BibleBelievers' Newsletter #471
"We focus on the present Truth – whatJesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
For generations godless socialists who disbelieve the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob have slated nationalism as the cause of wars, althoughGod divided men into nations by family, language, culture, geographyand topography (Genesis 11:6-9; Deuteronomy 32:8). The godless advocatethe abolition of nation states and national borders and theirabsorption into one world government. National borders are beingredrawn or eliminated now; not for altruistic ideals but to monopolizematerial resources by theft through conquest in order to secure theirlust for the ultimate power of world hegemony. Globalization induceswar, tearing international law into pieces, erasing cultural identitiesand impoverishing spiritual life.
Jesus said, "When the curse of miscegenation, (which Pavlov's21st century dogs call 'multiculturalism'), iscommonplace globally, know you are living in the days of My unseen'parousia' Coming as a thief in the night" (Matthew 24:37; Daniel12:4; Revelation 16:15). Even without the revelation every Biblebeliever must acknowledge Christ has returned and that He ishere now because the very sin that brought worldwide destruction inthe days of Noah has repeated (Genesis 6:1-4). Jesus and Paul warnedthat as the Hebrew denominations apostatized and failed to recognizeHim and like those who walked with Him to Emmaeus, the apostate Gentiledenominations would be insensible to His 'parousia.' Both Comings werecontrary to accepted theology but in strict accord with God's Word.
Most of the signs prophesied in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 have come topass. Jesus said, "When you begin to see strange portents in theSun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and down here on earth thenations in bewilderment at the roaring of sea and waves, the courage ofmany will falter and hearts fail from dread in apprehension of what iscoming on the world; for the powers of heaven will be shaken, (Satan and his host will be cast down (Hebrews 12:26-27; Revelation12:7-9), then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemptiondraws nigh".
As before the first crucifixion and resurrection of God's vindicatedWord some appalling portents were seen in the air (Matthew 27:45-46),so at the second crucifixion of the Word and the resurrection andtranslation, something analogous will be witnessed. This heavenlyphenomena and the upset of nature upon earth are the signs weawait with patience.
Three times in the year, at the feast of Weeks, the feast of Pentecostand the feast of Tabernacles every adult male was obligated to presenthimself at Jerusalem. Numbers 9:6-14 allows a 'second Passover' to bekept by those who had been debarred from the first owing to ceremonialuncleanliness or distance. "The man who is clean and is nottraveling, yet fails to keep the Passover will be cut off from amonghis people: because he did not bring the offering of the Lord in Hisappointed season, that man shall bear his sin," or be blotted fromthe Book of Life. Israel has been unclean for 2,000 years by reason ofa dead Body. It has been customary for Jews, and no doubt forIsraelites as they partake their Passover meal in London or New York todeclare, "Next year, Jerusalem." Outside the Land their Covenant is ofno effect. The second Passover falls on about May 2 this year. . .
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoeverwill receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from thewaters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should beconfirmed personally in your own Bible.
Your brother-in-Christ, Anthony Grigor-ScottUS continues Preparations for military Action against Iran
Moscow, April 8, 2007 – Russian General Leonid Ivashov said,"Three major groups of US forces are still in the Arabian Sea and thePersian Gulf. Altogether, they have up to 450 cruise missiles on alert.Military operations against Tehran will begin with the launch of atleast two unexpected strikes using Tomahawk cruise missiles and airpower in order to disable Iran's air-defense capabilities."
"According to our data, up to 150 aircraft are to be involved in eachstrike on Iran. Land-based air-defense systems will be disabled in thefirst place, then mobile short-range systems, which Tehran has(including some 30 new systems). . . Combat nuclear weapons may be usedfor bombing. This will result in radioactive contamination of theIranian territory, which could possibly spread to neighboringcountries". . . If Iran strikes back at Israel with missiles, Tel-Avivis likely to use nuclear weapons on Iran," Ivashov said, adding thatsuch a "development of the situation would undermine stability not onlyin the Middle East, but also in the entire world." Full story:
Comment: General Leonid Ivashov was Chief of Staff of Russianarmed forces when 9/11 took place. At the Axis for Peace Conference2005 he rightly asserted, "international terrorism does not exist, the 9/11 attack was a set-up orchestrated by the USgovernment".
