Bible Believers' Newsletter 862
"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now. . ."
ISSN 1442-8660
Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; it's great to be with you. Your brother-in-Christ,
In this issue our main article concerns the program of revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East, planned and funded by the 'City of London' and managed by her UK and US colonies and their vassal states Saudi Arabia and Qatar assisted by NATO in the end-game for global hegemony. We have linked several very important videos that will inform you in part the program announced by these elite thugs and reinforce precautions you should effect NOW because 'the City' is moving the world toward the "hot stage" of World War III. As you are well aware from prophecy, this is to be precipitated by the sinking of Los Angeles at the close of the Gentile dispensation accompanied by dire monetary and economic conditions far worse than during the Great Depression.
This article is complementary to our study on Ezekiel 38, World War III and Armageddon and is republished because I have more research to complete before we can address Ezekiel 39, World War III and Armageddon. As you read this article with its links and the items of current news you will recognize that the non-Semitic, anti-Semitic psychopaths ruling occupied Israel and the elected dictators ruling the apostate (once) Christian western nations believe and are trying to thwart the prophecies of God's Bible "by might and power" in order to preserve the US dollar and prolong the dominion of Mammon.
Under these circumstances the situation for the elect can only be very short term; your preselected representatives have already sold your nation to Lucifer's upcoming one world government and you and your fellows into serfdom.
This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith. Whoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible.
Anthony Grigor-Scott
Is the WHO using Vaccines to secretly sterilize Women all over the Globe?
November 11, 2014 Two UN organizations, the WHO and UNICEF, have just been caught red-handed administering "tetanus vaccines" laced with sterilizing agents to girls and women in Kenya . . . According to a statement released Tuesday by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, the organization has found an antigen that causes miscarriages in a vaccine being administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Priests throughout Kenya reportedly are advising their congregations to refuse the vaccine . . . "They were all laced with HCG."
HCG is a chemical developed by the WHO for sterilization purposes. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body's own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections . . . Here are the known facts concerning the tetanus vaccination campaigns in Mexico and the Philippines . . . At this point, approximately 37 percent of all married women in India have been sterilized . . . Full story: endoftheamericandream.com
[Jewish] Con-man cornered: Obama and the Democratic Debacle of 2014

November 12, 2014 The meteoric rise to power of Barack Obama in 2008 was propelled by one of the greatest demagogic US Presidential campaigns of all time: To millions of young Americans, he promised to end the US wars in the Middle East. To millions of working and middle class voters, he promised to end the economic crisis by confronting Wall Street. To women, he promised to protect and expand their social rights and end the gender gap in wages and salaries. To human rights and civil liberties activists, he promised to end police state surveillance and torture, and to close the Guantanamo concentration camp, which had denied political prisoners a fair and open trial.
To blacks, he promised higher living standards and greater racial equality in income. To Latino-Americans, he promised immigration reform facilitating a path to citizenship for long-term residents. Overseas he spoke in Cairo of a "new chapter" in US policy toward the Muslim world. To Russia, he promised President Putin he would 'reset relations'toward greater co-operation. Obama's rhetorical flourishes attracted millions of young activists, women and minority voters and leaders to work for his election and the Democratic Party. He won a resounding victory! And the Democrats took control of the House and Senate.
The rhetorical exercise was a massive smoke screen. For his electoral campaign Obama raised over one billion dollars from the '1%'Wall Street bankers, Hollywood media moguls, Silicon Valley venture capitalists, Chicago Zionists and the Mid-Western business elite. Obama was clearly playing a double gametalking to "the people" and working for 'the bosses'.
A few analysts cut through the demagogy and identified Obama as the 'Greatest con-man of recent times", the Washington counterpart of contemporary [Jewish] Wall Street swindler 'Bernie' Madoff . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
French Military Intervention in Levant? War with Hezbollah on Horizon?
November 07, 2014 Saudi Arabia is funding the French government's military apparatus for a future conflict involving the Lebanese government and the terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Nusra. Reuters reported that "France will start delivering military equipment to the Lebanese army in the first quarter of 2015 as part of a $3 billion contract to help the force fight jihadis from neighboring Syria, a French defense ministry source said on Wednesday." No surprise that the Saudi Monarchy would fund France's own Military-Industrial Complex because they claim that they are concerned with both the "Sunni and Shi'ite threat" of these organizations. What is more relevant to this development is what Reuters reported concerning the Saudi Monarchy: The contract has been funded by Sunni Muslim power Saudi Arabia which is keen to beef up Lebanon's ability to counter what it sees as threats to the region from both hard-line Sunni groups and Lebanon's own Shi'ite Muslim movement Hezbollah.
The deal will involve about 20 French companies and cover a mix of land, sea and air equipment, including armored vehicles, heavy artillery, anti-tank missiles, mortars and assault weapons, the source said. "We are aiming to start delivery from the first quarter of 2015, then every six months, until the delivery of helicopters," over a total period of 36 months, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity. Intelligence and surveillance material, including drones, would also be sent and Paris would provide lightly-armed armed patrol boats as well as combat and transport helicopters, the source told Reuters . . .
Al Jazeera reported back in 2010 that Wikileaks exposed Saudi Arabia's intentions, "Saudi Arabia has proposed setting up an Arab force to fight Hezbollah group in Lebanon with the help of the United States, UN and Nato, a leaked US diplomatic cable claims" which means that Saudi Arabia has been in talks with the West for a plan to defeat Hezbollah for some time. "The cable, which was revealed by WikiLeaks on Tuesday, quotes Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, as saying in a meeting with US ambassador to Iraq David Satterfield in May 2008 that a "security response" was needed to the "military challenge" posed to Beirut by the Iran-backed group" the report said. The Middle East is now a powder keg ready to explode. Keep in mind that US midterm elections produced a Republican controlled US Senate with warmonger John McCain expected to become chairman of the Armed Services Committee in January 2015. Full story: globalresearch.ca
Is Hezbollah, a threat to the region? A Shi'ite movement that has supported Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against Western backed rebels"? Reuters reported what France will send beginning in 2015:
Based upon Zechariah 14 and Revelation 18 it is likely the French weaponry will be deployed to the utter defeat of the non-Semitic state of faux Israel.
