Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent – XI

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1090

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; we extend a special welcome to our new readers and subscribers and are delighted to see everyone in their customary seats.

Android PhoneOur feature article is a continuation of "Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent" who walks among us upright on two legs as once he walked in the Garden of Eden. These are the sons and daughters of Cain whose matriarchal lineage they trace back to mother Eve: these are either in the direct lineage of Cain or hybridization by intermarriage has sundered their Adamic patriarchal pedigree. These people who are heirs to the exceptional cunning and intellectual wisdom of their vicarious father, are the focus of attention in the United Nations, senior levels in the priesthood of all religions, kings, queens, presidents and prime ministers of many countries, leaders of business, captains of industry and the military. I have been speaking of physical Serpent's seed; in the spiritual realm they constitute the majority of mankind—both righteous and unrighteous.

Our short list of news items have one thing in common, and that is the apostasy of the once Christian West; in particular the "exceptional" country that is "the image of the Roman beast" as prophesied in Daniel 7:19-28 and in Revelation 13:11-17. These news items witness scripturally that the world is falling apart again, and it is later than men think or dare imagine.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

A Precision Strike on US Credibility – Shattering a US Paradigm

Little Rocketman indeed
September 23, 2019 — . . . a precision assault on Saudi credibility, on the believability of the US security 'umbrella,' and a humiliation for Trump, and particularly to America's image as a competent military and intelligence power . . . the Pentagon might be questioning, 'what then—is the point to CentCom' . . . Israel will be experiencing a very chill wind sending shivers up the spine: Israelis cannot but be a tad struck in awe at the attack's precise targeting and technical efficacy. Quite impressive—especially given that Saudi spent $65 billion on weaponry last year . . . "a clear strategic warning that the US era of air supremacy in the Gulf, and the near US monopoly on precision strike capability, is rapidly fading".

Were the Iranians directly or indirectly involved? . . . it doesn't really matter . . . it should be understood as somehow a joint message—coming from a common front (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hash'd a-Shaibi and the Houthis). This was about blasting the wider sanctions crisis to a head: a strategic (missile) popping of the over-inflated 'balloon' of the efficacy of US "maximum pressure" tactics. Trump's 'sanctioning/tariffing the world' had to be brought to a head—and be exploded. Russia and China would almost certainly concur . . .

An US attack on Iran will bring only a firm Iranian response—and escalation. A full US invasion—as in the 2003 invasion of Iraq—is no longer within US capabilities. There is only a political answer . . . markets have just re-awoken to geo-political risk to assets, such as Aramco . . . Accept defeat in Yemen, and . . . engage with Iran and Russia . . . there are reports that the [Jewish House of] al-Saud understand their situation now to be existential . . . Supply disruption could easily tip the fragile US and the global economy into recession, were higher prices to be sustained . . . one positive 'straw in the wind' might be the end to the Netanyahu reign . . . Full story:

'Houthi Attack' on Saudi Oil Fields – False Flag? Financial Reaction was Immediate

September 21, 2019 — The reduction of the Saudi crude production . . . a justified "high risk" speculation. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and others are experts in the matter, doing the bidding for the FED, IMF, ECB, BIS—the western instruments behind the dollar system—let it milk as much as it can, before biting the dust . . . as is usual for a manufactured economic crisis . . . they ALL are and have been manufactured for at least the last 100 years.

While the uncertainty about (western) global interest rates prevails—a major attack on a couple of Saudi oil fields is an ideal reason for letting oil prices skyrocket. It could make for an ideal 'false flag;' a win-win for Washington: sustaining the manufactured economic crisis with an attack on major oil fields (maybe the first of others to come)—and—a good new reason to blame Iran—another good reason to go to war with Iran . . .

In today's world, economic progress is still measured in linear GDP output which, in turn, depends largely on available (and affordable) energy . . . Combine this with ongoing trade wars, real wars in the Middle East and elsewhere, economic strangulations left and right, regime change efforts, refugee issues—you have the perfect scenario for the next crisis . . . add the Soros-driven massive around-the-globe climate hype . . . a ferocious climate propaganda machine, the highly publicized "Greta Crowd," the "Friday for Future" school strike movement, and more, much more, prompting a special UN Climate Conference—23 September . . . All of this with the specific objective of collecting enormous sums of special 'climate taxes,' for everything that moves . . .

This fits well with the attacks on the Saudi oil fields—who knows, others may follow—as the destruction, or disruption . . . serves the Bigger Picture—bringing about a major worldwide economic depression . . . every recession-depression brings more misery to the poor and makes the rich richer . . . 'cui bono' . . . the western corporate military and financial elite. Therefore, a false flag attack on the Saudi Oil fields—of course with the Saudis in collusion, is not as far-fetched as one might believe at first glance . . . first-rate economic terrorism. The dollar may survive a few years longer, while the children of Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua—you name it—will continue to be exposed to man-made misery no end.—Let's stop this criminal western shenaniganism now!—Let's disconnect our economies from the west, of those who are aware and awaken, and turn to the East, where the future is. Full story:

Comment: Likely a US-Saudi attack on Saudi Oilfields . . . one of the missiles that destroyed an oil refinery in Saudi Arabia on the 14th of September 2019 had a casing bearing a number that suggested that the weapon was manufactured for NATO forces. The alphabets preceding the number denote the type of missile it is and one of its uses. The picture of the missile was inadvertently supplied to the media by the Saudi Defence Ministry (

Hot & Cold Tensions, what Iran & US offer Allies: Tehran's Multiple Messages

September 23, 2019 — "Iran has been testing—via the Houthis in Yemen—the US and Saudi Arabia's weak defensive systems to find a hole since May this year when an Aramco facility was hit for the first time. The Houthis sent many drones to different parts of the country over the past five months. This was tactical reconnaissance to test radar capabilities and the safest route for hitting crude oil exports and forcing the end of the war in Yemen . . . The attack on Saudi oil . . . revealed a stage for Iran to hit its enemies . . . delivered the message that Iran's allies in Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen have the power to impose their own rules of engagement and undermine their enemies' deterrence . . . told the world that Iran's oil must be allowed to be sold on the international market, and US sanctions lifted . . . confirmed that Iran has the means to push the price of oil and insurance on tankers sky-high . . . showed the capability of Iran's allies . . . to face their enemies (Israel and the US) in the case of war (Hezbollah versus Israel, and Gaza against Israel) with advanced drone capabilities . . . showed the faulty intelligence capabilities of the US . . . humiliated the US—which maintain tens of thousands of US personnel in 54 regional military bases . . . the largest assemblage of weapons in the world . . . Iran has managed to build a trustworthy chain of allies acting as a single body while the US bullies and humiliates its allies . . . Full story:

Tiananmen Square: Failure of American-instigated 1989 Colour Revolution

Uncle Schmuel
June 4, 1989 — It is no longer in dispute that the leaders of China's student movement were trained in Hong Kong and Guangdong by Col. Robert Helvey, an officer of the Defense Intelligence Agency of the Pentagon who spent 30 years instigating revolutions throughout Asia on behalf of the military and the CIA . . . . student revolutions in Vietnam and Myanmar, along with Otpor! in Serbia, Kmara! in Georgia, Pora! in Ukraine, Czechoslovakia's "Velvet revolution" in 1989, then spreading his talents to Africa and South America. Helvey was associated with Gene Sharp in the George Soros-funded Einstein Institute, formed in 1983 as an offshoot of Harvard University to specialise in organising student political protests as a form of US colonial warfare. It was Sharp and Helvey who created the Otpor manuals that began the process of the destruction of Yugoslavia]. It is not possible to sensibly challenge the assertion that the [Tiananmen] puppet-masters were American.

CIA logoIntricate plans had been made in advance to spirit the student leaders out of China when the hoped-for bloodshed began. Operation Yellowbird was a Hong Kong-based CIA scheme to help the leaders of the student protests and of the violence at Muxidi to escape arrest under the diplomatic protection of the American Embassy, by offering political sanctuary, by the advance issue of US passports, and by arranging their escape from China. The CIA was central in this, but the UK MI6 and the French intelligence agencies were also involved. When the protests failed and the students dispersed, the primary leaders fled first to Hong Kong, then to the US. Some of the leaders of the violence in Muxidi were helped to flee, while others were sheltered in the American Embassy in Beijing, the Americans refusing to surrender them to the Chinese authorities.

As well, for their efforts to destroy their own country, student leaders were handsomely rewarded by the Americans with prestigious university degrees, good jobs, and CIA salaries for continuing to incite political instability in China. Chai Ling was given an honorary degree in political science from Princeton university and a job with the management consultancy of Bain & Co., as well as being the salaried head of an NGO especially created for her and tasked with condemning China's then one-child policy. Wu'er Kaixi, who was actually a troublesome and unstable Uigur named Uerkesh Daolet, was rewarded with a free pass to Harvard university. Liu Xiaobo remained in China on a CIA stipend of $30,000 per year, tasked with irritating the Chinese government under direction from the US State Department . . .