The use of the term "international terrorism" has the following goals:General Ivashov went on to say:
- Hiding the real objectives of the forces deployed all over theworld in the struggle for dominance and control;
- Turning the people’s demands to a struggle of undefined goalsagainst an invisible enemy;
- Destroying basic international norms and changing concepts such as:aggression, state terror, dictatorship or movement of nationalliberation;
- Depriving peoples of their legitimate right to fight againstaggressions and to reject the work of foreign intelligence services;
- Establishing the principle of renunciation to national interests,transforming objectives in the military field by giving priority to thewar on terror, violating the logic of military alliances to thedetriment of a joint defense and to favor the anti-terrorist coalition.
Solving economic problems through a tough military rule using the"war on terror" as a pretext. In order to fight in an efficient wayagainst international terrorism it is necessary to take the followingsteps:
- To confirm before the UN General Assembly the principles of the UNCharter and international law as principles that all states are obligedto respect;
- To create a geo-strategic organization (perhaps inspired in theCooperation Organization of Shanghai comprised of Russia, China,Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) with a set of valuesdifferent to that of the Atlantists; to design a strategy ofdevelopment of states, a system of international security, anotherfinancial and economic model (which would mean that the world wouldagain rest on two pillars);
- To associate (under the United Nations) the scientific elites inthe design and promotion of the philosophical concepts of the HumanBeing of the 21st Century.
- To organize the interaction of all religious denominations in theworld, on behalf of the stability of humanity’s development, securityand mutual support.
General Ivashov confirms the Russian globalist conceptof independent nation states subject to the Russian-controlled UNexplained by the late Dr. Peter Beter in Newsletter #439. Once again "theCity" is placing humanity in a Hegelian pincers. So it's "heads" Mammonwins, or "tails" we lose, as our Brother Israel Shamir reminds us, theMammonites control both left and right factions of the Illuminati.
USS Nimitz left San Diego April 2 and is headed to the Persian Gulfwhere it is expected to relieve the USS Eisenhower.TheSecret War Against Iran
April3, 2007 – A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for aseries of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretlyencouraged and advised by American officials since 2005, US andPakistani intelligence sources tell ABC News.
The group, called Jundullah, is made up of members of the Baluchi tribeand operates out of the Baluchistan province in Pakistan, just acrossthe border from Iran. It has taken responsibility for the deaths andkidnappings of more than a dozen Iranian soldiers and officials. . .money for Jundullah is funneled to its youthful leader, Abd el MalikRegi, through Iranian exiles who have connections with European andGulf states. . .
Pakistani government sources say the secret campaign against Iran byJundullah was on the agenda when Vice President Dick Cheney met withPakistani President Pervez Musharraf in February. Full story:abcnews.comTalisman Sabre 07
For sixweeks until July 2, Australia will host our largest military exercisesever in "peacetime," bombarding our shores and fragile landscape,storming our beaches and gunning down "terrorists" in the newly builturban guerrilla warfare training centre, testing the latest laserguided missiles and "smart bombs" in some of the most pristinewilderness on this planet.
Idyllic Shoalwater Bay near Rockhampton will cop it all - live aerialbombing, ship to shore naval firings, underwater depth charges explodedin areas where turtles and dugong breed, nuclear subs using high levelsonar frequency which zaps the hearing of sea life and mammals, nuclearaircraft carriers inside the so-called Great Barrier Reef marinenational park.
13,700 US personnel and 12,400 Australian personnel will be located atAustralian Defence training areas including the Australian-US "trainingfacilities": Shoalwater Bay in Queensland and Bradshaw and DelamereRange in the Northern Territory. Support sites including civilianfacilities in Australia, offshore and overseas will also be utilised.. .