War in Western Kurdistan and Northern Syria: Role of US and Turkey in the Battle of Kobani
November 11, 2014 Washington's stance on Ayn Al-Arab or Kobani was very revealing of where it really stood in regards to the battle over control of the Syrian border city. Instead of preventing the fall of Kobani and supporting the local defenders which were doing the heavy fighting on the ground against the ISIL and containing its pseudo-caliphate, Washington did not move. The US position on Kobani is an important indicator that the US war initiated against the ISIL has been mere bravado and a fictitious public relations stunt aimed at hiding the real objective of getting a strategic foothold inside Syrian territory . . .
Instead of bombing the ISIL, the US has been bombing Syrian industrial and civilian infrastructure. While saying that some of these bombings, which include civilian homes and a wheat silo, were mistakes, it is clear that the Pentagon strategy of eroding an enemy state's strength by destroying its infrastructure is being applied against Syria. youtube.com. [A very important interview] . . . The US-led bombing campaign is not intended to defeat the ISIL, which is also doing everything it can to destroy the fabrics of Syrian society. The US-led bombing campaign in Syria is intended to weaken and destroy Syria as a functioning state. This is why the US has been bombing Syrian energy facilities and infrastructure, including transport pipes, under the excuse of preventing the ISIL from using it to sell oil and gather revenues . . .
Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: "God bless America . . . it's a Christian country." It's a million miles from being a Christian country. I don't even pray for it. How can I pray for it, and it won't repent under the mighty powers of God demonstrated before it, and denying, and closing the doors to it, and walking away? I commit it to God. And she's going further away, and now she's going to sink. Just watch what happens" (William Branham, Trying to do God a Service without His Will, p. 23:136).
Like Britain (since 1688), Australia, Vatican City State and other nations, the US is a vassal of the Jews' City of London.
Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Commander: 'The US is training and funding Us'
November 12, 2014 A commander of one of the Ukrainian neo-nazi battalions, the Donbass, Semyon Semyonchenko, has just returned from the US, where he met with senior senators from both parties, and received commitments of material support. He posted a comment on Facebook in which he gives a detailed explanation of this assistance.
He was also received by International Republican Institute and (National Democratic Institute, the international branches of the two main American political parties, and met with democratic Senator Robert Menendez and republican senator Robert Corker . . . "Yesterday I signed a contract to organize training courses for the fighters and officers of the battalion Donbass by mobile groups of instructors from the United States, held by military that are not currently in service. [So US Govt. can claim innocence]. They will work under the traditional training system used by the Navy Seals and Delta Force. Standards have been developed for each department (reconnaissance, special forces, security, etc.) and for each non-commissioned officer . . . " Full story: globalresearch.ca
Nazi NATO, Atrocities in Eastern Ukraine, no War Crimes Tribunals? Why?

November 10, 2014 A friend who lives in Ukraine sent me this message a few hours ago: "I got a call from Donestsk the other day asking me if I knew anything about a bomb that sucks the air out of a room or building and tears people up in the process. Granted it was only part of what happened. A fireball followed.
The survivors had left the room and had two structural walls between them and the detonation site. It was probably a small bomb/missile, but the only type I know of as a possible explanation is a thermobaric or vacuum bomb. Have you heard of any other weapon that can do this?
Also, there is a rumor about SCUD missiles, which Ukraine was supposed to have demolished 20 years ago. People say that they are being deployed to Donbass. Do you know anything about this?"
Genocide is going on, but it's supported by the West, so Americans and Europeans aren't learning much about it from the standpoint of its victims (the residents of Ukraine's southeast). Perhaps that's why there aren't calls for war-crimes trials about the genocide. Here's the background (for those who don't already know it) . . .
The people who did what's shown in this video are called "Right Sector," because they belong to the far-right Ukrainian political party of that name, who constitute one of two racist-fascist, or nazi, parties that Obama installed into control over Ukraine in February of this year.
Months later, here is what Yarosh's people did to ethnic Russians in Ukraine's southeastern region, who were trying to protect themselves and their families by serving in the newly formed separatist army against Yarosh's and Obama's new nazi Ukrainian regime . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Canada's False Flag Terror: Fingerprints of US Involvement
November 9, 2014 The "Terrorist" Events of Wednesday October 22nd in Ottawa and two days earlier in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu bear all the hallmarks of a coordinated cross-border one-two punch false flag operation.
The first, the left jab hit-and-run killing of a Canadian soldier, would be the psychological softening up for the follow-up right cross, the killing of another Canadian soldier in Ottawa. Together they dazed the public to an extent that even the ostentatiously-iconic murder at the National War Memorial alone might not have achieved.
The context was within the intensification of the so-called "global war on terror" and in concert with the pro-military Stephen Harper government's deployment of warplanes supposedly fighting "the terrorists" of the suddenly-emerging "Islamic State." The first bombing sorties of Canadian F-18s took place hours after the violent acts of supposed "homegrown" and "self-radicalized" supporters of "Islamic jihad" . . .
On a subterranean level are two sets of fingerprints. One set shows the involvement of both Canadian and US spy agencies and possibly other of the so-called "Five Eyes" (the others being the UK, Australia and New Zealand), not to mention the grotesquely corrupt FBI, with its record of mounting scores of false flag ops . . . The second set of prints shows the work of the agencies' gatekeeper "assets" in the media, in this instance in the USA as well as in Canada. They manipulate "the news" . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: The writer ties a whole series of false flag, black flag ops, including 9/11 and 7/7 to the ongoing black op of World War III designed to bring political Islam and political Zionism into controlled conflict and mutual destruction to facilitate the impersonation of biblical prophecies and the acceptance of the initial stage of one totalitarian world government under the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church. But first they come for the Queen.