This has been unquestionably one of the greatest propaganda victories in history, turning a US State Department-sponsored colour revolution, albeit a failed one, into a whip that could lash China non-stop for 30 years. It was so successful that the Western media, led by the NYT but followed by nearly everyone, publish in June of every year a kind of "anniversary story" to continue to milk it for its residual propaganda value. This false story has been hammered into the consciousness of Westerners for 30 years, to the point where it is nearly impossible to discuss Tiananmen Square due to the enormous emotional baggage it carries . . . Full story:

Comment: The same people have cowed and looted nominally Christian industrialized nations with their lying propaganda claiming three 20th century exterminations or holocausts® each of six million so-called Jews, modest numbers in comparison to claims in previous centuries. On the basis of this false flag black flag op Australia's Jewish PM Bob Hawke, decreed that Chinese students in Australia, as well as their families, would be able to obtain permanent visas. Some 42,000 took up the offer and in the process constituted the largest Chinese migration since the 19th-century gold rushes. In 1992 around 80,000 Chinese received June 4 Green Cards when the US Congress passed the Chinese Students Protection Act.

The USA is under siege from the south while Europe has been invaded from Africa and the Middle East in a planned attempt to undermine and destroy cohesive society and common culture ahead of the coming financial, commercial and political collapse [under the genocidal plans of Judeophile Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi run for and by the racial and spiritual supremacy of 'blood aristocracy and Jewry,' the many announcements of prominent rabbis cited in past editions of this Newsletter, UN Replacement Migration, the Mad UN Plan to Replace Europeans—evils prophesied by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:37/Genesis 6:1-4, showing that history is planned]. If society and culture are destroyed ahead of time, when collapse comes there is no intact community of humans left to observe it and understand what is happening. With everyone's reasoning abilities sufficiently hampered, it will be trivial to diffuse blame when the rest of the collapse sequence occurs, to get the people to blame themselves or to scapegoat each other, or to simply ignore it because most of have bigger problems than collapse, be it their dysfunctional families, their various addictions, their religious zealotry or their extremist politics.

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent – XI

The trail of the Serpent began in the Garden of Eden when Lucifer incarnate the beast and persuaded Eve to accept carnal reasoning against the revealed Word of God. Before God changed his form and placed him upon his belly, the Serpent was an upright man-like creature who could conduct intelligent conversation, a big handsome giant of a fellow. But he didn't have a soul and was pure animal. Nonetheless, his seed could and did mix with the human race. His hybrid offspring are with us today. They have a soul, but they are not in the Book of Life, and unredeemable.

On this occasion Eve knew she was not speaking with the beast, but with Lucifer in the beast. He didn't openly deny God's Word; rather, he enticed Eve to reason against it. We are not to add to or take from the revealed Word of God; if there is something we do not understand we must not presume to interpret it to match our ideas.

God's spoken Word is the original seed; It is His Spirit in a form we can receive by faith, with eternal Life (Luke 8:11; John 6:63). When we hybridize His Word by adding to or diminishing we transform it from Life to Death. Reasoning against the revealed Word of God is spiritual Serpent's seed. Once Eve had accepted the seed of Satan's lie against God's Word into the womb of her mind she yielded her body in adultery with the beast and received physical Serpent's seed in the womb of her body and the fruit of that seed was the bastard Cain.

So there is spiritual Serpent's seed, and there is natural Serpent seed. God is building His Kingdom, His Church, by faith which is a clear understanding of His revealed Word. Through all the Ages, the saints were written epistles of God's Word spoken for their day. Their lives were the manifestation of what His Word foretold He would do in their day.

Therefore when we accept creeds and private interpretations against the revealed Word of God it is the "hiss of the Serpent," and death to our soul today just as surely as it was death in the Garden of Eden. God is His Own Interpreter. He knows precisely what His Word means and He doesn't need man's help or interpretation to make It work.

God interprets His Word by bringing It pass. For instance, He said through Isaiah that "a virgin shall conceive." It took a long time, but in the right season a virgin received His spoken Word from the Angel Gabriel, and she did conceive. Otherwise He sends a prophet and vindicates that prophet. In our day He sent William Branham a man more abundantly vindicated in this wicked and adulterous generation than any prophet of earlier dispensations. This is now recorded history you may confirm for your own satisfaction.

One Word off the Bible is the hiss of the Serpent, and the kingdom of Satan, for "strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal Life (in other words the entrance is by a deep revelation and man shall live by every Word, not add to or take from). And but few . . . "(How many was that?) ". . . Few there be that find It."

So forget about your multicultural multi-million-member denominations—they are not in the economy of God. They're "the broad way that leads to destruction." They represent the hiss of the Serpent. So does my preaching if I'm teaching error. And so does your understanding if you fail to prove it by God's unchanging Word and receive error I did not teach. Let's establish this by the Words of Jesus Christ.

John 8:43-47, "Why don't you understand Me? It's because you can't receive My Message."

"You are of your father the Devil, and seek to gratify the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks naturally: for he is a liar, and the father of lies. Yet when I tell the truth, you don't believe Me."

Who can accuse Me of unbelief in God's revealed Word? Then since you can't convict Me of sin, why don't you believe Me? He that is of God hears His Words: the reason you're not able to hear them is because you're not of God."

From the Garden of Eden we have spiritual Serpent's seed or the seed of discrepancy, which can be so close to the revealed Word of God it would almost deceive the very elected if it were possible. But the elect of God cannot be deceived on the revealed Word of God because by God's foreknowledge they're predestinated to manifest written epistles of the Word for their Age. Amen! His sheep receive His Word and are born-again. Although the "saved" are among the rest, they are not His sheep and can never be born-again.

We can trace the trail of the spiritual Serpent's seed by comparing his thoughts expressed as doctrine manifest in deeds through history from Eden. And we identify his followers by comparing their lives with "the present Truth" revealed for their day. The seed of God is understanding or Light on the Word. But the seed of the Serpent is Darkness. "How can two walk together unless they're agreed on the revealed Word of God?" There can be no fellowship between children of Light and the children of Darkness. They are at enmity with one another (Amos 3:3; II Corinthians 6:14).

The Fall in the Garden of Eden reproduced the physical seed of the Serpent in Cain, and the seed of Adam in Abel and Seth. Cain was a hybrid of the spoken Word Serpent and Eve who was not God's spoken Word but a by-product taken from her husband's side. Cain is not on the Book of Life, nor are his descendants to this today. From the beginning the Bible speaks of two lineages. God placed enmity between them, and enmity is hatred.

Let's seal that with the Word of God. I John 3:10-12, "We can tell the child of God from the children of Satan: the unrighteous are [spiritual Serpent's seed and] not of God; he who does not love his brother is not of God [because he displays the enmity God set between the seed of the Serpent and the seed of Adam]. The Message from the beginning was that we should love one another. Not like Cain who was begotten of that wicked one [and not Adam, but the Serpent that was cursed of God], and slew his brother because his own works were evil, and his brother's were righteous." This shows us that physical Serpent's seed are also spiritual Serpent's seed, because like Cain they cannot apprehend the faith.

trail of the SerpentCain's race is not on the Book of Life. It came through the Flood in the person of Noah's wife, Naamah, who was not the mother of his three sons. It was reproduced by her incest with Ham. There is absolutely no sense in preaching to the physical Serpent's seed as they are not among God's creatures or creation. They may be nice folk and good citizens—church-goers; even preachers—pay their tithes and sing in the choir, but they will never be in the Kingdom of God and they have no Kinsman Redeemer. God destroyed the world by Flood because of miscegenation between the descendants of Adam and Cain's lineage (Genesis 6:4). The offspring of such relationships is always physical Serpent's seed, unable to breed itself onto the Book of Life (which is the genealogy of Adam). Jesus prophesied that this great sin would repeat in the days of Christ's "parousia," and we see it all around us today (Matthew 24:37). That was Satan's evil intent behind the changes to immigration laws in countries such as the United States and Australia, and one of the objectives of the United Nations, its ungodly "Declaration of Human Rights," the wars and subsequent refugee programs it sponsors.

Genesis 10 identifies the races, cultures and civilizations making up the physical Serpent's seed on this side of the Flood and these may be identified among the modern nations. We'll leave their identification as a revelation between you and God, and follow the trail of the Serpent through the Bible to one group who are actually Esau/Edom whilst pretending to be Jacob/Israel.

Something of which we must be conscious throughout this lesson is that Satan cannot create; he is an impersonator and a fraud. But his impersonations are so close as would almost deceive God's elected. This explains why the Bible is full of twins, only one of which is of God. It also explains why God is a Separator, calling His own out of the world into His Word.

Brother Branham said, "Every revival, always produces twins—it's true. When the world was created we found the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel. Abraham fathered Ishmael and Isaac. The godly Isaac and Rebekah bore the twins Esau and Jacob. One "of the earth, earthy," the other Supernatural; one natural, intellectual, the other one walked by the Spirit. It's always been that way. When the Lutheran church came forth . . . in every revival that's ever been borned in the world produces twins. Every revival has twins. They have a bunch in there that's carnal believers and a bunch of spiritual believers. Every revival produces an Esau and a Jacob."

In the Garden of Eden, Eve's first-born, Cain, was of the Devil by the Serpent, while his half-brother Abel, was of God by Adam. Noah had three sons in the righteous line but Ham was evil. Ham's incest with his father's wife reproduced the Serpent seed on this side of the Flood.