Full story:
Comment: April 11, 2007 – Prime Minister John Howard hasrefused to speculate on when Australian troops will be withdrawn fromAfghanistan. . . troop numbers will be doubled. . . Afghanistan bordersIran, next target of US aggression.Questions Linger about Bushes and BCCI
NewYork, April 4, 2007 – Now that the US Congress isinvestigating the truth of President George W. Bush's statements aboutthe Iraq war, they might look into one of his most startlingassertions: that there was a link between Saddam Hussein and Osama binLaden. . . The link between Hussein and bin Laden was their banker,BCCI. But the link went beyond the dictator and the jihadist - itpassed through Saudi Arabia and stretched all the way to George W. Bushand his father.
BCCI was the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, a dirtyoffshore bank that then-president Ronald Reagan's Central IntelligenceAgency used to run guns to Hussein, finance Osama bin Laden, move moneyin the illegal Iran-Contra operation and carry out other "agency" blackops. The Bushes also benefited privately; one of the bank's largestSaudi investors helped bail out George W. Bush's troubled oilinvestments.
BCCI was founded in 1972 by a Pakistani banker, Agha Hasan Abedi, withthe support of Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan, ruler of Abu Dhabi andhead of the United Arab Emirates. Its corporate strategy was moneylaundering. It became the banker for drug and arms traffickers, corruptofficials, financial fraudsters, dictators and terrorists. Fullstory: ipsnews.netTheSixth Trumpet and the Present Reality
I admirethose who try to preserve a parliament and a constitution that nolonger exists except in the imagination of their hearts. But we who arein Christ have the keys of faith which unlock the conspiracy of evil atwork in our society. The day belongs to those able to grasp the truthof a desperate situation. I say day, because there is no futurefor society until Christ returns with the saints after the destructionof all life to establish His Millennial reign.
For many years before I became a Christian I planned to build or buy ayacht and sail away. Today, there is no away; nowhere to sailto; no hiding place except the bosom of Jesus. Money can insulate thevery rich from much of the physical ugliness and growing violence ofsociety as it approaches anarchy and the chaos planned to precede theintroduction of the final phase of Lucifer's one world government. Butsecurity guards and steel bars constitute an illusionary world, notliberty; and the whole world is being gathered to the battle of thegreat day of God Almighty.
Jesus prophesied that between the Sixth and Seventh Vials in the daysof the fourth Gentile world power, three unclean spirits like frogswould look behind themselves as these unclean creatures do, yearningfor the past "glories" of the Imperial and Holy Roman Empires, forthese unclean spirits called Fascism, Nazism and Communism come out ofthe mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out ofthe mouth of the false prophet (Revelation 16:13-16) to gather theworld to Armageddon. Brother Branham said these three isms will besubsumed into Communism, while all false religions will become subjectto Catholicism. Jesus promised His second or 'parousia' Coming "as a thief" would take place towards the end of this period, when Eastand West are trying to reach an accommodation through the UnitedNations. It has, and they have (Daniel 2:40-45).
Alcohol, narcotics, over-eating, gambling, excessive exercise and television are pathetic, possibly subconscious attempts to avoidconfronting reality. So too is music that produces measurable responsesin the body's muscular system, brainwave patterns and hormone levels bysynchronizing muscle co-ordination and control with the basic beat.Brainwave activity aligns with the rhythm, and various hormones(specifically, opiates and sex hormones) are released as a result of electrophysiological synchronization with the rhythm. No wonder peopleare 'stressed out'. They state their religion as Christian whenthey fill in a form, but where is that peace and rest, which passes allunderstanding"?
The point of these comments is to say, "Don't throw good thingsafter bad." If you know you are in Christ and have a revelation ofthe lateness of the hour, and that this present world system will bedestroyed in the next several years, don't invest your time and hopeson what you know is doomed. Invest your desire and energy in preparingyourself as a bride adorned for her husband by learning to do thatwhich is pleasing to Jesus.