Now the Govt. tells the Truth about Nothing
November 7, 2014 A brace of historical facts in video presented by contributing author John Kaminski and Al Jazeera. The Day Israel attacked America. New evidence proves Israel attacked USS Liberty with orders to kill 294 Americans. A new documentary called "The Day Israel Attacked America" airing on Al Jazeera was produced and directed by award winning British film maker Richard Belfield. Thanks to the audio evidence obtained by Belfield, it is finally possible to prove the survivors of the attack on the USS Liberty were right all along. The survivors have always been extremely confident that Israel's intentions were to sink that ship and kill everyone on board so Egypt could be blamed for the tragedy. Why? To convince [Jewish] President Lyndon Johnson (and the American public) that we needed to declare war on Egypt. This is the definition of a 'false flag' (theantimedia.org).
NATO plans Large Scale Military Deployments on Russia's Doorstep

November 8, 2014 According to NATO General Hans-Lothar Domrose, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum: "Previously, we conducted maneuvers involving 25,000-40,000 soldiers in the western NATO countries alone, and I can imagine that in the future we will also organize a similar event in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States," (quoted by Die Welt). According to General Hans-Lothar Domrose (in his September 15 statement) the deployments were planned to take place in the three Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. He underscored that NATO would "respect agreements with Russia and the troops will not be there permanently". "I believe that NATO expansion is a mistake. To a certain degree, it is certainly a provocation, . . . It is an irresponsible policy that undermines commitments to build a common security system in Europe, based on equality of rights for all, regardless of alignment or non-alignment with any military-political bloc," (Statement on margin of UN General Assembly in September, RIA Novosti). It is worth noting that NATO war games were held in Latvia in October coinciding with country's national elections. NATO also conducted war games in Turkey in October.
These deployments consist of "rapid reaction forces numbering 5,000-7,000 troops that can reach the combat area within two to five days."
The so-called action plan directed against the Russian Federation was decided upon at the September 2014 Wales summit of the Atlantic Alliance. As part of this broader endeavour, NATO's Iron Sword 2014 military exercises involving the participation of nine member countries of the Atlantic Alliance were launched in Lithuania on November 2nd.
"US tanks rolled in to Lithuania earlier this month in a show of force to Russia that it's not welcome in the region."
The military exercises are explicitly directed against Russia. According to Moscow, they consist in "increasing operation readiness" as well the transfer of NATO "military infrastructure to the Russian borders". According to Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:
In response to NATO deployments on Russia's borders, the Russian Federation also conducted in early November extensive war games in the sea of Barent. The Russian drills consisted in testing "its entire nuclear triad consisting of strategic bombers; submarines and the "silo-based Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile launched from Plesetsk in Arkhangelsk Oblast" on November 1st . . . Full story: globalresearch.ca
Comment: Clearly, Vladimir Putin represents a genuine threat to the World Shadow Government in a way that profoundly unnerves those who reside at the peak of the global power pyramid.
* It should now be clear why all the Russian oligarchs ran to London, Tel Aviv and New York City. What better way for the oligarchs to shield themselves from Russian indictments than to seek the full protection of the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD crime syndicate deep within the Anglo-American Axis.
* The Ukraine: another CIA-coordinated coup d'etat . . . for the USA and Israel.
* Because his predecessor Boris Yeltsin, who assisted the Russian oligarchs in the plundering, pillaging and raping of the Russian motherland, gave his firm blessing to Putin as political heir, no one ever thought Putin would perform such a 'radical' 180° turnaround. In both the formulation of state policy and administration of the federal government; he set about the process of taking back Russia from those who misappropriated her wealth. So dramatic was his conversion against the rapacious oligarchy that he is now spoken of as a veritable reincarnation of Peter the Great who also saved Russia from enemies both within and without . . . ott.net. This link vindicates Brother Branham's statements regarding the more advanced science and technology and superior military power of Russia.
Rosa Koire at Open Mind Conference in Denmark 2012 'Agenda 21'

January 2, 2014 Rosa Koire outlines the real agenda behind United Nations' Agenda 21 program. The lady has done her homework and puts the audience well and truly in the pictureand will put you in the picture if you take the time to watch the video. Rosa Koire tells her audience she is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute which is dedicated to exposing the UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development program, "a corporate manipulation by the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan".
I wonder have the nations once under the Soviet totalitarianism woken up to what is happening? After 70 years of the brutal Soviet regime they have had a taste of freedom but may not be aware of what is in store for them should the United Nations' full program be realized. As I see it: the goal of Globalism is the same as Communismby other means.
As Graham Strachan explains in "22 Steps to Global Tyranny" [please read the précis as it will enable you to understand why our governments do not defeat certain criminal elements and view "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"]Globalism is a Third Way," a combination of monopoly capitalism in economics, and monopoly socialism ('communism') in politics. We see "the militarist phase of globalization progressing" in the war-torn countries all round us, while "the socialist programs . . . emanating from the United Nations and its bureaucracies" are being set up through UN groups such as ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives).
People like Alison Walpole are fighting hard to prevent their Local Governments from implementing the ICLEI programs. Are you taking up the battle for your freedoms in your local area? Full story: youtube.com
Ebola Virus 'Dead in the Water'?
October 21, 2014 Nigeria declared Ebola-free in 'spectacular success' story using simple trick. WATER laced with salt and sugar, and gallons of the nasty-tasting stuff. Doctors who survived Ebola in Nigeria credited heavy doses of fluids with saving their lives as the World Health Organisation declared the country Ebola-free on Monday, a rare victory in the battle against the disease that is ravaging West Africa.