Ham's sons in the righteous line founded Babel, the original name for Babylon which means "confusion," it was literally started by Cush the son of Ham, but was brought to a kingdom of power and grandeur under his son, Nimrod, the mighty hunter. Nimrod, according to the Genesis eleven account and also according to profane history, set out to accomplish three things. He wanted to build a strong nation, which he did. He wanted to propagate his own religion, which he did. He wanted to make a name for himself, which he also accomplished. Nimrod's accomplishments were so monumental that the kingdom of Babylon was called the head of gold amongst all world governments. That his religion gained prominence is proven by the fact that Scripture identifies it with Satan completely in Isaiah 14 and Revelation Chapters 17-18. And by history we can prove that it overran the entire world and is the basis for every system of idolatry, and the theme of mythology. Although the names of the gods differ according to the language of the people it is the same Trinity. That Nimrod made a name for himself and his followers goes without saying, for as long as this present age goes on, and until Jesus reveals Himself to the 144,000 elect Israelites, Nimrod will be worshipped and honoured as "God the Son," but in the church, not the temple where he was originally adored (II Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:4; An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 182:1).

Aptly, it was in his letter to the Romans that Paul wrote, "When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, until they became vain in their imaginations, and through darkness of heart accepted a corrupted religion to the extent that they worshipped creatures and not the Creator." The first church of Rome had became pagan shortly after AD39 when Claudius banished the Jews. Descendants of the apostates were among the founders of the Roman Catholic false church which was established by Constantine in AD325. The doctrine of the Roman Catholic church was never Christian.

Remember, Satan was a creature of God (Son of the Morning). It is Satan who is vicariously worshipped. And during the tribulation, "ALL that dwell upon the earth whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life shall worship Satan" incarnate in the Pope of Rome as once he incarnate the beast in Eden, and Judas Iscariot in Gethsemane (Revelation 13:8).

Thus where once Truth was disseminated amongst men, and all held to that one Truth, there later came a day when a vast group turned from God and spread a diabolical form of worship around the world. History bears out that those of the tribe of Shem, that stood with the unchanging Truth, were in solid opposition to those of Ham who turned away from Truth to the devil's lie. You see there were two religions and two only, and the evil one became worldwide.

The polytheistic religion of the enemy began with the Trinitarian doctrine. It was way back there in antiquity that the "one God in three persons" idea came into existence. How strange that modern theologians have not spotted this; but evidently just as duped by Satan as their forebears, they still believe in three persons in the Godhead. Let us be shown just one place in Scripture where there is any authority for that doctrine.

While the descendants of Ham went on their way in Satanic worship which involved a basic concept of three gods, there's not one trace of Shem's descendants believing such a thing, or having any ceremonial worship that involved even a type of it. In Genesis 18, Abraham, the descendant of Shem, saw only ONE God with two angels. And as Israel believed: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God is ONE God," would it not seem strange if there were three persons in the Godhead?

Because of Abraham's faith or clear understanding of His Word, God made a Covenant with Abraham and his seed forever. In the natural, the promised seed was Isaac, yet Satan impersonates Isaac in the figure of Ishmael among the Moslems to this day. Good and Evil are so often represented through Scripture in pairs: brothers or twins. As God separated Abraham from Babylon, He separated Isaac from his step-brother. In the Spiritual, Abraham's promised Seed was Christ. Those born-again through faith in Jesus are joint heirs with Him.

Isaac had two sons in the righteous line: one was evil and married into the Serpent seed lineage. So did Judah, from whom as regards inheritance, came our Lord—God intervened through Judah's affair with Tamar, to preserve the holy seed.

Judas Iscariot who betrayed our Lord, was Jesus' brother in the Church; so respected by the disciples he was their treasurer. It's always "so close it would almost deceive the very elected".

Babylon became the centre of Satanic worship. Monotheism turned to polytheism in Babylon. The devil's lie and mysteries rose against the Truth of God and the mysteries of God in that city. But when Babylon fell to the Medo-Persians, its priest-king, Attalus fled to Pergamos with his priests and sacred mysteries. There he set up his kingdom which flourished over the years nurtured by the god of this world. After a succession of priest-kings, Attalus III, died without an heir and willed the kingdom to Rome. Julius Caesar then took both the kingdom physical and spiritual for he became Pontiff Maximus of the Babylonish religion in 63BC and was thereby priest-king. This title passed to the following emperors until the time of Gratian who in AD375 refused to wear the robe and assume the title, determining first and foremost to be an orthodox Christian.

Jesuit Pope FrancisThrough the influence of the monks of Mount Carmel, a college of Babylonian religion originally founded by the priests of Jezebel, Damasus, bishop of Rome, took the title in AD378. So the head of the Babylonian order became ruler of the Roman church. Thus Satan united Rome and Babylon in one religious system as the Babylonian rites were introduced. Thereafter God no longer refers to Pergamos as "Satan's seat," nor does He say that is where Satan dwells. The throne room is now in MYSTERY Babylon, in a city on seven hills. Its head is antichrist for he has usurped the position of Christ Who alone can forgive sins. Yes, Pontiff Maximus is with us today.

The development of "overseas" or "Hellenistic" Christianity was concurrent and parallel to the development of Rabbinic Judaism. In many respects it is its mirror image, for Rome has impersonated the Israelitish high priest, introduced holy water for the waters of separation, reintroduced the Passover as the pagan feast of "Easter," and established the Babylonian mysteries in place of God's Word as the Jews have replaced the Law and the prophets with the Cabala and Talmud. Both were not only willing to live with Roman power—they owed their continued existence to its sponsorship, as evident in their persecution of the true Church. The power and brutality of Rome was operating in both to drive out and to declare heretical the Christianity of the apostolic saints. That faith has been restored by God in these last days through His prophet, the late William Branham. In Judaism, what was left was a legalistic shadow of former glories bereft of apocalyptic and Messianic tendencies. In Christianity, a largely Hellenized, other-worldly mystery cult, the real religious legacy of 300 years of Roman religious genius and assimilation.

Organized Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism are two sides of the same coin. They developed in conjunction with each other and both followed a policy of accommodation towards Rome, which no doubt is why both survived. Both are spiritual Serpent's seed. The main difference is that one is pro-Law, while the other is against it.

The Babylonian Talmud, completed in about AD500, exalts Babylon as the "centre of religion and learning" (Kethuboth 111a, Exch. 146). Babylon was the "Vatican" of world Talmudism.

The Pharisees recognized the Law of Moses; they also claimed there was a great body of oral tradition of at least equal authority with the written Law, and many claimed that the Tradition was of greater authority. By their tradition, they undertook to explain and elaborate the Law. This was the "Tradition of the Elders," to which the name of Talmud was later given. It had its beginning in Babylon, during the Captivity of Judah, where it developed in the form of commentaries by various rabbis, undertaking to expound the Law. This was the foundation of Rabbinic Judaism, or Pharisaism.

Judaism was very different from the religion of Israel. The late Rabbi Stephen Wise, who was the Chief Rabbi of the United States, expressed this conclusively, saying: "The return from Babylon, and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud, marks the end of Hebrewism, and the beginning of Judaism." The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that the Talmud is "the product of the Palestinian and Babylonian schools" and is generally referred to as "the Babylonian Talmud".

Jewish and Christian scholars agree it was Jesus Christ's flagrant rejection of this "Tradition of the Elders" and His open confrontation with the powerful Pharisees that created the climate that led to His death. Jesus declared that these "traditions" had blinded the eyes of the people to a true understanding of the Law, and the prophecies which related to His Coming as Messiah (Matthew 15:2).

The religion of both Judaism and Roman Catholicism is actually the Babylonian mysteries posing as the Word of God. As we have already seen in our previous studies and as the Jews themselves admit, the vast majority of their people are naturally Esau/Edom. Catholicism is spiritually Esau/Edom, having rejected the birthright of Christ and although God gave Rome "space" (of almost a thousand years) to repent of her (spiritual) fornication; (even sending Martin Luther to reform her ways, but) she repented not" (Revelation 2:21).

In Revelation 18:4, there are two Babylons. One is Hollywood, the propaganda capital of the International Jews whence they brainwash and pollute the minds of the whole world with their filth. Los Angeles and 1,500 x 300 - 400 miles of earth's crust, will sink their Babylon beneath the Pacific Ocean at the close of the Gentile dispensation which will be the start of Daniel's Seventieth Week. The second Babylon is Vatican Rome, which will be destroyed by atomic bombs some time after she breaks her covenant with the International Jews in the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week.

Please open your Bibles at Numbers 24:21-24.

Earlier in this series, we studied the prophesies of Balaam. "When Balaam looked upon the Canaanites, he said, Strong is your abode, your nest is in the rocks. (Because he foresaw how they would join with Israel in the mountainous country of Naphtali). Nevertheless you'll be wasted until Assyria finally takes you away captive."

"And he took up his parable, and said, Alas, who shall live when God does this and establishes Assyria!" He was prophesying 700 years into the future to the time when Tiglath-Pilesar would carry away both the Canaanites and Israel (II Kings 15:29).

"And Greek and Roman ships shall come from the coast of Cyprus, and oppress both Assyria and all of the Hebrew people, including Israel: then they too must be destroyed."