National foundations have been eroded by stealth and deceit, our genesare being leached by miscegenation, poisoned by chemical farming andhybrid foods that, like Cain, are not God's Word so they cannot containHis Life. We no longer have functional constitutions and government isno longer based upon integrity and selfless, wise thought but Bolshevik"political correctness," reflex action and mind manipulating propagandaof the controlled media, education and entertainments.
The two central bases of economic and people control, banking and themedia, fell long ago into the hands of the kings of the East(Revelation 16:12). The names presented to us as 'bosses' areonly wretched pawns, such as Murdoch and Black. They serve the biggerpurse or disappear like Robert Maxwell. Those who wish to survive andthrive economically will need to forsake loyalties and become global inoutlook. Time runs out for those who cannot act.
The NWO is of the enemy, and it is almost here. But God has a way ofescape provided for those prepared to surrender all to Him. Thealternative is to surrender all to Rome and the bankers from the East.
Today's churches are like Samson who gave his heart to women andsurrendered his Nazarite sign, his seal of separation to the HolySpirit, to satisfy carnal desires. The Philistines are upon thechurches, which have no strength in the Spirit with which to defeat theenemy.
So recognize the conditions of this day. Don't forsake your study ofthe Spoken Word Books. Don't fail to prove them, and my sermonswith your Bible, and obey what It says do.
Once again, let's read Revelation 9:13-21, "And the sixth angelsounded, and I heard a Voice from the four horns of the golden altarwhich is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet,"Loose the four angels which are bound at the great river Euphrates".And the four angels who were in readiness for that hour and day andmonth and year were loosed to slay the third part of men. And thenumber of the cavalry was two hundred million: and I heard the numberof them. And this is how I saw the horses in my vision, the riders worebreastplates the color of fire and jacinth and of brimstone: and theheads of the horses looked like the heads of lions, fire and smoke andbrimstone issued from their mouths. By these three plagues a third partof man was slain by the fire, and smoke, and by the brimstone, whichissued out of their mouths. For the power of the horses is in theirmouths, and in their tails: for their tails were like the heads ofserpents that strike and bite with fatal wounds. And the rest of themen who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works oftheir hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold andsilver and brass and stone, and of wood: which cannot either see orhear or walk: nor did they repent of their murders, nor of theirsorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts".
Now regarding Israel's national Day of atonement. The blood of the mostimportant sin offering (Christ) has been applied to the horns of theGolden altar. That incense might only be burned on living coals takenfrom the altar of burnt offering, clearly indicates the intercessorywork of Christ is based upon His accomplished sacrificial work, and isacceptable only on that basis. The daily ministration at the templeculminated in the burning of incense, which symbolized the ministry ofintercession. The Sixth Trumpet blasted towards the close of Christ'sintercession, and covers His parousia to the Bride before the SeventhTrumpet announces the end of the Gentile dispensation.
In the temple ceremony, the animal ritual of the Day of Atonementreached its highest point when the high priest passed beyond the Veilwith the atoning blood. After he had made an atonement for the Holy ofHolies, he would make atonement for the Golden altar, then lay hishands on the live goat and confess over him the iniquities of thechildren of Israel. So Revelation 9:13-15 transpired before Revelation8:1-5, because under the Seventh Seal Christ's intercession is over andChrist is gathering His elect into the unity of the faith for themanifestation of the Sons of God and the translation. Under the SixthSeal God in Daniel's Seventieth Week reveals Israel's Messiah as thescape or live goat which took their sins upon itself and bore themaway.
Revelation 8 and 9 symbolize Israel's Seven Trumpet mysteries that willbe revealed by the two prophets of Revelation 11. As indicated by theirposition in Scripture their revelation follows the manifestation of the Seven Seals of Revelation 6 and 8, howeverthey manifest concurrently with the Seals.