In the end, Nigeriathe most populous country in Africa, with 160 million peoplehad just 20 cases, including eight deaths, a lower death rate than the 70 per cent seen elsewhere across the stricken region.
Officials are crediting strong tracking and isolation of people exposed to the virus, and aggressive rehydration of infected patients to counter the effects of vomiting, diarrhoea and other symptoms.
Survivor Dr Adaora Igonoh said the treatment is not easy. It entails drinking, as she did, at least five litres (1.3 gallons) of the solution every day for five or six days when you have mouth sores and a sore throat and feel depressed . . .
Dr. Simon Mardel, one of the world's leading experts on viral haemorrhagic fevers, said the number of deaths could be cut in half if infected people were taught to properly hydrate themselves and do not take anti-inflammatory drugs, which can actually harm Ebola victims . . . Full story: couriermail.com.au
The 'Third Pull' and Ebola: a Witness
November 8, 2014 In John 15:7 Jesus promised: "If you abide in Me, and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done for you." His unfailing promise is qualified by "IF you abide in Me [the fullness of God's Word, His eternal thoughts manifest], AND My Words abide in you, [with the mind of Christ His thoughts will be your thoughts, and being one in the Word whatever you wish is His Will so you are only asking for what you are and your request shall be granted]" (I Timothy 3:16; I Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5).
Concerned about hysteria among Nigerians with people panicking in buses; denominational churches banning handshakes and hugs, and the name Ebola more common in public discourse than the Name of Jesus, this pastor rebuked people who boarded the same tricycle for fearing Ebola more than the Lord Most High. Realizing what he had said they repented.
He consistently taught his congregation that Ebola is a UN hoax and kept telling people there is no Ebola in Nigeria. "Let the authorities produce photographs those hospitalized; I followed the documentary of Zaire during the 1976 AIDs saga. Why is it that Ebola was discovered by the UN when there are hordes of independent scientists? Why did Ebola enter Nigeria via UN official Patrick Sawyer who infected Nigerians? Even the hospitals and Doctors were all UN or NGO-related".
The UN had Nigeria announce that Ebola had appeared in Port Harcourt. "I told my colleagues in the office that no matter how intense the thermoscanning at the company gates, not one case of Ebola would be found if they continued scanning temperatures 'til next year. Like birdflu, swineflu and other UN flus, Ebola was engineered to perplex and disarm mankind with fear of the unknown as our Lord Jesus forewarned in Luke 21:26".
"When I dismissed Ebola as a hoax Brother K informed the congregation that UN officials had come to the barracks where his late father served to gather statistics on AIDS-related deaths and his Commander asked him to alter death certificates to state the deceased had died of AIDS and accept grants the UN offered in return. He said they promised money, trips overseas, etc., IF he would play along." Then my eyes were open to these URLs I had been sharing with the Church:
Nobel Prize Winner challenges the myths about AIDS. California microbiologist Kary Mullis, PhD on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.
Perhaps the world's premier retrovirologist, Professor Duesberg of the University of California, Berkeley, is interviewed in this clip Ten scientific arguments why HIV CANNOT cause AIDS from "HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?" He discovered the oncogene (that causes cancer) and decoded the genome of retro-viruses for the first time, creating a map used by retro-virologists in research . . . Scientists who do not support the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS are denied funding for research, so young scientists dare not oppose the HIV=AIDS hypothesis. Dr Duesberg even calls them "prostitutes".
Population reduction after economic collapse explained by INSIDER. (See Newsletter 849).
Does the Hollywood have elite insiders with knowledge of what is planned for the world? (Remember Newsletter 675)? Artificial reality, everything the government tells us is a LIE, and each more brazen than the one before! Watch.
Thus our Brother studied to enable himself to rightly divide the data before speaking the word to ensure he would not find himself ashamed but approved of God as a good workman with the mind of Christ. Then he united in prayer with a third Brother in the Church, and as he said, "Brother V and I sent Ebola packing from Nigeria due to our intense prayer against the scourge. One week after our prayer I told him the UN will announce Nigeria is free from Ebola, and it did".
Analysis of the Reasons for the Crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17: Report of the Russian Union of Engineers
November 6, 2014 We bring to the attention of our readers the complete report of the Russian Union of Engineers (RUE) pertaining to the downing of Malaysian airlines MH17. The report was coordinated by the First Vice-President of the Russian Union of Engineers Ivan A. Andrievskii. "The investigation proceeds with inspections and other investigatory activitiesdeclared the Speaker of Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office, Yuri Boychenko,their results will be announced upon the end of the investigation and at the consent of all the parties, who have signed the relevant agreement".
Delays and deviation from carrying out a comprehensive objective investigation with the participation of reputable international organizations raise doubts that the involved parties will actually present the real circumstances of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash. Full story: First Vice-President of the Russian Union of Engineers Ivan A. Andrievskii globalresearch.ca
This detailed study with corroborating evidence invalidates Western mainstream media interpretations as well as the accusations of the Obama administration directed against Russia . . .
The data and considerations above pose very significant challenges to the version according to which Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner was shot down by a BUK-M1 surface-to-air missile system . . .
Conclusions for the second version: Thus, based on the opinion of the analysts of the Russian Union of Engineers, a complex shooting down of the Boeing 777 airplane has taken place, both by a short-range air-to-air guided missile and a 30-mm aircraft cannon or a SPPU-22 container with 2-barreled Gsh23-L cannon. Furthermore, a laser rangefinder or laser aiming device could have been used when firing the target, to significantly increase the shooting accuracy. This conclusion can be made from the nature of damage and the fragment distribution: there are both circular holes, which are usually caused by cannon fire, and explosive damage, which indicates a missile with arrow-type submunition. . .
On 17.07.2014 the armed forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic possessed neither appropriate fighter aircraft capable of engaging an air target similar to the Boeing 777, nor an airfield network, nor radar detection devices, targeting and guidance equipment.