Balaam saw the new threat from the Western people of Alexander and Rome. The overthrow of Assyria, and finally Judah, brings Babylon onto the scene and the "times of the Gentiles" which encompass the empires of Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

We have traced that pagan spirit from Babylon through to Imperial Rome into Papal Rome. We've seen how both Judaism and Catholicism are related, or if you like, brothers. They are each impersonating the Word of God, are enmity with one another, and vying for world dominion. They are also at enmity with the real Jacob/Israel.

Rome hates natural Israel and wants to establish her headquarters in Jerusalem. She also hates Spiritual Israel, the true Church of God, who stand upon His unchanging Word. The Jews who are Esau/Edom hate the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and seek their blood and the birthright (Genesis 27:39-41). They established the present State of Israel on the blood of Semitic Israelites and Semitic Palestinians shot by the Stern and Irgun gangs (Blood in Zion, Saul Zadaka). They also hate Spiritual Israel, the true Church. Together with Rome they will martyr 144,000 elect Israelites, and seek the blood of Christ's Church, but She'll have been translated before one hair of her head could suffer harm, and they will martyr the foolish virgin.

There were only four Gentile world kingdoms and Papal Rome reigns to the consummation. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, the revealed Word of God, so all of Israel are spiritual Serpent's seed. Those who were not came into the Church. God only deals with Israel as a nation and in her own land. And as He won't deal with Israel until the Gentile dispensation is fulfilled (Romans 11:25-27), we will follow the trail of the spiritual Serpent seed through the worldly church—in particular, Rome, the mother of harlots and abominations.

Now much of our sermon tonight will be a history lesson, for those who control the past can also control the future. A self-appointed elite or self-chosen people present a selective gloss or outright lies and call it "history." Truth that would expose the deadly nature of Cain in Esau/Edom through the centuries, murdering Jacob/Israel for a birth-right that can never be his, is buried. Satan and his children hate the truth of Genesis and Revelation which declare their beginning and their end.

In AD311, Constantine the Great legalized Christianity and stopped the persecutions. He brought it into the government so it could be controlled or would work in close co-operation. The following year he claimed to see a sign of the cross in the sky and in AD321 designated Sunday a general holiday. In AD325 as president of the First Nicaea Council he declared the FALSE doctrine of the Trinity the doctrine of Christendom, organized the Roman Catholic church, and the Apostle's Creed was written to enshrine its falsehood. By AD330 Constantine ceased issuing coins with the image of the Sun-god with whom he was identified.

Forty-six years later the Germanic tribes crossed the Danube into the Empire, led by the Visigoths. In AD476 at Ravenna, Odovacar, the Herulian, deposed Romulus Augustulus, the last Emperor in the West, marking the traditional end of the Roman Empire. Gradually the Empire faded away—it did not have a massive fall.

The First Reich was that founded in AD800 by Karl der Grosse, known to the West as Charlemagne. Charlemagne's crowning in AD800 began the rise of the Carolingians (AD800-924) which is regarded by historians as a revival of the Roman Empire. He was crowned by the Pope while kneeling in prayer before the altar of St. Peter, setting a precedent for the papal claim to the right to select, crown, and even depose emperors that was asserted, at least in theory, for nearly 700 years.

Charlemange's rule was followed by the later German Emperors. The Holy Roman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and so-on, were all dominated by German peoples. So you can see that historically, despite the hatred, there has also been an alliance of sorts between Rome and the Sephardim of the Western division of Empire against the Ashkenazim of the Eastern Arm. This association did not commence with World War II which was the predetermined outcome of controlled conflict between Marxist Russia, the Ashkenazim puppet state, and Nazi Germany, the Sephardim puppet that resulted in the deaths of millions of Christians and non-Jews, the weakening of the morals and massive transfer of Gentile wealth—for their bankers supported both sides in the conflict and International Law guarantees repayment, or at least fiscal servitude—and the establishment of their "Jewnited" Nations, a giant step closer to the creation of their long term plan for totalitarian one world government. Rome is also working towards one world government, and with support from the Sephardim and the Black Nobility of the Ashkenazim, she will succeed in restoring the Empire.

The Crusader's occupation and division of the Eastern Roman Empire and Constantinople in the 12th and 13th centuries, effectively linked East and West, and the Imperial crown was awarded to Baldwin of Flanders. The Holy Roman Empire generally occupied the West, while the Hapsburg Dynastic lands were mainly outside the Empire, in the East. The Hapsburgs ruled both halves from AD1273-1806. Charles V was their most prominent ruler.

The Turks brought the Eastern Empire to a close in 1403 when they destroyed Constantinople. Some aspects of the Eastern Empire were transferred to Imperial Russia under Ivan III (the Great) who was regarded as the first national sovereign of Russia. His marriage to Zoe (Sophia), niece of the last Byzantine emperor, Constantine XI (Palaeogus) in 1472, was arranged by the Pope in the hope of bringing the Russians into the Roman Church. "Czar" or "Tsar," the title of the monarch of Russia, is a form of Caesar.

When the German Emperor's powers were being dismantled, the Popes accumulated the titles, ranks, offices and duties of the Emperors and Empire, as earlier they had taken the title and powers of the Babylonian high priest, Pontifex Maximus. The church Curia used the structure and procedures of the Imperial chancery; the Emperor's vestments were usurped by the popes, and so forth. Halley writes, "The spirit of Imperial Rome passed into the church . . . The Popes of Rome were the heirs and successors of the Caesar of Rome. The Vatican is where the Palace of the Caesars was" (Halley's Bible Handbook, p. 731).

During the reign of Pope Leo I, the Roman church set up an ecclesiastical state which, in its constitution and administrative system, was shaping itself on the Imperial model. "Its system of ecclesiastical organization and a principle of social authority distinguished it from all the other religious bodies of the age" (Christopher Dawson, The Making of Europe).

Tensions between the German leaders and the Popes have continued ever since. Tensions between the pagan Roman spirit of Emperor worship or the divine kings who reign as incarnations of the gods, and the "Holy" Roman Catholic element will resurface close to the end as revealed in Revelation 17:16-18; 18:4-20, and Isaiah 47:1-15.

The woman who sits aloft the city of seven hills and is the mother of the Protestant harlot churches (Revelation 17:5), has modelled herself upon the political structures of the Roman Empire which experienced a mixing of religions from the second to the fourth century AD, to produce what it is: the Babylonian Mystery Religion of so-called "Christianity." That Church has adopted so much of the Babylonian and Hellenistic mysteries that Scripture calls her "Mystery Babylon."

forcing trinitarianismThis won't be a future mixing of Christianity and Eastern religions. It's been with us for almost 2,000 years! Babylonian Judaeo-Roman trinitarianism will be forced (Revelation 2:9; 13:15-18). Brother Branham prophesied, "I believe, one of these glorious days, when this united confederation of church goes together, and the new pope is brought out of the United States [acclaimed inaugural president of world government, having restored peace following the Los Angeles earthquake and Russia's invasion of the mainland. Rome, in covenant with the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic self-styled Jews will refinance the US dollar with gold backing] and [her then Devil-incarnate pope will be] put over there [Jerusalem] according to prophecy, then they'll form an image like unto the beast (Daniel 9:27; 11:39; Zechariah 14:1-2; Revelation 13:14; 16:19; Acts of the Holy Spirit, p. 12:97). And I tell you, the true Church of God will be drove together. The real, true believers out of Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, whatever they'll be [Matthew 25:6; Revelation 18:4], will go together and cemented by the love of God, that'll make the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ—all the believers. And agnostics and shallow-minded will be cast to one side; they'll go right on into the confederation of churches. When a new world order seems possible, a new Pope will be acclaimed and come out of the UN in New York and the monarchies of Europe will assume renewed overt influence (Revelation 17:11-13).

Despite any amount of plotting and planning by the leftist faction within the Jesuits or others, the Babylonian Mystery Religion won't suddenly overnight, become an Eastern religion. Remember the motto of the Catholic Church: Semper Eadem (always the same)—there's no way the globalist left will triumph in the Catholic Church—it may seem that way—but historically and prophetically the traditionalist conservatives will win out in the end. The same old historic system, the enemy of Jacob/Israel, will triumph over the left.

Remember Daniel chapter two? Rome rules to the consummation. When all the kingdoms of the world have fought for dominion and fallen, Israel will remain and have an everlasting dominion (Daniel 2).

It should also be realized that the Catholic Church have their own variant for a new world order—a Catholic order. Writing on "Who Leads the New World Order?" in Liberty magazine, Clifford Goldstein astutely notes:"The pope, obviously, has a spiritual vision for the new world order. Unlike other leaders fuzzily conjecturing about the new world order, John Paul has a Christian vision. The pope believes that neither oppressive Marxism, with its godless ideology, nor materialistic capitalism, with its financial inequities, is an acceptable system . . . the pope envisions a new world order centred and dependent upon Christ" (Goldstein, 1992 p. 18)

The Holy Roman Empire was an attempt to revive the Western Roman Empire dissolved in 1806, at the behest of Napoleon. And Germany remained in a state of dissolution until the advent of the Second Reich, of the Hohenzollerns, in 1871. "Kaiser" is a form of "Caesar"—head of the ancient Roman or Holy Roman Empire ruled by the Hapsburgs in the East from 1804-1918 (Austria), and Germany in the West from 1871-1918.