In Revelation 9:14, the four angels bound in the river Euphrates areloosed to bring natural persecution upon the Israelites in World WarII. In Old Testament times, almost all the great devastators ofhistorical Israel - the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians - camefrom beyond the Euphrates. John takes this eastern territory as thesymbolic source of devastation where Parthia was a power almostrivaling Rome and the only existing power which had tried its strengthagainst Rome and had not been worsted in the encounter. The Parthian dominion then extended from Afghanistan,Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Assyria, Northern Mesopotamia andSyria to the shores of the Arabian Sea. It lasted for nearly fivecenturies, commencing in the third century BC and terminating in thethird century AD.
Although they are a Turanian "mingled" race like the Khazars asindicated in Daniel 2:40-45 the Parthians spoke Persian. An invasionfrom the East was something greatly feared by John's readers under theRoman empire, both in the past as it has been in the twentieth century.Up until the Armistice it came from the Parthia's kinfolk in theOttoman Empire, whom Rome seem determined to exclude from the EuropeanUnion; more recently from Iran and other remnants of the ParthianEmpire whose cousins rule Israel. Rome's enemy in the early years ofthe Church is the enemy of her image under George II in the end of theChurch dispensation. Daniel called modern Parthia "the kingdom ofthe South" (Daniel 11:40), Jesus called them "the kings of theEast" (Revelation 16:13). Ezekiel 38 and 39 foretell the invasionof Israel in the last days by these people from beyond the Euphratesled by their cousins from "the kingdom of the North". Johnforetold how these cousins will unite in the midst of Daniel'sSeventieth Week and destroy both Rome and her United States image(Revelation 18). Brother Branham called this "the trail of the Serpent" from the garden ofEden to perdition.
We learn from Daniel 10 that Persia and Greece were controlled bysuperhuman intelligence; by revelation we can say, so were Babylon andRome, and so is Rome's image the United States of America. These fourGentile world empires are in reality one kingdom as confirmed byChrist's encounter with Satan. Matthew 4:8-10, "The Devil took Jesusup into a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms ofthe world, and their splendor, saying to Him, All these things will Igive You, if You will kneel down and worship me. Then Jesus said tohim, Begone, Satan: for it is written, You shall worship the Lord yourGod, and serve Him alone." Here we see Satan controls every kingdomon earth, and can dispose of them to whom he will.
The four "angels" are messengers of God's divine wrath uponIsrael which was expressed by the princes of Babylon, Persia, Greece,and Rome throughout the "times of the Gentiles" or, "thedays of vengeance that all things that are written may be fulfilled"(Luke 21:22; Daniel 9:24; Acts 3:21). They commenced in 606BC whenNebuchadnezzar carried away Daniel with the first of the captives fromJerusalem to Babylon. and they will end with the consummation. As thesefour "princes" are supernatural, their vast army of 200millions is likewise supernatural (Daniel 10; Zechariah 6).
Paul who was also conscious of the spirit world, said in Ephesians3:8-11, "I who am less than the least of all saints, was made aminister by grace and the Supernatural Gift of God, that I shouldpreach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; and makeall men, Judahite or Gentile, see the fellowship of the mystery of theunity of God and His elect in Christ, which from the beginning of theworld has been hid in God, who created all things. And to manifest tothe principalities and powers in heavenly places, His manifold wisdomin one finished Church, of both Judahite and Gentile, according to Hiseternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Amos 3:3, "How can two walk together except they be agreed onthe Word." God isn't doing It with smoke and mirrors. The church isbeing build by His grace in the faith of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:10-12, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, andin the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you maybe able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle notagainst flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers,against the worldly rulers of the blindness of this age, againstspiritual wickedness in the air".
Our fight is with the spiritual forces of Satan, the prince of thepower of the air, and against his armies of flesh.
The four "destroying" angels and their armies that were boundare loosed at a precise moment in time: Armistice day. As BrotherBranham explained, World War I would have become Armageddon anddestroyed all life prematurely had He not caused it to stop in amysterious way (Daniel 7:2-3; Revelation 7:1-3). World War I was theFirst Woe of Earth's rebirth, which is a threefold process like yourfirst and second birth (I John 1:5-13). Two more woes follow in WorldWars II and III: there will be no peace on earth until the Millennium(Matthew 24:8; Revelation 9:12; Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:1-8). The authorityof the four "angels" to kill is presently restricted to thethird part of mankind so that under the Sixth Trumpet natural apersecution struck Israel to force them back to Palestine for theiratonement. God deals with Israel as a nation in her own land. In spiteof these plagues they have not repented of their materialism, idolatryand unclean living. Under the Sixth Seal this demonic power will bringa religious persecution upon the wise and foolish virgin, resulting inthe martyrdom of all those without oil in their lamps.