Fighter aircraft of the Russian Federation Armed Forces did not violate the airspace of Ukraine, which is confirmed by both the Ukrainian side and by third parties performing space-based reconnaissance over the territory of Ukraine and its airspace.
To ascertain the truth, it is required to objectively and impartially investigate all the circumstances of the Malaysian Boeing 777 crash, to question thousands of residents in the area who might have seen anything. Naturally, the surveys must be conducted by highly experienced specialists. Asking relevant questions is a strict science and a sophisticated art of coming close to the truth. Crucial information is hidden in the wreckage and fragments of the crashed airplane, but this very information can easily be eliminated, distorted and concealed. It should not be forgotten that there are always people involved who seek to conceal each and every real fact. An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that on August 8th Ukraine, the Netherlands, Belgium and Australia signed an agreement allowing the disclosure of information regarding the investigation of the crash only at the consent of all parties involved.
They hate Our Freedoms
In an address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American people in the United States Capitol, Washington D.C., on September 20, 2001, President George II said, "Americans are asking, why do they hate us? They hate what we see right here in this Chambera democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedomsour freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other."
On cue, America's unrepresentative Zionist running dogs applauded in Pavlovian unison to one more hypocrite in a long line of presidential Benedict Arnolds while outside the Chamber the great majority of Americans (British and Australians) hate their "freedom to vote and to assemble and disagree" with the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan only to have their "free" voices trodden underfoot as in World Wars I and II, and in the case of Americans and Australians, the Vietnam War.
Vice President Dick Cheney had been plotting the conquest of Iraq since the late '80s when he was Secretary of Defense in George I's Administrationa plan then considered insane aggression. Britain and America persisted in bombing Iraq for over twelve years after Gulf War I ended, and throughout the Clinton presidency consideration was given as to how to depose Saddam Hussein. Moreover, on July 17, 2003, Judicial Watch announced that Cheney's Energy Task Force had developed a map of Iraq dated, March 2001, as well as maps of the neighboring United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which show that Cheney knew precisely how much the conquest of Iraq would be worth.
But to ever more powerful and sinister entities than 'useful idiots' Cheney, Rumsfeld, Armitage and the host if Likudniks in George II's Administration, Iraq was but the first of many dominos between the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church, the Black Nobility and the City of London, and Judaeo-Communismspecifically Russiain the Great Game for global hegemony, each group vying to be Lucifer's emissary.
As we have taught in the Sixth Vial, "Euphrates was the Eastern border and defense of the Roman Empire and signifies the limit of Christian influence. Its source lay on the Northern boundary of Israel and flowed through Babylon into the Deep, which represents the abyss. Israel flowed with the river into Babylon and apostasy. Apostate Israel was the birthplace of Christian faith but the nominal church floated into Babylon and is now sinking into the abyss (Romans 11:32)".
President George II said, "I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq. . . And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it." From the account of this conversation it is certain it was not God who spoke lip to ear with the President, but g-d who spoke through various agencies that have planned this aggression for the Jew's 'City of London.' The map at left shows that the objective of these people is to conquer the Greater Middle East, build "Greater Israel," and negate the prophecy concerning an invasion by Russia, "the king of the North" (Daniel 11:40). If you doubt this you have failed to recognize 'the City' and the Vatican have been coordinating their end-time geopolitical strategies to impersonate the prophecies of Scripture in a psyop whereby the nations of the world will grant global hegemony to the pope of the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church; and they will. But after three and a half years Rome will break her agreement with the so-called Jews, who will attack and destroy Vatican City State. Rome is relying on the sword to prevent this by bringing the Greater Middle East, North Africa and the bulk of nations under the power of NATO and the (once) Protestant US image to the Beast (Revelation 13:10).
According to Ezekiel 38 and 39 and Daniel 2 and 11, other 'dominos' in North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia must fall to align with or come under dominion to the ten toes of the image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream "to prepare the highway of the [Mongol] kings of the East" through Kashmir near Islamabad, Pakistan, and perhaps Afghanistan, then to sweep across Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia to "make war with the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them, for He is Lord over all lords, and King of kings, and those with Him are called, chosen before the foundation of the world, and faithful" (Revelation 17:12-14). It is interesting to follow the physical trail of the Serpent and mark where he has sown his 'wild oats,' bearing in mind the curse of 'multiculturalism' Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:37 is actually miscegenation "as it was in the days of Noah," a repetition of the original sin on a global scale (Genesis 6:1-4), and to observe immigration statistics in our once Christian nations. Observe also how the Superpower of Genghis Khan (Chingis Khan), like the UK, USSR and USA, was defeated in Afghanistan. Only the rational mind and military genius of Alexander the Great after three-years of costly and difficult guerilla war, was able to confront intractable tribalism with its all-embracing discipline, deception and stealth, implacable hatred for the Europeans and a passion whose depth was exceeded only by its patience and capacity for suffering. As he marched out, he simply massacred all opposition, never to return.
The vast majority of so-called 'Jews," far from being God's chosen people, are genetically more closely related to the Hun tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead of being Israelites, Jews from Eastern Europe and Western Asia have descended from Mongolian and other Asiatic people who had adopted Judaism as their "religion." But the invasion of which we speak will not take place until after Rome breaks her covenant with the Edomite and Khazar self-styled Jews who will then declare allegiance to their tribal kinsmen in Judaeo-Communist Russia which they conquered in 1917 after 1,000 years of warfare. From Russia they will blast Vatican City State and the United States of America from the face of the earth.
In 1933, the Lord showed Brother Branham seven major continuous visions which must come to pass before His second physical or 'erchomai' coming. Five of the seven have since been fulfilled. "In the sixth vision there arose up in America a most beautiful, but cruel woman. She held the people in her complete power. I believed that this was the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, though I knew it could possibly be a vision of some woman rising in great power in America due to a popular vote by women."