The Second Reich was destroyed in 1918 and the Weimar Republic substituted for it, by the various foreign victors. More recently, the concept of the Third Reich (1934-45) held by Adolf Hitler asserted the Empire's continuity with the First Reich (800-1806), and the Second Reich (1871-1918). When the Third Reich was destroyed in 1945, new political institutions were once more imposed by victorious foreigners.

If you are able stand back and view the broad panorama of modern history, you will see that the political structure of the Roman Empire in its many forms has figured decisively in the affairs of central Europe. And leaving aside natural Israel, we can discern the spiritual conflict between Esau/Edom in the form of the Papal Roman Empire of Catholicism, and Jacob/Israel of Christianity. (Here again you will see natural Esau/Edom as a fifth column in a corrupt organized impersonation of Protestantism fighting Rome as in until 1998).

The Holy Roman Empire disappears from view during the years of the rise of Britain and America, which prosper through God's grace and Bible faith. But there was an enemy within, in the form of Esau/Edom, the self-styled Jews. After the demise of Khazaria they established themselves in Venice and Genoa. They married from the Venetian and Genoese oligarchies into the Royal houses of Europe in the early part of the twelfth century. Then they set up in Amsterdam and captured the British Throne through the Khazar Jew, William of Orange. They infiltrated the Protestant Churches, set up the Jesuit Order against Rome and the Protestants, organized Free Masonry, and by introducing the Babylonian fractional reserve banking system (or usury), became so powerful they are now a parallel government in most countries.

The Most Serene Republic of Venice, ruled by an oligarch of Khazar Jews, sought to dominate the world following the collapse of the Roman Empire. It bequeathed to us slavery, financial usury, and political "divide and conquer" stratagems such as the controlled two-party dialectic that makes a charade of our pseudo-democratic system of government today.

East India Company FlagYou thought this was the work of Englishmen, didn't you? You were Wrong! It was the work of Esau/Edom hiding behind the British Flag, in the form of the old East India Company and similar patents. Englishmen paid the bills and lay down their lives, but Esau/Edom organized the wicked rape and pillage, and they made the profits. They still make the profits. Whom do you think benefits when the US bullies Iraq or some other country? Certainly not US electors. America was silent when it was reported to the UN and on NBC in 1948, that the Zionists had bacteriological laboratories in Palestine, and that Jews had confessed to poisoning the Gaza water supply with typhoid and dysentery germs. Yet the world is "outraged" when Iraq is found to have similar weaponry purchased from the United States. What about China, Britain, Israel, Russia, France, or the US itself? The beneficiaries are Esau/Edom from the City of London whose minions staff the US Administration, whose masters manufactured and sold the biological agents and other "weapons of mass destruction" to Saddam's Iraq.

Behind the scenes of the warfare and national rivalries witnessed in the pages of history is the hatred between the Edomite Jews and Rome who have fought for dominion, like Esau and Jacob, since the days of the Caesars. Modern European history has little to do with the British, Italians, French, Germans, or Russians, etc., Rather is it the out-working of the Learned Elders of Zion, seeking world dominion for which they will pay any price.

Jew World OrderCity of London CrestEventually establishing themselves in the City of London, (which is a private Corporation and sovereign city state, not unlike Vatican City State in Italy), they have manipulated empires much as the popes of Rome, but rather more covertly. They were the "hidden hand" behind all major wars and revolutions, manipulating the nations, with a holocaust of hundreds of millions of Christians. Their leaders boast of this in their books. According to Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" (February 27, 1994). Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, head of the Kever Yossev Yeshiva (school of Talmud) in Nablus has stated, "The blood of the Jewish people is loved by the Lord; it is therefore redder and their life is preferable." According to a pamphlet compiled by Rabbi Ginsburg entitled, Five General Religious Duties Which Lie Behind the Act of the Saintly, Late Rabbi Baruch Goldstein, May his Blood be Avenged, "the killing by a Jew of a non-Jew, i.e. a Palestinian, is considered essentially a good deed, and Jews should therefore have no compunction about it." History is the unfolding of long term plans by the hidden hand of powerful men behind the scenes, who know not God (Babylonian Talmud; Cecil Roth, House of Nasi; History of the Jews of Italy, 1946, Jewish Publication Society of America; Disraeli's writings; Rodkinson (M. Levi Frumpkin), "History of the Talmud" in his translation of the Babylonian Talmud).

You'll note the Old Empire was the enemy of Britain and America during World Wars I and II. Britain is Esau/Edom's base. Britain's Empire is their Empire. The former Colonies, including Australia and America were always, and continue to be Jewish colonies. Once the British taxpayer provided the soldiers and the Navy to enforce their will. Today it is their United Nations and a military force made-up from several nations, paid for by the taxpayers of those nations, to enforce the policies of this elite.

To imagine that Britain, America, Japan, Australia or any nation in the developed world is a democratic and independent sovereignty is foolishness. We have the sham democracy of a two party system controlled by the City of London.

However, the International Jews are mistaken in thinking that they will be able to impose a NWO through America and Britain. The day will come when the Germans and their European allies will reign supreme once more. America and Britain will not be able to stop the Fourth Reich (Revelation 17:12; 13:4-10). The Black Nobility of Europe are waiting in the wings to save Europe from liberalism and globalism, believing that their lessons have been learned and that they will be benevolent rulers in the future House of Europe. It will be an empire that will bring stability and prosperity to the world (Daniel 8:25), which, after the coming depression and earthquake, will be without US leadership.

The United States is portrayed in Scripture as the lamb-like beast that rises out of the land and it will be subservient to the Beast that arose from the sea (Revelation 13:11-13; 17:3). The sea used in the prophecy is the Mediterranean, and the peoples of the Bible are from the countries that surround this sea. Those who are not of the Bible are predominantly to the East of these nations. The leadership will centre around the countries of Europe and the Middle-East.

The US is bankrupt NOW. In 1962 Brother Branham said, "The present government is spending . . . tax money that they'll be collecting forty years from now." America's in debt to the tune of about twenty-two trillion dollars now. After the earthquake sinks California, her economy and her dollar will be so low, you'll need a submarine to find it.

The coming ruler of Europe will be a Devil-incarnate Pope, backed by ten kings we call the Black Nobility (Revelation 17:13). As such he will be Emperor. The Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire were chosen by electors comprising royalty, aristocracy and the upper echelon of the clergy. After three and a half years of world peace and prosperity driven by a successful European economy dominating a world trading structure, will come three and a half years of dictatorship and brutal war.

Were time to continue, we would find neither Europe nor America is prepared for the global competition of the next century. For America, the progressive shift of wealth and power to Asia would be humiliating and destabilizing, because they are controlled by Pharisees of the City of London who cannot be sure to control the Chinese and Muslims without military might.

Some of these non-Christian people are of their own kind, and they are wise to them as Dr. Mahathir of Malaysia and the Chinese have demonstrated. They are not so ruthless in business but unlike the once Christian nations of the West who once expelled Esau/Edom, they are prepared to say "no".

Bible believers know that "time" will not continue. One day very soon these people whose economies are presently being raped by the IMF and World Bank in order to recoup the losses of the International Bankers and to transfer their assets from paper to real wealth, will turn the tables and manifest that they are the "Kings of the East" (Revelation 16:12).

The European Union is more and more taking a shape that parallels the Holy Roman Empire in the West and the lands of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire in the East, thus reconstituting the old Roman Empire. Inevitably, the forces that will dominate this new European Order will encompass Germany working closely together with France, Poland and Italy on the one hand, and the Roman Catholic Church in co-operation with the Eastern Orthodox Church in Europe, and a secondary pact with America and the Protestants, and the self-styled Jews.

Previous attempts at European unity—the Hanseatic league, Holy Roman Empire and Napoleon's attempts, were anti-British, and anti-Jewish bankers (which is of course much the same thing). Attempts at European unity were a defence against Esau/Edom destroying the political systems, culture, liberty, youth, energy and religious faith of Christendom, pitting brother against brother, in a war of attrition—fixing the fight, financing both sides from behind the scenes, and pretending to be innocent of the affairs. "Without their ability to create fiat money, most modern wars would not have occurred" (G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve).

Now listen to this: In 1934 Prince Lowenstein wrote, "For the New Germany for which we are fighting is founded on its mission of universal service . . . the beginning of the Reich . . . dates from the time when the Roman Empire united all the barbarous tribes . . . Hence the foundations are Roman and will remain so until the end of time . . . a unified worldwide Reich . . . those who fail to understand the real history of the Roman symbol are constantly misunderstanding its significance . . the effects of which will appear anew in the future—"The Holy Germano-Roman Empire" . . . there is thus a fraternal relationship between the Roman and German state-ideas . . . young Germans enlisted in enormous numbers in the Roman legions . . . Even the Caesarean world empire was strongly influenced by German forces; in Gaul, as well as in the East against Pompey, Germans won the victories for the Roman eagles. . . . If only our voice could be joined with that of the Vatican, which today forms the one point of stability in the general madness . . . Catholics of all lands—unite! is the challenge that must precede the approaching revolution in the West. This Protestantism was the real forerunner of atheism and is guilty of having forced millions out of the Christian community" (Lowenstein, After Hitler's Fall, 1-4; 12:3; 53; 194:5).