Under the Sixth Trumpet, natural Israel and the so-called Jews werepersecuted naturally by national force in order to fulfillZionist goals (Min Hametzar, p. 92, by Rabbi Michael Dov WeissmandlZT"L Dean of Nitra Yeshiva). In the all-wise purpose of God, thispersecution was to force Israel back to the Promised Land where He canreveal Himself through the Message of the two prophets in Daniel'sSeventieth Week. This revelation will separate the 144,000 electdescendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from the "mixed multitude"of Ashkenazim, and Israelites who are without faith.
The main result of World War I in the overruling all-wise purpose ofGod's was the recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the OttomanEmpire. Brother Branham often said how the Balfour Declaration,that expressed British approval of Zionist ambitions in a letter ofNovember 2, 1917, and General Allenby's capture of Jerusalem onDecember 9 of that year culminated in the establishment of the newState of Israel on May 14, 1948.
The creation of the state of Israel was one of the real as opposedto ostensible aims of World War II. This aim was a strategicobjective of what we now recognize as the International CommunistConspiracy. Within hours of the ending of the British mandate inPalestine the US and Russia recognized the state of Israel. TheAdministrations of the CIS and its satellites, Israel and the US, butnot their citizens, are all aspects of the International CommunistConspiracy of the City of London. The strategic problem of theConspiracy was to confront citizens of the US with a situation where itwould be evidently impracticable for America to oppose militarily,action by Russia, firstly in the Middle and Far East, and then inEurope. The only alternative would be a NWO (as will be seen followingthe earthquake that sinks Los Angeles and Russia's invasion of mainlandAmerica). This is what Rowan Gaither,president of the Ford Foundation, confided personally to NormanDodd, Director of Research for the Reece Committee of the US Senate in1953, "Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy making level of thefoundation have at one time or another served in the 0SS [the Office ofStrategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA) or the European EconomicAdministration, operating under directives from the White House. Weoperate under those same directives. . . . The substance of thedirectives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant makingpower to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortablymerged with the Soviet Union."
Perhaps this throws a little light upon why President Kennedy plannedto close the CIA, which is actually a part of British Intelligence setup for Queen Elizabeth I by the Jew Sir Francis Walsingham, andconsequently an emanation of the strong, long arm of "the City".
Under the Sixth Vial the river Euphrates was dried up. Euphrateswas the Eastern border of the Roman Empire. That natural borderhas been destroyed by George II - are you watching developments in Iraqand Iran as Rome's image in the natural, the United States of America, "dries up" the Eastern defense of apostate Western Christendom"to prepare the way for the kings of the East?" Brother Branhamtied Revelation 16:12-14 to Revelation 7:1-3, the antitype of Ezekiel 9and explained how God has raised Communism to burn the apostate churchand her image as He raised up Nebuchadnezzar to raze His Temple andtake apostate Judea captive. He said the four angels are withholdingthis destruction until God has sealed the 144,000 Israelites who willbe our personal servants. Like eunuchs in an Eastern palace they willfollow the Bride wherever she goes.
The metaphoric drying up of the natural border of the Euphrates typesthe literal drying up of Rome's terrestrial authority, her creedaldogmatism, ritual, traditions and superstitions. Her infirmitypermitted three unclean spirits like frogs: Fascism, Nazism andCommunism to arise within her empire and challenge her mandate. BrotherBrother Branham said, these will all wind up in Communism and burn theVatican and the United States with nuclear fire. The Sixth Trumpetloosed the four angels from Rome's authority "to slay the third partof man." That is, blood Israelites descended from Abraham, Isaacand Israel after their elect have been Sealed.