Revelation 17:16; 18:8-10, 17-18, "The ten horns you saw on the beast [which represent the kingdoms into which Imperial Rome divided] all hate the whore and will attack and leave her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with [nuclear] fire. . . thus shall her plagues come in a single day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she will be utterly consumed with [atomic] fire: for mighty is the Lord God who judges her. And the kings of the earth, who committed fornication and were wanton with her, shall weep and lament over her, when they shall see the mushroom cloud of her conflagration, standing afar off for fear of radiation, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! For her judgment is come in a single hour. . . And all shipmasters, and all company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off [from MYSTERY BABYLON, not the city in Iraq, for fear of nuclear fallout], and cried out when they saw the mushroom cloud of her burning, what city was like this great city!"
As God raised up Nebuchadnezzar to devastate His Temple, destroy Jerusalem and lead her apostate citizens to a lifetime of exile, He has raised up Judaeo-Communism to destroy the antichrist never-at-any-time-Christian Judaeo-Roman Catholic church. As Eve is the natural "mother of all living," Rome claims she is the second Eve and mother of all living spiritually: "Our Lord's Mystical Body the Catholic Church, supernatural and supranational, which all states and nations are called upon to acknowledge, has been established by God as the one Way for the ordered return of human beings to Him . . . and is the true and sole teacher of virtue and guardian of morals" (Leo XIII Encyclical Letter, Immortale Dei, On the Christian Constitution of States).
Our second or Spiritual birth is by the Man, Christ Jesus the Word, not by the woman or church which is not a spoken Word of God like the first and the last Adam but a byproduct of the man, made so she can deceive and be deceived. Jesus was not lost and in need of redemption but the church was lost in sin and in need of deliverance. Thus, as Eve committed adultery before Adam had knowledge of her, the Judaeo-Roman Catholic church is "the GREAT whore who has corrupted the earth with her prostitution" against Jesus Christ her pretended Husband (Revelation 19:2).
Revelation 17:17-18, "God put it in the heart [of the ten kingdoms] to carry out His purpose in mutual agreement to give their authority to the beast, until the Words of God are fulfilled. And the woman you saw is that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." This takes us to Revelation 16:13-16 where Jesus states emphatically that great city is Rome, the last of the four Gentile world powers that "gathers the kings of the whole world to Armageddon".
Brother Branham continued, "The last and seventh vision was wherein I heard a most terrible explosion. As I turned to look I saw nothing but debris, craters, and smoke all over the land of America" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 322:2-3). After the nuclear annihilation of Vatican City State and the United States of America the hordes will march toward their fate but this invasion and Armageddon will occur well after our time in the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week and result in the consummation of life, "for the Lord will smite the nations with the sharp sword of His spoken Word, and tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God" (Revelation 19:11-21; Isaiah 34; 63).
The masters of the world, the 'City of London' and its Tavistock Institute which devised the mass civilian bombing raids carried out over Dresden by Roosevelt and Churchill as a clinical experiment in mass terror, under "controlled laboratory conditions" to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order (Revelation 17:12), have deployed this technology worldwide to manipulate the potential energy of latent emotions to generate known reflex actions and direct that kinetic energy to produce the outcomes planned by the 'hidden hand,' as in Soros' (i.e. Rothschild/Vatican/MI6/CIA/City of London) colour revolutions which draw additional "free kinetic power" from the instant sympathy generated for the protesters by our alien-controlled media. Rage is an important energy source; it has fueled the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, and is powering the ongoing protests in Libya, Yemen, and Bahrain. Next, Saudi Arabia and Iran, then UP goes the price of oil . . . as planned . . . according to Brother Lindsey Williams. He explains the US cannot produce its own oil because they are under a contract negotiated by the City's Sir Henry Kissinger to purchase Saudi oil, and the Jewish Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is contracted to purchase US Treasury bills until the price of oil reaches US$200/barrel. This has enabled Rothschild's Federal Reserve to monetize and export inflation with a lien over the wealth of individuals and the nation. A similar agreement was made with China which accepted US Treasury Bills in payment for her exports to the United States. This also benefited the large US corporations which shifted production to China and exported their product back to the US, creating unemployment and bankrupting corporations that continued to manufacture in the States.
'The City' plans to collapse the US$ by the end of 2012, double-crossing the Saudis by vaporizing the worth of US T-Bills held by OPEC countries. This will bankrupt the Arabs, Japanese and Chinese, because America's T-Bills are funding trillions of dollars of worthless derivatives. The Money Power has privatized hard assets and profits, both public and private, or moved them offshore, then socialized the loss, as in the ongoing "quantitative easing" scam. Do you see why they have encouraged nations to run budget deficits, introduced privatization and public-private partnerships in essential utilities and hard assetsroads, sea and airports, minerals, timber, water, etc., in exchange for keystroke fiat money? Preplanned hyperinflation will destroy the value of the US dollar, raising the price of crude oil.
If you can see this you should understand that your elected representatives may be the best politicians money can buy, but they are not serving their nation or their electors. They are serving the elite of 'the City,' prosecuting its plans for the destruction of the middle class and its return to serfdom under global hegemony wherein YOU will do as you are told!
As I write the world no longer trusts US credit and the value of the dollar has plummeted. Over the last six months, China, Kuwait, Switzerland, Ecuador, Syria, Libya, South Korea, Argentina, Iran, Russia, Malaysia, Brazil and some Balkan countries have ceased to hold dollars as their reserve currency (Youtube.com). Venezuela, Nigeria, Bolivia, and Russiathe world's largest oil producerwho supply America with oil, will not accept payment in US dollars. Now OPEC has made the same decision, which means the US can no longer export her inflation, so living standards must fall, drastically.