He believes that the Roman Eagle will be a major symbol of the coming Reich, together with the cross. So did Daniel and Jesus. It might be said to be an impersonation of the Laodicean Church Age. As a matter of interest, the extended arm salute was used by the ancient Hittites (Edomites), Romans, Germans of the Middle Ages, Spanish Falangists and Italian Fascists, as well as the Nazis and the US military.

We sing: "O come, O come Emanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lowly exile here, until the Son of God appear. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emanuel, will come to thee O Israel".

Zechariah 14:20-21 said, "In that day HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD shall play from the bells of the horses (like the bells on garment of beauty and holiness of the high priest on the day of Atonement); the pots in the LORD'S house shall be holy like the bowls before the altar. Every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holy unto the LORD of hosts: those who sacrifice shall take them to seethe: and in that day there shall be no more Canaanite (Edomite or Serpent's seed) in the house of the LORD of hosts." nl1090.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent – X

Bible Believers' Newsletter 1089

"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; you are always welcome to join us in fellowship around God's unchanging Word.

Android PhoneThe prophet Balaam's visions fourteen hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ foretold the time of Israel's birth as a nation in the latter half of Daniel's Seventieth Week, of the destruction of Gog, Esau/Edom, the consummation of life in Armageddon and the restoration of the Kingdom to Jacob/Israel during of the millennium. I do pray that you will be able to see this type in your own Bible. The main thrust of this week's current news is the belligerence of the apostate United States which is "the image unto the beast" of Imperial Rome as the (once) Protestant churches are the image unto the beast of Papal Rome. Blind Nellie could not fail to recognize that this was the objective of Vatican II. In a note (below) our longest subscriber going back before the Internet to Bible Believers' BBS wrote on the 'in your face' reality of Revelation 3:15 in the circle of this Message.

We would like more people to subscribe to our FREE weekly Church Newsletter, you are precious to us and dearly loved by our Lord Jesus so we do not want to part with any one of you. Last month we emailed subscribers with accounts whose Bible Believers' Newsletters have been 'bounced.' We encouraged you to consider resubscribing using a or address and unsubscribing your account. Please subscribe and unsubscribe yourself on-line as I am 'time-poor.' and are owned by the Israeli company, Last week 361 subscribers using yahoo and aol addresses were 'bounced.' All 'bounced' addresses will be deleted from the mailing list at the end of next week. However, if you are subscribed with one of these address and your ARE regularly receiving the Church Newsletter please inform the Church, and by all means maintain your existing accounts.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Will US use Greece to block Russia in Black Sea?

September 18, 2019 — The US intends to acquire the strategic port of Alexandroupoli . . . attempting to push Greece . . . trying to capitalize on Erdogan's aggression towards Greece by attempting to pivot Athens towards them . . . to avoid a US naval base on the other side of the Dardanelles, Russia should take a position it has proven to be capable of, and something the US lacks experience in—peace building. If Russia can act as a mediator between Greek and Turkey, it might be enough to avoid Athens pivoting towards the US so that it can ensure its security. Russia has proven in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere that it is willing to serve as a mediator in international affairs . . . Full story:

A Word from our Longest Long-term Follower

September 17, 2019 — Who even needs mind-control at this point; 'seems the minds are given over. We who are not given over could fight with counter-measures until we're so engaged with the enemy that we cannot see past him. We won't because it's a spiritual battle that's already been won. Our part is the entering in and stay in. You know that.

I see more of the great falling away; it's stunning. What fellowship has light with darkness? No fellowship, of course. I think the Bride is getting weary now, though somewhat conditioned by the world around Her, and is Herself drawing back from fellowship. I believe this is wrong. Maybe this is why Elijah didn't know of the 7,000 others, poor fella. I want to make it my business to be seen, free and available, foiling the enemy's plan to put me under a basket or into the back-side of a desert. It is the visible Christian that encourages me. It's interesting . . . I find myself encouraged by Christians who have gone on ahead of us, but find "those who remain" to be as much a liability as an asset. I'm sure this will soon change.

All is well. Everything suggests our final redemption is at hand!

The great earthquake is now in the spiritual; everything's shaken. The physical has to follow. I can't imagine a better-set stage than the one before us. Thanks for your fellowship.

Drones levelling Playing Field in Asymmetrical Arms Race

October 18, 2019 — [The Jewish-ruled] Saudi Arabia—the world's third largest defence spender—is incapable of defending arguably its most protected non-military installation in Abqaiq. It is estimated to have halted around 5 per cent of international crude output, has shocked markets and spiked prices globally . . . the fundamentally low bar of entry for drones means that, like the Kalashnikov before them, they will persist as an effective and evolving tool of asymmetrical violence and threat well into the future. Full story:

Comment: Open your Bible: stop when you reach Genesis 3:15, then move through history to the present day and you will find a common denominator in the rulers of Israeli, USA and Saudi Arabia. No evidence against Iran (!

'USA Pretend' Unmasked

September 12, 2019 — Under its doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance, the US government routinely dispatches military ships to every sea space, military planes to every airspace, hundreds of satellites into outer space, while ordering Special Forces units to operate clandestinely in nearly three-fourths of the world's countries. Additionally, of the 1.4 million US soldiers in the world, nearly 200,000 are positioned in as many as 150 countries, most stationed at 800 major military bases in 80 nations. The US also possesses a large percentage of the world's weapons of mass destruction, and recently has dispensed with any genuine effort at containing the spread of nuclear weapons. The annual military budget, including hidden costs, amounts to an exorbitant $1.25 trillion a year—more money than the next seven countries combined spend on their militaries. If you want to be guaranteed health care and a modest house, join the Army. Otherwise these human rights are "unaffordable." If you want gun control, start at the top.

How to explain the extent and breadth of our violent militarism and global imperialism? Paranoia? It seems that our sense of superiority justifies hurtful dispossession from others to acquire and preserve undeserved privilege.

After exiting the military in 1970, my opinions about the US war against the Vietnamese were affirmed with the 1971 release of the Pentagon Papers revealing the more than 20 years of criminal intentions, and deceit, to thwart Vietnamese aspirations for self-determination. Earlier in 1971, January 31–February 2, Vietnam Veterans Against the War conducted the "Winter Soldier Investigation: An Inquiry into American War Crimes" when nearly 120 veterans testified about the war crimes and atrocities they committed or witnessed in Viet Nam. I was aghast when learning about Nixon's intended Huston plan to criminally interrupt antiwar activities, the FBI's sixteen-year COINTELPRO of more than 2,000 illegal actions against innocent US citizens, the CIA's Operation CHAOS keeping tabs on 300,000 citizens opposed to the Viet Nam war, and the National Security Agency's Operation SHAMROCK watch lists of those communicating with people overseas. Respect for the law? Huh? Further research revealed that as early as 1934 President Roosevelt instituted a long-standing joint FBI-military program to conduct domestic intelligence with broad investigative scope. The "American" Kool Aid indeed has sedated us . . . Full story:

Saudi Arabia's Largest Oil Processing Facility on fire after Drone Attacks

September 14, 2019 — Drone attacks have struck the world's largest oil processing facility in Saudi Arabia as well as an oilfield operated by Saudi Aramco, sparking huge fires at a processor crucial to global energy supplies . . . Yemen's Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for the attack on the Abqaiq oil processing facility in Buqyaq and the second drone strike on Khurais — the country's second largest oil field . . . carried out by 10 drones . . . "We have the right to strike back in retaliation to the air strikes and the targeting of our civilians for the last five years . . ." Full story:

Comment: Although the Houthis claimed responsibility for the crippling attack, there is little evidence who is actually responsible. It is just as likely the Saudis did this to 1) ramp up hostilities against their arch enemy, Shia Iran, 2) jack up the price of oil, and 3) in the process make the impending Aramco IPO more lucrative . . . Mea culpa, the United States or Israel? Is USA the bitch of non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Israel and non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Dönmeh Jew-ruled Saudi Arabia.

Radicalpress Publisher Arthur Topham battling on Two Fronts for Free Speech!

September 16, 2019 — Due to a current Probation Order that remained in effect until September 12th, 2019 I was not at liberty to publish the names of any of the complainants or any organizations they may work for or any foreign country they may be connected with when speaking of the Breach of Bail case.

The legal battles for former Publisher and Editor of continue on two fronts, both criminal and civil. This updated version of my GoGetFunding appeal was uploaded on August 6, 2019 precisely 1 year after my arrest in 2018.

I was arrested again at my home in Cottonwood, B.C. on Monday, August 6th, 2018 by the Surrey based BC Hate Crime Team, allegedly for breaching my Probation Order. I was held in jail at the Quesnel, B.C. RCMP detachment while the "Team" awaited approval for a search warrant. When it was signed by a judge they entered my home and removed my computers and electronic files. I was released around 10 pm and driven back to my home by Cpl. Anthony Statham, lead officer for the "Team" after signing a "Promise to Appear" form stating that I would be present at the Quesnel Provincial Courthouse on October 16, 2018 . . . Full story:

Comment: (September, 2018).

China slaps Britain: You can't afford Hostility

September 13, 2019 — China gave Britain a stern warning this week that any naval manoeuvres conducted with the US near its declared territories in the South China Sea will be met with a military response.