Under the Seventh Trumpet a revived Holy Roman Empire, herdenominational daughters and Romanised Jews will confront 144,000 electIsraelites with a spiritual persecution, forcing the mark of the Beastunto martyrdom in the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week, precipitatinga second uprising of Russia against Rome and her United States image,and the outpouring of God's wrath in Armageddon. This will take placeunder the Sixth Seal.
In Revelation 7:1-3 John, who represents Christ's end-time Bride, seesanother vision, "And after these things I saw four angels standingon the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth,that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on anytree".
In the parenthesis of Revelation 7, the Bride receives a preview ofwhat happens in the tribulation period after the Sixth Seal is opened.Four angels are standing at the four corners of the earth restrainingthe four winds. As four is the number of the earth, these portenduniversal war and strife.
"And I saw another Angel ascending from the East, having the Seal ofthe living God: and He cried with a loud voice to the four angels, towhom it was given to hurt the beast of the earth (the USA), andthe beast of the sea, (Rome). Saying, Hurt not the earth, northe sea, nor the trees (people), until we have sealed theservants of our God in their foreheads."
After the Armistice in which Germany was betrayed, the four angels madea form of peace by establishing the League of Nations to "hold thefour winds." When that failed and World War II ensued theyestablished the United Nations to "hold the four winds." It toois a failure like the present mayhem in Iraq, however these "failures"are intentional according to plan, and these organizations are notinstruments of peace but a perverse means by which international lawwill harvest and bind individual liberty and property under onetotalitarian world government. Very soon earthquakes will sink LosAngeles and split the mount of Olives, enabling the four angels toloose "the four winds," in a brief World War III in which Israeland mainland USA will be invaded, and Rome will unite the world's falsereligions to restore peace. Her dollar having failed, the US will bemade subject to a revived Holy Roman Empire, which will reach anagreement with the International Banksters to refinance the dollar onto a gold standard, restoring value to hard assets and paperinstruments, thus reviving manufacturing, trade, commerce andprosperity Worldwide (Daniel 8:23-27; 9:27). The non-elect will doobeisance to Rome and her Devil incarnate pope, imploring him toaccept the inaugural presidency of one world government (Revelation13:1-10). He will establish his rule in Jerusalem as foretold in Daniel11:45 and according to the Illuminati plans indicated by Israel's firstPrime Minister, David ben Gurion.Zionism having accomplished its purpose of colonising Palestine for thegrand scheme of the powers-that-be, will be a spent force, as willIslam, which I believe was established by the Roman Catholic church forthe same purpose.
Brother Branham said, the four angels are the "princes" of thefour Gentile world empires that will "all wind up finally inCatholicism" and "receive power as kings one hour with the beast. .. and shall give their power and strength to the beast" (Revelation17:12-13). But as "Scripture said to Pharaoh, Even for this samepurpose have I raised you up, that I might show My power in you, andthat My Name might be declared throughout all the earth," in theprovidence of God Rome will be destroyed. Communism was raised up todestroy the false church system. Brother Branham said, "Communism,Fascism, and Nazism. They'll all wind up out of Russia in Communism,and it will destroy Catholicism" (Revelation 17:16 - 18:20). Thepresent-day rulers of the nations of Eastern and Western Europe thatonce comprised the Holy Roman Empire will also constitute the revivedRoman Empire, and although they will be restrained until the 144,000elect Israelites have been born-again, they will disavow and destroythe beast of the sea, which is Rome, and the beast of the earth, whichis the USA.
In the midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week, when Rome breaks her covenantwith the International Banksters and forces the mark of the beast, theten divisions of the Old Roman Empire will revert to communism and bombthe Vatican. Armageddon will set in with Russia's annihilation of NorthAmerica, moving the world toward the consummation (Revelation,65:402-405; Ten Virgins, 445:111-113; Thyatira, 325:227-231; ChurchAge, 322:2-4; Seals, 542:5-543:2; Daniel, 28:117).