Further, when the price of oil is manipulated to US$200/barrel by the falling value of the dollar, the banksters plan to replace the dollar with a single America-wide currency. Meanwhile, they will have foreclosed once profitable now bankrupt enterprises and real estate for cents in the dollar, and Americans will become serfs under Judaeo-Communist collectivism. At this point the elite will open the US oil fields, which hold many times the reserves of all other nations combined and redevelop United States industry. According to Lindsay Williams (2), America will sell her oil for US$50/barrel against which the impoverished Arabs will be unable to compete. The Chinese economy will enter a depression with the collapse of the US dollar, low US wages and perhaps import tariffs.
This is Cabala!
Could the alliance NATO is courting with the African Union and the nations of the Greater Middle East, and huge military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan be intended to restrain the wrath of these occupied peoples under one totalitarian world government? Meanwhile, China has contracted with Russia (and Iran) to supply all the oil and gas it requires. Do you see Scripture unfolding? Do you detect a natural motive for the destruction of the United States as portrayed in Brother Branham's seventh major continuous vision?
It is all planned, but God has another planthe Judaeo-Roman Catholic church will refinance the US dollar with gold backing. At the end of his long DVD Lindsay Williams explains how the children of Cain are religious and cover themselves by telling the truth but in an ambiguous Talmudic manner like the oracle of Delphi because their morals are based upon works and the 'magic' of Cabala, not revelation which is faith or a clear understanding of the mind of God.
Brother Branham said: "Castro done the only smart thing he ever did do then, when he destroyed the bonds: paid them off and destroyed them. Notice, but we can't do that. These guys won't let us."
"The rich merchants of the earth hold it, and then there's only one thing to do: the Catholic church can pay it off. She's the only one that's got the money; she can do it, and she will do it."
"And in doing this to get it, she'll compromise with the Jews and make a covenant, and when she makes this covenant with the Jews. . . Now, remember, I'm taking this from the Scriptures. And now, when she does this and makes this covenant, we notice in Daniel 8:23 and 25 'he will cause craft to prosper in his hand,' (and craft is manufacturing)."
"And he makes this covenant with the Jews, and in the midst of this three and a half years, he breaks his covenant as soon as he gets the thing wrapped up and gets the money of the Jews tied up. And when he does that, oh, my, oh, my, he's called the antichrist until the end of the Church Age, for he and his children are against Christ and the Word. This man's called the antichrist. Now, he's going to hold the money. And that's where I think he'll come in. Just a minute, while I say this, then I want to go back to it in a minute."
"He's called the antichrist and will be called the antichrist in the sight of God until the end time. Now, but then he'll be called something else. [The beast - Ed]" (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, p. 169:2-7).
"The love of money is the root of all evil. And I believe that right along in there will start the ball a-rolling. Now, the Catholic church back there from charging for mass and so forth, holds the wealth of the world. You remember, the Bible said she was rich, and how she was. And remember, not only just on one nation, she's rich on every nation there is under heaven. She reaches out. She has the money [Revelation 18]. Now, what they don't have, Wall Street has which is controlled by the Jews."
"Now, and you remember he got the money. When Jacob returned, last night we find out, and become Israel, he really had the money, but his money wouldn't buy him nothing (See?) to Esau. Esau had it too; see both anti . . . See, just as perfectly" (Ibid p. 505:2-4).
"So you see, my dear Conningsby, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes" . . . "Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand" (Benjamin Disraeli).
This subversion of man is possible because the 'hidden hand' controls education and the media, treating the plebeians like mushrooms. As I write, Zbigniew Brzezinski's "Clash of Civilizations" is being orchestrated from behind the scenes by the usurers of the City of London and its colonies, the Black Nobility and the Vatican, who have surreptitiously marshaled the potential energy of peoples oppressed by dictators and economic regimes imposed by 'the City,' transforming that latent resource into kinetic energy to oust the dictators, replacing them with Hegelian two-party sham democracies more easily managed from behind the scenes than a strong man who, like Stalin, Khrushchev, the Shah of Iran, JFK, and Saddam Hussein decides to run his own race. So the current uprisings are neither spontaneous, nor are they domestic 'grass roots' incentives. Planned years beforehand, they are funded offshore by the masters of existing dictators.
Suspicious similarities could be seen between the Egyptian unrest and another, known US-backed uprising in Serbia. Serbia's Otpor, or the "resistance," was funded to the tune of millions by the US National Endowment for Democracy. Its signature clenched fist logo adorned flags, signboards, and t-shirts carried by the US State Department-laid Astro Turf until the ousting of Slobodan Milosevic in 2000. The exact same logo would turn up 11 years later across the Mediterranean Sea in the streets of Cairo, illustrating further the preposterous, foreign-backed nature of the Egyptian uprisings recycling revolutionary "props" from the CIA Coup-College.
The mainstream media news and commentary by our political leaders is disinformation. Aside from geopolitical strategies to monopolize natural resources or gain the high ground in public perception, or militarily, certain obstacles are common to globalists of all competing factions. Sharia law forbids usury; this makes religion and politics indivisible and Islamic nations unsubmissive to the non-Islamic global elite. The long-term plan of Judaeo-Catholicism is to ally or convert Islamists through fear of Judaeo-Communism and the fraud of our Lady of Fatima, while 'the City' plans to neuter and as far as possible exterminate political Islam along with political Zionism in World War III. And whereas Judaeo-Communism is irreconcilable with either Judaeo-Roman Catholicism or Islam, and enmity with the Vatican, it is a creation of Rothschilds who bear the title, "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury".