Beijing rapped London further, telling it to dump its "colonial attitude" with regard to Hong Kong. However, the ultimate leverage, was the caustic reminder to Britain that if it wants to trade with China in the future, then it better mind its manners. Given the deepening turmoil over Brexit . . . Keeping on good terms with China, the globe's second-biggest national economy, will therefore be crucial for Britain's post-Brexit survival.

Since taking office in July, [Jewish] Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been quick to talk up a future golden era of bilateral trade relations with Beijing. He has expressed an interest in China's Belt and Road Initiative for global trade . . . London is caught in an awkward contradiction. To do Washington's bidding, Britain will be obliged to join forces for fomenting aggression against China . . . does it want war, or peace and prosperity with China?
Full story:

Education is not a Bucket You Fill . . . it is a Fire You Light

July 30, 2019 — My fire for Truth in science was sparked by excellent training on the English Scientific Method in college. My fire for Truth in history was sparked by the gross distortion of the rote indoctrination in school and in media, against the overwhelming evidence of a more sinister real history. I returned to my Carbon climate fraud research, adding anomalies in the green energy, peak oil and big bang myths. I have read thousands of non-fiction books, tens of thousands of research papers. I then included corrected history articles to my Truth Portfolio, partial under Author Bio. For brief history of staged, false flag wars see "All Wars Are Bankers Wars" by Michael Rivero . . .

In March 2015, I found the video "9/11 Conspiracy Solved, Names, Connections, Details" showing the secret CIA Project Hammer scam to asset strip the collapsed Soviet Union, using the exact same methods JP Morgan and Armand Hammer used to asset strip the Bolshevik collapsed Czarist Russia . . . Full story:

Esau/Edom, and the Trail of the Serpent – X

God bless you brethren. I'd like to continue where we left-off the last time we were studying together. You'll recall we identified Ezekiel's "Gog" from historical records, from Scripture and from the Word of God's prophet, the late William Branham. Let's spend a little more time on this study.

I'd like you to turn in your Bibles to Numbers 24:7, "Israel shall pour the water out of his buckets, and his seed shall be in many waters, and his king shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted."

Balak king of Moab had heard how Israel defeated the Edomite tribe of Amalek (Exodus 17:8-16; Genesis 36:12, 16), and fearing for the security of his kingdom, hired the prophet Balaam to curse Israel. But Balaam could only prophesy in the Name of the Lord the Words God placed in his mouth, and in accordance with God's promise to Abraham, he altogether blessed Israel and foretold the eventual doom of the nation of Moab (Genesis 12:3).

Unbeknownst to himself, Balaam was prophesying primarily of things that will come to pass through Messiah from His birth to the millennium when the kingdom will be restored to Israel. All Scripture has a compound meaning and these prophecies of Balaam did not pertain strictly to his day. Israel will realizes its destiny only in Messiah in Whom the kingdom is restored and in Whom the kingdom is truly higher than Agag, the representative of the hostile world power.

You'll remember Agag was Amalek who is Esau/Edom, representing the self-styled Jews in the natural realm, and the false church in the Spiritual. Having forsaken their birthright, and reaching a place of no more repentance, their names are removed from the Book of Life. At enmity with God and His elect, they type Agag and reflect his doom.

Psalm 89:27, "Also I will make Messiah My firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth." Jesus Christ is "the firstborn from among the dead," and "the beginning of the [new] creation of God" less than 2,000 years ago (Colossians 1:15-18; Revelation 3:14). Jesus is "higher than the kings of the earth"  (Ephesians 1:20-23). Or as Balaam prophesied, "Higher than Agag" who will be their ultimate ally.

Some time ago we found that "the kings of the earth" are the Black Nobility or the Khazar Jew Venetian Oligarchy that married into the Royal Houses of Europe.

The Books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation describe how Rome will rule the world after the Gentile dispensation closes with earthquakes that split the mount of Olives and sink Los Angeles and a 1,500 by 300-400 mile segment of earth's crust beneath the ocean. We learned that Russia will attack and invade the United States, and how the Pope will restore peace, refinancing the US dollar with gold backing and be acclaimed the inaugural president of one world government: a revival of the old Holy Roman Empire which will see the withdrawal of Russian troops.

God's unchanging Word instructs us that Rome will be supported by these "kings of the earth," and make an agreement with the International Jews to refinance the dollar (Daniel 9:27). In the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week, when with the finance of the world under control and the global economy prospering, she will break that covenant and force the mark of the Beast.

Then the European kingdoms will "hate the whore" and abandon Rome. Eastern Europe will revert to Judaeo-Communism and bomb Vatican City State from the face of the earth (Revelation 18:8-20), and Russia will do likewise to the USA.

As God raised-up Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem, He has raised-up Communism to destroy the false church. And it will. The "kings of the earth" will ally against Rome with the revived Communist power. Communism is political Zionism championed by the non-Semitic anti-Semitic self-styled Jews whom Ezekiel calls "Gog." Gog is Esau/Edom who is at enmity with Jacob naturally as it despises Christianity spiritually. Rome, the Jews and Communism have always been bitter enemies.

Psalm 89:27, "Also I will make Him, My firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth."

Numbers 24:7, "Israel's King shall be higher than Agag, and His kingdom shall be exalted."

Christ utterly destroys Agag and the kings of the earth by His manifested Word. Armageddon will leave them neither root nor branch (Malachi 4:1-3). When the glorified Jesus returns, He comes back with the glorified saints of all Ages who step out upon the ashes of the wicked.

Have you seen something? Agag the leader of the Edomites is "Gog." Revelation 17 and 19; Ezekiel 38–39; Psalm 89:27 and Numbers 24:7, are all speaking of one and the same event. It is the outcome of the enmity between two brothers—Esau/Edom and Jacob/Israel. The clue was revealed to me as I was preaching from Numbers 24:7 last week. Please open your Bibles at that verse.

"Israel shall pour out an abundance of water; His offspring [not natural Israel but Spiritual Israel: the seed of Jesus Christ], will dwell in many places, [as God told Abraham: "In Christ shall all nations be blessed"—Genesis 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; Psalm 72:17; Galatians 3:8; on the other hand Israel can only dwell on one place], and his King [Messiah] shall be higher than Agag, and his kingdom shall be exalted [all things are under our feet]."

City of London'd Gog and MagogNow the clue was that word "Agag." Scholars dispute whether it is the title of the Amalekite kings—as Pharaoh was the title of the Egyptian, and Abimelech the title of Philistine kings—or if the word should actually read "Gog" as it is translated in the Old Latin, Septuagint, Modern English, Moffatt and Aquilla Bibles, and by the Samaritan Pentateuch.

As I pointed out, Balaam is speaking of Christ's kingdom, which is fully realized after the defeat and destruction of Israel's enemy in "the battle of that great day of God Almighty" (Revelation 16:14). We've proved throughout Scripture that Israel's greatest enemy was his brother Esau, the self-styled 'Jew.' This battle is with Gog who is Esau. In Numbers 24:7 and 20, Balaam's prophecy is contrasting Israel's overcoming, enduring Kingdom with the doomed kingdom of Amalek who is Agag, Gog, or Esau/Edom, who are the self-styled Jews trying to steal back the birthright they sold to Jacob/Israel and regain the dominion. They are the Communist power that will rule Russia and her confederacy at the end, after the present "peace offensive" launched by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956. The meaning of the name "Gog" is "to surmount." It gives a clue to his nature and denotes one who sets himself like the roof in the midst of heaven and earth, between God and men. Gog leads Magog which represents a whole complex of nations under subjection as vassals.

William BranhamBrother Branham said, Scripture does not play with words. Whatever is in the Record is there for the anointed eyes to see. It is there for a purpose"(An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 105:2). For instance, the last person mentioned in Cain's antediluvian genealogy was Naamah, the Serpent's seed (Genesis 4:22). And it's not usual to mention a female in the genealogies. Naamah is listed because she was in the Ark as Noah's wife, and reproduced Cain's lineage on this side of the Flood. Naamah was not the mother of Noah's three sons.

I Chronicles 5:1-4 is another Scripture for "anointed eyes to see." Verse 1, "Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he was the firstborn; but, as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright".

To the very last, Reuben's seed will bear the disgrace of his sin (Genesis 49:4). The natural types the Spiritual. As Reuben defiled his father's bed naturally, his children defiled the Temple or resting place of their Spiritual father by idolatry. The spirit of physical fornication is the same spirit that lies in idolatry.

Reuben, Gad and Manasseh occupied the land on the East of Jordan and were the first to be taken captive; they were transported in about 733BC by King Pul (Phal-luka) and his son Tiglath-Pilesar III of Assyria (II Kings 15:29). This occurred because of idolatry with the gods of the Land they had conquered by the hand of God.

I Chronicles 5:25-26, "They transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the land, whom God destroyed before them. And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria, who carried away the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara, and to the river Gozan, to this day".

By defiling his father's concubine, Reuben forfeited his birthright which went to Joseph, the double portion being divided between his two sons who became the half-tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.

Hebrews 11:21, "By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons and worshipped, leaning on the top of his staff".

Jacob blessed Joseph, saying, God, before Whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long to this day . . . Moreover I have given you one portion above your brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow".