Revelation 17:16-17, "And the ten horns which you saw on the beastshall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shalleat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God has put in their heartsto fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom to the beast,until the words of God are fulfilled" (i.e. Daniel 9:24).
Under the Sixth Trumpet, the Israelites have begun gathering intothe Holy Land. Under the tribulation of the Sixth Seal the 144,000receive redemption; and various classes of the "saved" arepurged. Under the Sixth Vial, the evil trinity of the Dragon, the Beastand the false prophet is now uniting God's enemies under her mark ofthe beast; uniting nations, commerce, industries, religions, culturesand people against His revealed Word "as it was in the days of Noah" (Genesis 1:11; 6:1-4; Deuteronomy 32:8; Amos 3:3; Matthew 24:37).Thus competing factions and dynasties such as the Black Nobility,Fabian Society, Communism, Catholicism and Talmudism co-operate towardmutual objectives, yet each element is seeking its own advantage ingathering the world to a place of no return, called Armageddon.
Fascism and Nazism did wind up in Communism. The tragedy ofopposition to Communism lies in a failure fully to understand whatCommunism actually is. Communism is a spirit, and the power-structureof a system of world government designed to replace the worldgovernment hitherto exercised through centralised international controlof the financial system, which, since 1914, was largely directed to thedestruction of the British Empire, the British nation, and to thebuilding up of the Communist Empire as a means of rule by force. By1945 the policy of World Dominion, once pursued mainly through thecontrol of money, gold, and credit, had reached the stage where controlof raw materials had become essential to its pursuit to a final andsuccessful conclusion. Hence the constant insurrections in Africa, theMiddle East and other resource rich lands, and when the US dollarcollapses, which it will after the sinking of much of California, theway will be open to overt world government.
Under the Seventh Vial the false bride of Christ will be stoned for herunfaithfulness (Revelation 16:17-21).
Revelation 9:16-19, "And the number of the army of the horsemen weretwo million: and I heard the number of them. And I saw the horses inthe vision, and their riders wore breastplates as red as fire, as blueas sapphire, as yellow as sulphur: and the heads of the horses werelike the heads of lions; and out of their mouths poured fire and smokeand sulphur."
"By these three plagues was the third part of men killed, by thefire, by the smoke, and by the sulphur that streamed from their mouths.For the horses' power lies in their mouths and in their tails: fortheir tails are like serpent's, with heads, and with them they strikewith fatal effect".
After his vision of the first three Gentile world kingdoms Daniel saw"in a dream, a fourth beast, dreadful, terrible, and exceedinglypowerful, with great iron teeth: it devoured and tore its victims inpieces, and trod the remainder underfoot. It was more brutal than anyof the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. . . The fourthbeast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth (Rome), which shallbe different from all other kingdoms (for it will be a churchkingdom impersonating the Kingdom of Michael, Christ), it shalldevour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it in pieces.His ten horns are ten kingdoms that shall arise out of his empire: andanother shall rise after them who will be different from the formerkingdoms, and he shall destroy three of them (the Vandals,Ostrogoths and Heruli). He shall speak great words against the MostHigh, and wear down the saints with persecution, and plan to change thesacred seasons and the Law: and they shall be given over to him untilthe midst of Daniel's Seventieth Week" (Daniel 7:7, 23-25).
The vision of Revelation 9:16-19 was speaking of the persecution ofnatural Israel, describing weapons of modern warfare, specifically thebattle tanks of World War II with flame throwers, cannon and machineguns.
Revelation 9:20-21, "But the rest of the men who were not killed bythese plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, so as tocease worshiping demons and idols of gold, and silver, bronze, stone,and wood: that can neither see nor hear nor walk: nor did they repentof their murders, or their sorceries, or their fornication, or theirthefts".
"The rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues of fire,smoke and sulphur" are they who claim to be Israelites entitled to"cling to the horns of the altar" yet cling to mammon, claimingwhatever they can get. bb960703.htm
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
The Sixth Trumpet and the Present Reality
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