are these comments my personal impressions? Or are they the unchanging Word of God's holy prophets and apostles from Genesis to Revelation, even the Talmud, and supported by Jewry's most eminent scholars? nl1081.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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