The birthright and double portion went to Joseph, but the dominion went to Judah. Genesis 49:10, "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a ruler from between his feet, until He to Whom it belongs shall come; to Him shall the gathering of the people be".

Micah 5:2, "Oh, Bethlehem Ephratah, though you are just a small Judean village, yet you will be the birthplace of My King; whose Coming has been foretold from the beginning, from eternity".

In I Chronicles 5:1-2, which is in parenthesis, the sacred historian explains why, although Joseph was entitled to the precedence, Ephraim and Manasseh were not mentioned first in the genealogy. The Tribe of Judah who were invested with pre-eminence over all other tribes is mentioned first in Chapter four, followed by Reuben and the two tribes by his standard. "Hence the genealogy was not to be reckoned after the birthright".

Reuben follows after the first in the genealogy, which is a higher privilege of dominion given to Judah. "If you too are Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3:29). The seed or offspring of Christ have precedence over the Tribes of Israel who are servants to the Bride. I Chronicles 5:2, "For the Tribe of Judah excelled the other Tribes in number and power; of Judah came the chief ruler, David and his successors, then Messiah, which is a far greater privilege than the birthright which was Joseph's".

After Judah, Reuben's first-born head the list of Jacob's children together with the two Tribes by his standard. The Chronicler next names Levi (chapter 6), as the priests always went before Israel with the Ark. Levi also was godly, and did not transgress in the matter of the golden calf; therefore the priesthood was taken away from the children of Reuben, and on their account from all the firstborn, and given to Aaron and his sons. The custody of the sanctuary belonged to the Levites, but the birthright belonged to Joseph.

There also seems to be a righteous and moral reason in Joseph, finally becoming heir to the birthright in as much as he was the eldest child of Rachael, Israel's real love, and who, but for deception and sharp practice, would have been his first wife.

Verse 3 is also interesting, or should I say telling? "The sons, of Reuben the firstborn of Israel were, Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi." Considering the prominence of Hezron and Carmi among the clans of Judah, it is remarkable to find their names recurring among the main branches of Reuben. It might be instructive to bear in mind a duplication of the names of Seth's descendants in Cain's lineage after the birthright he claimed was forfeited. (But unlike Reuben, Cain was not a son of Adam).

The blessings of the birthright were reserved for the two Northern Tribes, the priesthood was given to the Levites, and the dominion promised to Judah. So it is understandable that at some time the descendants of Reuben might yearn to assert their former pre-eminence as the firstborn of Israel.

There was a rebellion against Moses and Aaron by the Levites led by Korah, and a body of laymen under the Reubenites, Dathan and Abiram (Numbers 16). Korah was a Levite who saw the precedence of the Aaronic priesthood as an annoyance, and sought an equal right. This is the spirit of Communism or Laodicea that rules the world today. Dathan and Abiram were descendants of Reuben, the Tribe which once possessed but had lost the primacy. In some way, not particularly defined in this record, they disputed the supremacy of Moses and joined Korah's conspiracy against his authority. The crowd desired a dissolution of all authority: anarchy. And the leaders enticed the whole nation with the lure of freedom and equality. And isn't this what has been happening in Laodicea?

What interests me most, however, is I Chronicles 5:4, "The sons of Joel; Shemaiah his son, Gog his son, Shimei his son." This fellow Gog, this descendant of Reuben, isn't mentioned just to fill up space in the Bible. I suspect he may be the Gog from whom Ezekiel's Gog was named. Ezekiel's Gog is not a man but a people named after an historical figure in the same pattern as the nations he leads are named after their progenitors. His father, Esau lost his birth right, as Reuben, father of the original Gog, lost his birthright, and both men were profane persons (Hebrews 12:16).

However, as I haven't found more of Gog's life history from which to draw a type, or recognized further clues to his character other than his name which means "to surmount," I'll lay just it aside. I think we've established that Gog is Esau/Edom. Now let's return to Ezekiel.

In Ezekiel 38 we see that after the State of Israel is restored in the Promised Land and repopulated by a mixed multitude, God will "cause Gog to return to Israel, putting hooks into his jaws," forcing him from his own land at the head of a mighty army whose nucleus are Scythians, or Russians, but which includes Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Turkey and many other peoples. According to Brother Branham, Russia's motive in attacking Israel is to gain control of the mineral wealth of the Dead Sea (COD 77:111; 294:530; Daniel, 122:157; Isaiah 60:5).

"God says, when Gog comes against the land of Israel, My fury will come up in My face. For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have said, 'Surely in there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel (Ezekiel 38:18-19)." This shaking is the earthquake of Zechariah 14:3-4, Isaiah 29:5-7 and Revelation 16:19.

Israel's MessiahNow Isaiah 66:18-20. In Daniel's Seventieth Week, says God ". . . I will gather all nations and tongues against Jerusalem. And they shall see My glory when I will perform a mighty miracle against them, and I will send their survivors to the nations, to Tarshish, Put (Libya) and Lud (Turkey) that draw the bow, to Tubal (Georgia) and Javan (Greece), to the distant shores that have not heard My fame, nor seen My glory. There shall they declare My glory among the Gentiles (Ezekiel 38:23). This news will restore all your brethren as an offering to the Lord brought honourably from all nations to My holy mountain Jerusalem, as the children of Israel bring an offering in consecrated vessels to the house of the Lord."

The days of grace to the Gentiles have ended. Survivors of the armies that came against Jerusalem return to their lands with news of God's miraculous stand for Israel, rousing revival in the heart of expatriate Israelites whom they assist to return to the Land of the Covenant, as Cyrus assisted in Judah's return to Jerusalem. The only place God ever has, ever can, or ever will deal with Israel, is in the Promised Land. Any Israelite outside the Land is outside the Old Covenant, excluded from relationship with God.

Joel 3:15-17, "The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining."

The Son of God will turn from the Gentiles; the apostate church will reflect darkness and blood, and the partial Word of the seven stars or Church Age messengers that produced the new birth in the saints of their dispensations will no longer be Light but the glare of an Age gone by. This has already come to pass since "that which is perfect has come" in the revelation of the Seven Seals (I Corinthians 13:10). We must walk in the Light God is shining for this day. We can't be written epistles of the Light He revealed for a day gone by.

[The Jews impersonate the Light of Moses, yet It was fulfilled 2,000 years ago. Lutherans, Presbyterians and Episcopalians (Anglicans) are impersonating the Light Luther shone in the Sardis Church Age. It gave the new birth to the saints predestinated to that Age, but It won't make a saint in this day. The Methodists and Baptists are impersonating the Light God shone through Wesley's Message to the saints of the Philadelphian Age, but that part of the Body was completed in 1906. The Pentecostal denominations are impersonating the Message of William Branham to the Laodicean Church Age, but it ended in 1963.

We must recognize our day and it's Message. Only when we see that part of the Word manifesting through us can we know we are born-again, or "Christians." Outside of that revelation we are not even called to at all.

Very soon now, the Gentile dispensation will end. God will turn to Israel, and 144,000 elect Israelites in the Promised Land will hear His Voice through the Message of their two prophets, and be born-again. Any outside that number are not His elect people].

"The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter His Voice from Jerusalem [not London, New York, Moscow or Berlin] and the heavens and the earth shall shake [the heavens were shaken by the ministry of the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 that restored the apostolic faith, finished the mystery of God and is calling God's people out from all man-made systems into the unity of the faith. The earthquake was foretold in Ezekiel 38:19 and Zechariah 14:3-4, and marks the close of the Gentile dispensation]: but the Lord will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel. Thus shall they know that I am the Lord their God, dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and no strangers shall pass through her any more".

Once again the Hebrew word used to describe "strangers" is zuwr, used in connection with enemy aliens or a foreign race [Serpent's seed] with no rights whatsoever in Israel even if they do call themselves Jews. And as if to make a point, two verses down we read of the impending doom of Esau/Edom for their violence against the blood descendants of Judah.

Joel 2:20-25, "I will remove the northern army, and will drive him into the barren wasteland, half towards the Dead sea, and half toward the Mediterranean, and his rotting stench shall cover the land, because God has performed a miracle."

"Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the Lord has done great things. Be not afraid, you beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness have sprung up, for the tree bears its fruit, the fig tree and the vine yield their full strength."

"Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He has given you the former (or autumn) rain moderately, [which Israel rejected and the Gentiles received], Once more He will send down for you the rain, the former rain, [in the ministry of William Branham which restored the apostolic faith or original teaching rain to the Gentiles], and the latter rain in the first month [which will be the former or teaching rain for Israel, and the latter anointing for the resurrection of the Church Age saints and the manifestation of the Sons of God]."

"And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil [Word and Spirit in the anointed ministry of the Israel's two witnesses]. And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you".

Paul declared, "if the casting-away of natural Israel resulted in the reconciliation to God of the elect Gentiles, Israel's restoration will result in the first resurrection and millennium" (Romans 11:15).

Yes sir, Israel will receive two prophets. One with the anointing that was upon Moses, who will restore them back to the Law and prophets whence they have fallen. The other, with the anointing that was upon Elijah, will direct them to their place in "the present Truth " in their "former rain". Their latter rain will be the "parousia" and baptism with the Holy Spirit, or new birth to Israel. nl1089.htm

Pass it on . . . please send this article to someone you knowBrother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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