Rothschild's usurers, the Vatican, MI6/CIA, Black Nobility, Judaeo-Masonry and the other players of the City of London and its colonies have been the agenteurs behind all revolutions since the French Revolutions. The present uprisings were all pre-planned and funded by their Tavistock Institute and its Rand Corporation which produced the political statement of intent for the US government, "Building Moderate Muslim Networks," associated 'think tanks' and tax-free foundations, US government agencies, NGOs and multinational corporations, Soros (Rothschild) and other organs of 'the City.' And in 2009 the Brookings Institute released its blueprint, "Which Path to Persia?" to George II's Administration suggesting means for provoking Iran to war with a view to conquest and occupation.
Revelation 16:13-14, ". . . (your name as a Member of Christ's end-time Bride) . . . saw three unclean spirits like frogs issue from the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet." This is Satan (Revelation 12:3-4) insinuating himself as the antichrist spirit of Imperial Rome"the Dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, to devour her Child as soon as He was born"to the false prophet, or pope of Papal Rome (Revelation 13:1-4) and finally incarnating her last pope known as the beast when he is cast down to earth at the close of the Gentile dispensation (Revelation 12:9-10; 17:7-11) in the days of "the toes of the feet [of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream], part of iron and part of clay" (Daniel 2:40-44; 7:20-25). "For they are demonic spirits, working miracles [uniting Protestantism and all religions under Rome, ostensibly against Judaeo-Communism] who go abroad to the kings of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty".
In one of his last interviews before he was murdered in 1999, former Jesuit Malachi Martin, an advisor to three popes and also involved with Vatican intelligence, assessing things in Israel, told Uri Dowbenko, "I think that from the very start John Paul II for whatever reasons, has sought after one thing and one thing only. The formation of what now appears to be in his mind, a universal assemblage of Catholics at the core; grouped with them the Protestant denominations, sects and churches; grouped around them believing Jews, believing Muslims, believing Hindus, believing Buddhists. And that would be a universal religious assembly" (Uri Dowbenko, Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy, p. 213). This "demonic miracle" will form an image unto the beast "to gather the whole world to the battle of that great day of God Almighty"!
This is today's news, but Daniel's Seventieth Week will end in Ezekiel 38 and 39 and Armageddon, and these two verses trace the two churches and two spirits from Pentecost with the false church going to the consummation.
Brother Branham said: "Now remember, it was Imperial Pagan Rome that fell by the sword. But she was healed of her death stroke when she joined to the nominal Christian church of Rome and incorporated paganism and Christianity, and thereby became the Holy Roman Empire which was to endure until Jesus came and destroyed her. But Rome is not going it alone. Her daughters are right with her and she will take over absolute authority by the World Council of Churches."
"This may seem farfetched to some but actually it is very plain for all to see because right now the churches are controlling politics and at the opportune time will manifest exactly how great is that control. This ecumenical move will end up with Rome at the head even though the people did not envision it that way. This is so because in Revelation 17:3-6 it states that the whore, Mystery Babylon is seated on the beast. She is controlling the last or fourth empire. This Roman Church is doing that. With the world church system under her Rome will be controlling, and this image (church system) will be obedient to Rome because Rome controls the gold of the world."
"Thus all the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head. This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc., and the mark in the hand which means to do the will of the world church. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true Bride. This image will try to keep the Bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it. But before the antichrist (in person) takes over this complete world system of churches the true church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. God will catch away His Bride for the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p.376).
Meanwhile, the United States government "hates the freedoms" of its own citizens and the citizens of all other nations:
"While Mrs. Clinton hypocritically praised the role of social networking sites in helping to bring down torture-friendly, corrupt regimes in Egypt and Tunisia (close US allies in the multibillion dollar kabuki dance known as the "War on Terror"), a grand jury was investigating whether there are grounds for filing criminal charges against WikiLeaks, its founder Julian Assange and the heroic Bradley Manning, the incarcerated Army private suspected of leaking compromising files to the organization.
Outraged by revelations of American war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Apache helicopter gunship murder of a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists, as well as the release of thousands of diplomatic cables, the secret state is bringing the full weight of its formidable machinery down upon anyone, anywhere who have the temerity to challenge the lies of our militarist masters. . . forcing Twitter to turn over users' data to the government would hand the state a veritable road map of people connected to WikiLeaks, including journalists who may have communicated with the group, and would seriously chill free speech. . .
"WikiLeaks says it suspects that other large sites like Google and Facebook have received similar requests and simply went along with the government". . . while the US government affirms that the private communications of American citizens are fair game to be trolled by secret state snoops, fraud and serious crimes carried out under the dark banner of an endless "War on Terror" are treated, like evidence of torture and other crimes against humanity, as if they "never happened."
As the result of software fraud, the United States was a hair's breadth from blasting commercial airliners from the skies and killing hundreds of innocent people, the CIA "never did an assessment to determine how a ruse had turned into a full-blown international incident, officials said, nor was anyone held accountable." The fraud became a "state secret," there was no charge, and no one was blamedthey "were promoted" (globalresearch.ca).
Or how about the corrupt FBI and US 'Justice' Department trying to frame an innocent man for supplying the Soviet-era Granit naval cruise missile that struck the Pentagon to the 9/11 terrorists, whom they do not name. They can't, because that would reveal to the world what really happened on September 11, 2001?
The hour is coming and now is when all of God's elect will possess the Truth revealed for this hour (II Peter 1:12; I John 1:7), which is the "shout" of the Message of the Prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 confirmed by the "voice" of the Archangel (I Thessalonians 4:14-16; Matthew 25:6; Revelation 18:4) which has placed us in the "rapture" waiting for Israel's Seventh Trumpet, the resurrection of the sleeping saints, and the manifestation of the Sons of God to endue us with faith for translation grace (I Corinthians 15:46-57; Romans 8:19).
Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free from your enslavement to sin" (John 8:32-34). Sin is unbelief in the revealed Word of God. But Judaeo-Roman Catholics, so-called Protestants, Pharisees and Islamists will not loose themselves from Satan's shackles, because they hate our freedoms in Christ. nl862.htm
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Brother Grigor-Scott is a
non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily
to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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